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Messages - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- New Forum, joodog, Murdoch,SSS
February 01, 2020, 04:52:43 PM
I will listen to this podcast later
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 08:26:18 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza":001_rolleyes:

Calm yourself, roid fueled monkey midget...

No need to be alarmed princess.

I do not intend to slaughter your husband nor his pet pig. Just having a little fun at their expense is all.  ac_hithere

Do you find having a fliptop head saves you money on Tupperware containers?

Do you find that having your colon breached by a junkie makes you an addict by proxy?

Dude... you have to be ***this high*** to board a flight without a chaperone... I'm safe from your amorous Lollypop Guild advances...

I dont do drugs so no need to dream about cheating on Cunty poo with me

Dude....don't front... everybody has seen you regularly nick off down to Yellow Brick Rd to get Chupa Chups off the Wizard...

Seriously dude, what's with you coming apart at the seems like a scorned housewife whenever someone pulls Cunt's earlobes back around his head?

Do you fear making him look like a handbag will negatively impact the sensuality between the two of you?
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 07:56:29 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza":001_rolleyes:

Calm yourself, roid fueled monkey midget...

No need to be alarmed princess.

I do not intend to slaughter your husband nor his pet pig. Just having a little fun at their expense is all.  ac_hithere

Do you find having a fliptop head saves you money on Tupperware containers?

Do you find that having your colon breached by a junkie makes you an addict by proxy?

Dude... you have to be ***this high*** to board a flight without a chaperone... I'm safe from your amorous Lollypop Guild advances...

I dont do drugs so no need to dream about cheating on Cunty poo with me
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 07:32:12 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza":001_rolleyes:

Calm yourself, roid fueled monkey midget...

No need to be alarmed princess.

I do not intend to slaughter your husband nor his pet pig. Just having a little fun at their expense is all.  ac_hithere

Do you find having a fliptop head saves you money on Tupperware containers?

Do you find that having your colon breached by a junkie makes you an addict by proxy?
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 05:36:33 PM
Quote from: "Rancidmilko"I heard that male land walrus mongo Pumba-looking Down365 aka Fat Danny is posting here.

Indeed he is. Posting as Sissy Squash or some obnoxious frail shit & trying to ride the coattails of Sum Cinderella's fail & wail air troll with zero success.

Two posts in he gets his face pressed up against a meat grinder and just like that other failure decides flaming isn't a thing after all unless done in the comfort of Brothel-Hall


Fucking spineless spastics running amuk these days. I swear.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 04:26:42 PM
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"Don't get me started on being dragged into shit... you're not innocent in any of this btw

So if you would like to continue down this path I will... and I've got the screen shots from before you ever even signed into SG.

Moonie is one of the nicest and kindest people you could ever met on these forums.And all you have done to her for the last six months is treat her like a pos.So now you can't get your own way with her the threats and intimidation come in to play.*wow* with friends like you who needs enemies.You really are a low life sack of shit Murd.And this is a recurring theme with you isn't it Princess.You couldn't get your own way with Dovey so you start spreading malicious rumors about her behind her back.You couldn't get your own way with me so you start spreading malicious rumors about me behind my back.And now Moonie fells your wrath just because she wouldn't buy in to your b/s and didn't want to be caught in the middle of anybodies fall out and be made the scapegoat.You're nothing but a fucking user Murd and people are seeing right through you.Take a break form the internet girl because to be quite honest with you here you are making a fucking exhibition of yourself once again.

To put the record straight in why I left mmp.

I left mmp because I fundamentally disagreed with this anonymous posting malarkey.I've seen it used on several forums before and it always descends in to a cluster fuck of PI being posted and good posters being run off of the forums for good.When I noticed Fash had opened this place up I told her personally what might happen and that I thought it was a bad idea.I then saw a thread at mmp where you wanted to employ the same idea.Now I'd just spent the best part of a day telling Fash that it was a bad idea, and I go on to mmp and notice you want to do the same.It was then I came to the conclusion that it was best that I just deleted my account and leave.Had I stayed it would have just descended in to row after row about this `guest` posting thing.And I would have looked like a total hypocrite continuing to admin and promote a board when I did not agree with the direction the owner wanted to take it.

So I walked.NO drama.NO fuss.NO major melties.I just deleted my own account and went.I've ignored most of your insane ramblings and I will once more continue to do so after this post but you've gotta get it through that thick head of yours that NOBODY is conspiring against you.Nobody gives two fucks what b/s you come out with.You have your own fucking forum fgs.Put your energy in to trying to make a success of that.And stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes.And fucking well leave Moonie out of this.It has nothing to do with her you goddam nut job.I'm not even mad with you Murd.In all honesty your behaviour has done nothing but make me laugh at you  :MG_216:

Let these petty vendettas go Murd..................

Peace out bitches .

Reaper, what are you shrieking on about now old friend? Having yourself a hair standing conniption because someone launched a rumor that Murdock's vagina is wetter than yours?

Christ Almighty I've seen you throw some of the healthiest titty tantrums this side of anno domini but this time I'm beginning to wonder if we shouldn't tie you down to an ironing board with shoestring and place one of Danny's socks in your mouth just so that you don't explode into an entire mess of hysteria all over the place.

Take a pill. Or several.

The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 29, 2020, 06:19:06 PM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
The skype call was intentional... the same earlier with informing RW who I was...  :laugh:

The troll was good. Kept some folks wound up for sure...LOL

Mostly Scouse, Joe and Sea Moron.

Yeah but SpazzMajor was the only one who stuffed his testicles into a meat grinder over the matter.

That guy is such a fucking spazz. I swear
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 28, 2020, 08:42:21 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"I don't "live" for flaming. never did and never will. it is just an outlet just to say and do funny shit to entertain myself

Well that's just rich coming from a turd who has never once said or done anything funny other than to get caught with his size triple-vast suspenders down around his ankles mining the membership at  a cartoon website for prepubescent teens in hopes of making Brawl-Hall great for a change.

You thought everything was hee haw and honky when Lametruth provided spastic little embarrassments such as yourself a safe space to cuddle cunt's jock strap while repeatedly sniping your little impotent Nerf darts at anyone posting regularly at SG. Myself included. Of course we just laughed at you dolts talking to yourselves like bums in an empty subway station with your 3 posts a month average. But now all of the sudden that I've decided to kick your face into a head and shoulder camel-toe the whole game has just lost it's luster.

Color me unimpressed, tosser. Someone like a Bonesaw, an Oranje or even a Martini can say something like that with some measure of credibility to it, but you? You've never been anything but surplus flame fodder  in this game.


Quote from: "sasquatch"j00baby is so socially inept that he thinks a medical emergency is a language.

Perfect case in point to what I've stated above. How the hell does that make any sense let alone inspire any laughter other than that which is pointed directly at your dopey looking face for being one of the biggest self owning tits the flame community has ever seen?

Here, let me try to see if I can dumb down to your level for a moment and counter.

You've been devoid of romantic contact for so long you think being gassed in a cloud of pepper spray is foreplay.

Fuck your version of comedy induces nausea almost as bad as your face does

Quote from: "sasquatch"All that are left are the kicktoys that think flaming is trying to turn it into a mixture of jerry springer and the Maury show

Oh cry me a river you clumsy looking kick blimp. Put a couple of bright colors on your generous back and leave you on a beach and by nightfall you'll be floating in lower orbit like a sad face mood emoji for planet earth.  You never were, nor ever will be, an interesting read in an arena of wit. You simply lack the intellectual stamina to be anything but a helipad for real flamers to land on extra hard and brutal before proceeding to decapitate real opponents.

Quote from: "sasquatch"The content I used to produce when it was fun will likely never come back again, and the last time I came close was 2017 with that team match where I made 2 gold posts of "commentary of brent" and "team brent story"

Smarten up spazzsquach. The only content you've produced here or anywhere is the type that was promptly flushed and taken to your version of what the afterlife must be like for all types of biological waste. I was in that match, the only thing golden you produced was the urine in your hillbilly overalls and the only entertainment where you were concerned was watching Brent, flametownes most effeminate male persona, swing you around by your whiskers making sure you collided with every immovable object within range for 5 days straight.

"other priorities" in your life. lol.. yeah sure, unless you're deep in the thick of hostile negotiations with the closest all you can eat buffet that closes it's doors as soon as they smell you coming I'd say someone like you has absolutely nothing better to do than hang around Pokemon forums looking for action and researching your family lineage on TurinpGroundz or whatever that silly site you lumbered into this thread with was called.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 28, 2020, 12:50:40 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Bobba Fat"These guys from Brawl-hall were supposed to be the cream of the crop flamers and here they are getting mauled like kittens in a dog kennel

Somebody rescue them already!

I saw BH. The BH crowd were a bunch of blowhards. I include Bricktop in this too. He was one of the better flamers for sure, but like the rest of them, he thought he was better than he actually was.

Some of them were entertaining. These two turds I'm kicking around at the moment didn't fall into that particular category tho. No matter how much they screech to the contrary. Especially Sasstwat a.k.a Din365. He was always regarded as a clown every where he went.

And the stories about joining a Pokemon forum hoping to lure it's members back to BH were all true.

I don't know sasquatch from any other forum. He aint here that much, but when he is, he is a decent contributor.

He's ok when he keeps his posts short and off topics regarding flaming or any inter forum drama from that community.

But when he tries to ride Cuntflaps coattails and pretend he was anything but road kill left in the wake of more affluent players in this game he just ends up making an utter tit of himself.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 27, 2020, 09:29:00 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Bobba Fat"These guys from Brawl-hall were supposed to be the cream of the crop flamers and here they are getting mauled like kittens in a dog kennel

Somebody rescue them already!

I saw BH. The BH crowd were a bunch of blowhards. I include Bricktop in this too. He was one of the better flamers for sure, but like the rest of them, he thought he was better than he actually was.

Some of them were entertaining. These two turds I'm kicking around at the moment didn't fall into that particular category tho. No matter how much they screech to the contrary. Especially Sasstwat a.k.a Din365. He was always regarded as a clown every where he went.

And the stories about joining a Pokemon forum hoping to lure it's members back to BH were all true.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 26, 2020, 07:34:09 PM
SpazzSquash a.k.a fat Danny does have a difficult time with words. They are new to him. Cut him some slack
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 26, 2020, 02:23:06 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"awww! little j00j00 is a widdle itty bitty upset because I made a joke about his traveling shortbus freakshow and gave him vietnam flashbacks of cunty quote beating his ass like a drum at an indian pow wow. Look, dipshit, just because you rode flea's strapon for so long that your loose wizard sleeve has fused to it, it doesn't mean that I know or even care what cun'T is claiming elsewhere. I haven't even heard from him since FT turned into a glitched out mess like your defunct thought process that thought flying at me like a retarded missile was a good idea. Now my foot is rammed down your throat to the point I'm wearing you like a fucking ugly boot just because you couldn't contain your impotent rage that I joked about your site making some punjabi guy rich by selling your information to telemarketers. Good job, dipshit. You're so punchdrunk that you're mumbling about "daddy" and "toe blowjobs", and that is just sad.

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, Ask not whence the smell of grinding chin fat come...

Flubby Danny, Danny-O, Danny the Blimp. Hi.

How delightful of you to arrive at 4:19am EST on this lovely Sunday morning while most sane persons were either sleeping or out and about being productive to gift us with vivid imagery of wizard sleeve anal canals, retarded missiles and ugly boots. Ideas you lifted off the "settle your hairstyle chattering differences" subsection of a Pokemon forum no doubt.  

I knew id get considerable mileage out of that Pokemon comment and the fact that you're hoovering in low orbit ready to spontaneously  explode like the Hindenburg but without public concern shows my salvo hit dead on target. Right between the flab so to speak.

Quote from: "sasquatch"The thing is, J00....I don't have to do fuck all to you. You're going all mike tyson on yourself just to spite somebody who isn't even here, and I just simply gave you the kick to your mangina after you tried to be an expert on something you later admitted you never even heard of. SQL injection? the only injections that's going on in your circle are the SG regulars injecting their hot beef load into your awaiting maw like the bottom-bitched cum dumpster that you are, but please do keep fantasize about me being the failure because I don't waste my time getting the affection of the internet's special education room A.K.A Slobbering-groundz A.K.A Duelistgroundz's retarded little brother. Watching you trying to convince anybody you're some top flamer that has done anything is like watching Stevie wonder with Parkinsons try to paint the mona lisa.

I hate to break your 4 story jumangi tower here because I know it took you all evening to construct, but this senseless drivel was not only uninteresting, uneventful, dull and criminally stupid but I do believe the only way it could have been more unfunny would be for me to strap my legs to a ceiling fixture and attempt to read it upside-down from right to left in less time than it takes for my brain to completely saturate with blood.

Danny, you fucking sissy failure of an Elephant ballerina act what the fuck are you doing here? Droning on and on again about some TulipGround web site you found while doing searches for whatever gardener planted you in their backyard and left you to grow unattended? I thought we've been over this and put your gibbering seizures to rest on the matter.

Good lord this is painful to read and you should be shot on site for 1st degree stupidity with aggravating circumstances.

Quote from: "sasquatch" For fuck sakes, SG has some noseless ghoul yjsy#metoo's their wrinkly old hand to a 12 year old natalie portman, has some closet AIDS factory pretending to be a klansman, or some brown motherfucker having the hots for brent's sister and have a pis fetish, and you want to bitch about FT and call it a "butt brothel". lol! if it was, it still would've been a huge upgrade to that dumpster fire you're a part of, and that makes me lol

Would somebody fluent in epilepsy please pm me with a sensible rendition of what this clumsy drool dripping retard is trying to tell me with this capital monstrosity quoted above? Something about "my helmet is making my dumbo ears itch" is all I got. Right. Fuck. Now we have concrete proof of what a bucket of vindaloo sauce, fava beans and a garbage bag filled with airplane glue will do to a mind deprived of oxygen since birth.

Christ almighty, is there no publicly funded institution in all of Canada capable of protecting you from  yourself? Surely it is only a matter of time before you attempt to insert your keyboard sideways into your mouth whole.

Listen Danny Duck call, this is not the online version of a swamp favela where you can simply say Quack Quack and wind up on some 12 year olds buddy list.  If you're going to attempt to flame me at least do so once you've obtained a commanding grasp of the English language because the types frenetic gibberish which scores you "likes" & "omgs" on Pokemon forums isn't going to quite cut it on a message board visited by persons over the age of 13.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 25, 2020, 08:10:54 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"

That's right, Joe. you never heard of the site in spite of obsessing about it from 11 years ago and just so happen to help run a site the bears a striking resemblance in the name.

Somebody please take Joo's keyboard away before he starts claiming he's a Nigerian prince, too.  ac_lmfao

QuoteThat's right, let us not forget the daddy props so when your porky snout is permanently pressed up against the nearest window you have the safety of a skirt to run to. But the funniest thing is, you're probably more excited at FT going 404 so that no one could see the brutal fist fucking he gave you with a backhoe the minute your fatass got one of his threads confused with an all you can eat buffet

And that's why you're here. Getting your little tighty whiteys in a bunch because you want to defend "M' lady's" honour with your cheeto dust-crusted katana for daring to laugh at your Drama club, and ended up getting choked the fuck out with your Fedora. Perhaps you should learn how to take jokes instead of being one, but if you want to impale yourself and be a joke, then that is your god-given right. Now, Herman and I-the adults in the room-were having a nice conversation before you stuck your shit-crusted surrogate buttplugs onto your goodwill dumpster keyboard and litter our screens your unwanted input, so kindly keep your epileptic keyboard slappings to your tard pen where people will pretend to like it just so you won't spaz out.

Gotta grab something when

Are you going do something or just lay there and leak cottage cheese out your nostrils because your helmet is on too tight and your ears always expand after you get kicked in the nose for being the biggest single loser everywhere and anywhere?

I rotisserie you on a lamppost like the worlds largest and most obtuse drooling piglet and the best you can do is to arrive back in this thread with your pants around your ankles and your thumb in your mouth to go full metal asshat? Over what again? The fact that your searches for hoglet porn and friends under the age of 12 just happened to produce a website that had the word "groundz" in it?

Are you really this dense and dyslexic or does cunt just order you to be that way with promises of respect and recognition if you agree for the umpteenth time to make a worldclass ass of yourself in public view?

Well guess what you gullible fucking dolt. Daddy is going to be very upset that you stepped all over his troll and perhaps demand that you step on a treadmill for like, the remainder of your life, this time you humpbacked neanderthal.

You see, your papa was trying to sell the readership on this idea that it was I who sql injection attacked into his online brothel of brotherly butt much into oblivion. Much the way you are attempting and failing miserably to ride his coattails with your whole "the site has da malware angle" which is about as an epic a failure as you are. And instead of playing wing-man to the troll like any other mouth breather wishing to earn some nuggets of love out his asshole you come along like the fumbling fuckwit of failureville to publicly admit he was the one who put the bullet in his own site.

You were saying something about grabbing ankles? Yeah, you just grabbed yours with that clusterfuck of a loving toe blowjob, son.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 25, 2020, 06:44:52 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch" mean duelistgroundz?

duelisgroundz" never heard of it. Is this that some online playground you visit regularly to discuss your fervent allergies to body wash?

Quote from: "sasquatch"As for FT, sum cun'T had the good judgement of putting a bullet in FT

That's right, let us not forget the daddy props so when your porky snout  is permanently pressed up against the nearest window you have the safety of a skirt to run to.  But the funniest thing is, you're probably more excited at FT going 404 so that no one could see the brutal fist fucking he gave you with a backhoe the minute your fatass got one of his threads confused with an all you can eat buffet

Quote from: "sasquatch"What's your excuse

No, what's your excuse for being the longest standing ankle grabber in all of flametowne?
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 25, 2020, 04:49:13 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "sasquatch"How is dumpsterfire-groundz doing these days? I don't feel like making my anti-spyware software beg for mercy from the "free" traffic trackers.

But seriously, the flame forum format is just done in the year 2020. If people want to be assholes, they can go after random strangers on social media instead of typing out the same shit for the same people.

I like it. Some entertaining shit on SG.

I've had way more fun making SJW's have meltdowns on facebook. just made some fly-by-night journalist from Toronto have a very public meltdown on a facebook page to the point the page owner had to reprimand him for his meltdown. I got some Ontario teacher on the verge of a meltdown. It is just way more fun doing it to unsuspecting dopes.

But not as good as the meltdowns you invoked on that Pokemon forum you ""trolled"" in hopes you could lure some of it's inhabitants back to a porn site of questionable intent eh?