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Messages - caskur

The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 19, 2016, 10:58:09 AM
Quote from: "fleamailman"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Oberon"But your friend Dovey posts here no more. As you well know. Which, I must add, is a disappointment to us all. She is much loved here. Have you tried saying the "truth"? That often works.
Truth. Works for those who possess an open mind. Assumption and expectation is the enemy.
Dovey is a married woman with 4 children, the latest one a mere 3-4 months old... She hasn't got time to be on the net all that much and she prefers hanging around flea and former friends who post at 3rd Rail... I would say she'd finds this place boring...

", I'm getting the hang of both places I guess..." went the goblin who by now should be back posting upon those writer's forums awaiting him, but prefers instead the company of trolls, saying " post, hundreds of views by readers whom I'll never know for my anonymity here, yes, fame is an imposition as they say, but it's also a spur too, just I need that sense of audience and feeling of deadline to perform, ah but the performance is not for the audience it's for the performer isn't it, then looking over to caskur the goblin laughed "...perhaps you'll some sense into me yet but I fear this is how I really am then..."">

Tis an imposition. This is true...

Carpe diem - Seize the day... there you go making me all philosophical and shit..

trolls are fun to be sure... like hunting for easter eggs.. .. or fleas on dogs.  

I just watched a great movie for the umpteenth time. "Meet The Fokkers" ... If I go to bed now, I may not waste Sunday like I did Saturday...
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 19, 2016, 10:47:47 AM
Quote from: "fleamailman"(" should never be where one does not belong nor that which one isn't..." smiled the goblin again thinking back, adding "...for all your faults you're a honest person when you post, whereas me I could never be myself here like that, not here nor elsewhere, no I would only be looking over my shoulder, naah better my anonymity still, but you show me what I could have been had I been otherwse, being my debt to you as it were...")

Remember,  "Fortune favours the brave",

audentes Fortuna adiuvat

Be brave!~
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 19, 2016, 10:13:01 AM
Sorry you cannot share in the drama... maybe with time and grooming... You can only live in hope!~
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 19, 2016, 10:03:12 AM
Quote from: "fleamailman"("...I think I've introduced caskur before like this, but no harm in introducing her here too I suppose..." went the goblin)

repost from elsewhere

the goblin felt it only fair to tell the truth and explain then, that queen bot, alias caskur here, doesn't in fact do her own housework, no she has a couple of dark nubian topless manservants to attend to her each and every whim as they take it in turns to gently rub in those delicate scented oils before she dips naked into that deep hot roman bath while the blindfolded soprano sings to her of her unrivalled beauty, "...I am sorry o great queen but I just thought that all this pretence to being some dud ordinary australian housewife had to end somewhere, otherwise pinocchio could create a forest from it, but I know that your friends will still love you even now they know for sure, and love you no less for having graced their simple lives with your refined but licentious exquisite divinity I imagine..." said the goblin only with the caskur's welfare at heart">


Bra1n threw the Queen out in exile fleamailman... He is being bullheaded. I too suffer the same condition...

This was his last PM to me... now he is stuck with those dreadful bores at 3rd Rail, he hardly makes a post...

Quote Bra1n: "I know you cannot reply to this (which is a good thing because no reply is needed) but if you ever want to post here again, these are the conditions I have set out in order for you to do so."> ... #msg194405">

You can apologize to the mods guest room thread for taking up our time in chasing after you and having to check/edit all your posts when you were blatantly disregarding our warnings and rules.

You can undo what you did but you can apologize to the forum, Pickles and Poofer for using images that were out of bounds and against the rules of this forum in the same guest room thread as well.

If you want to post here, you need to follow OUR rules, not yours. I don't care if you think it's unfair or favoritism or anything else. No argument or debate about this will be entertained. It's our way or the highway.

Only if (1) you apologize to all interested parties, (2) disavow using the images of Poofer and Pickles family/acquaintances (and family members of any other poster that hasn't already been posted and widely circulated) and (3) are sincere about it, will you be allowed back here. Otherwise, see you in 2020 or 2030."

I would NEVER in a million and one years apologize to people I consider lower than shark shit...
The Flea Trap / Re: How Old Is Everyone on here?
November 19, 2016, 09:52:17 AM
Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"no you can fuck off you stalker cunt

Brawl Hallers are stalkers... they are. They posted my real name, address and phone numbers at Brawl Hall AND the cops came around to my place and told me not to post at BH... a few weeks after I hadn't even been there...

I've had phone calls, pizza delivery... trolls from America ringing me up pretending they are my dead son...

BH are serial nutcases...

Is your momma name Michelle ??

No, it's Catherine... Who is Michelle?
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 19, 2016, 09:03:11 AM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Oberon"But your friend Dovey posts here no more. As you well know. Which, I must add, is a disappointment to us all. She is much loved here.

Have you tried saying the "truth"? That often works.

Truth. Works for those who possess an open mind. Assumption and expectation is the enemy.

Dovey is a married woman with 4 children, the latest one a mere 3-4 months old...

She hasn't got time to be on the net all that much and she prefers hanging around flea and former friends who post at 3rd Rail...

I would say she'd finds this place boring...
The Guest Nest / Re: The Tragedy Of Freud
November 19, 2016, 08:57:32 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"malicious and spiteful, with the intent of disrupting or even closing targets down.

Yep... malicious and spiteful... absolutely...

On a malicious scale... Freud is low... Suicide Howie is VERY HIGH...
The Guest Nest / Re: The Tragedy Of Freud
November 19, 2016, 08:54:29 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"Bra1n is the master of the flock.

He's an old hand.

I don't recall seeing his handle..

But than again I only have ever taken the briefest of looks at that board.

He's a ladies man...
The Guest Nest / Re: The Tragedy Of Freud
November 19, 2016, 08:52:59 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Oberon"Make no mistake, the dark clouds gather. However, most of these peons don't have the will or the stomach for raids these days.

And there is no-one left there that have the smarts to make a dent.

Nonetheless, the door should be slammed in their idiot faces.

I will be as warm and welcoming with any trf attention whores as I was with Aaron's friend flea.

So who owns trf and how long has it been around?

Bra1n... Florida, leftist, HIGHLY intelligent,... EXTREMELY fair (except to me).... good debater. I've learned a few things from him...He wears Armani suits .... and looks like a scientologist...
The Guest Nest / Re: The Tragedy Of Freud
November 19, 2016, 08:49:07 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"Now you may laugh, or more aptly, cry at the juvenile rantings of a sad misfit...I know I do...but as predicted, once these parasites get a smell of another forum, it leads to this;

"A forum that would benefit from the preaching of The Fuck* most surely my Brother.

Apparently kiddie gloves are required, so it could be a challenge-"

This, translated, is that it is a likely target for a forum raid.

Now, forum raids are what flamers used to do to attract traffic back to Brawl Hall. It was spirited, but it did draw new members as per the intent.

When flaming became the realm of the socially and mentally inadequate, such as Freud, forum raids became malicious and spiteful, with the intent of disrupting or even closing targets down.

On that basis, Fash, you will be wise to henceforth ban all TRF members as soon as they appear, as did many forums when BH'ers arrived.

I get your desire to have a "no-ban" policy, but that will simpply hold the door open for these miscreant morons to come in and play.

Herman is quite correct in slamming the door in their face, regardless of what other members might opine in their ignorance.

The only other option is for me to take some extended leave, to remove temptation, but I fear that opportunity has passed. TBC is now on their radar. It is far easier to keep them from entering than it is from getting them to leave.

Those repugnant and rejected BH slimy skinned toads, ie, ferret, dum sum, and freud  ARE NOT 3rd Rail.

They simply do not have anywhere else to post and decided to infest 3rd Rail.
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 19, 2016, 06:59:12 AM
Aborigines my age and older are good though... they were brought up in the days before the lefturds turned the world upside down.... They rarely get to old age  either... Kidney disease gets them between bashing each other over the head and/or alcohol disease.
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 19, 2016, 06:53:28 AM
Quote from: "fleamailman"
Quote from: "caskur"I'm so glad someone got that on vid...It's about time people saw what everyone is suffering...

("...wait as sec, does that mean to say that isn't the way you australians normally talk then..." inquired the goblin feeling the abrupt loss of his delusion now, and saluting caskur anew, then adding "...actually I'm very appreciative of ozzies, not because of anything impressie, more it's because they're awake when it's morning time here and bedtime in the new world, it gives the impression that one is talking to nocturnal insomniacs though..")

WA people don't usually say "cunt"... it's a really big no no word. The exceptions are Rodney Rude (Comedian) Aborigines, (who don't know any other words) and people who've moved to WA from places like Queensland...

It's EXTREMELY offensive. ... If someone uses it on you, then it's like being shot with a bullet minus the blood. If I said something like that in front of my mum, no doubt she'd King hit me to Pluto or beyond.
The Flea Trap / Re: How Old Is Everyone on here?
November 19, 2016, 06:45:00 AM
Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"no you can fuck off you stalker cunt

Brawl Hallers are stalkers... they are. They posted my real name, address and phone numbers at Brawl Hall AND the cops came around to my place and told me not to post at BH... a few weeks after I hadn't even been there...

I've had phone calls, pizza delivery... trolls from America ringing me up pretending they are my dead son...

BH are serial nutcases...
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 19, 2016, 03:44:02 AM
Quote from: "RW"You know by "blow-ins" that he meant you were from another forum right?

I'm from 6 different forums...
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 19, 2016, 02:06:01 AM
I'm so glad someone got that on vid...It's about time people saw what everyone is suffering...