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Messages - caskur

The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 14, 2016, 05:46:53 PM
Quote from: "Oberon"And you have to be a real irritation and pest to be banned from the scumpond that is TRF.

That's no feather in your cap. Its the letter "D".

Bra1n loves me... go and ask him yourself if you don't believe me...">
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Broods "free"
November 14, 2016, 01:04:47 PM
This is really good.... Starts about 1.33 minutes into the song. Kiwi accent is bit inarticulate in the introductory. The more you listen to this, the more it gets better and better.

Quote from: "caskur" I'll take you as I find you, right here...

So YOU behave around me and all will be sweet...


Quote from: "Oberon"Not remotely.

I submit this as evidence You honour.

Oberon has drawn his word at the lovely sweet caskur trying to ruin her enjoyment of this board and particularly this thread about old wankers.

Oberon... didn't your mother teach you not to be fastidious?

Quote from: "Oberon"Let's face it...if you're been arseholed from a shitclub like TRF, you are about as low on the hierarchy of irritants as you can get.

Don't be ridiculous... EVERYBODY loves me including you.

Carry on!~
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 14, 2016, 07:56:40 AM
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Oberon"Thank you for making my point.

what point was that?

spit it out!~

Jesus Christ, you are dense. Purposely I suspect.

The point being is that you came here from a flame board and you are looking for another place to throw your shit around like a caged chimp.

You and your fellow (whatever they are) have been straining to break off the leash so why not just come right out and get some?

Playing these coy games is ridiculous. Just show us what you are so that the mods here can do their jobs and the inevitable can take place. Your little act may be exciting for you but it is growing tedious for the rest of us.

Bite me, dunce... ever heard the expression, scroll on by? well, there's your answer... now stick a sock in your gob...

Wow, you told me.  :laugh3: Is that it? Is this the extent of the chops you think you have?

No wonder you got your ass run off whatever insipid shithole of a forum you came from.  :laugh3:

I wasn't "run off"... I was banned...

you know that's a feather in my cap, don't you?

And I thought I told you to scroll on by?
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 14, 2016, 07:53:46 AM
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"Only the problem remains for you all who make wanton accusations about those who you think are flamers or trolls, as you Flame and Troll like little Leopardsocks.  :)

You're a sad lot. To be honest, you've given up on life. This forum has almost become a retirement home for weak sorts.

You shoukd all be ashamed of yourselves.

yeah... the people here are very rude.

There are a couple of good ones...

The Flea Trap / Re: Life As Art
November 14, 2016, 06:51:28 AM
OK I went and stood on a highway cross-over bridge at Melville High School and on the wrong camera setting took shots of the super moon through smoke pollution.....This was as good as I could get. I can fake shots better than this. Apparently we're not going to see the moon this big for another 20 years....">
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 14, 2016, 04:43:38 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"Grapevine?

Why don't you come out and tell the truth.

You mean Freud.

No, i saw you being attacked at BH and you begging them to stop.. I think that was the only actual post I read of yours ever before meeting you again at Wicked Kewl...

As for the rest of your post.. just shut the fuck up... be grateful I showed up in the first place... This is another forum on life support and you need all the help you can get....

any other questions Harpy?


The Flea Trap / Re: Life As Art
November 14, 2016, 04:37:25 AM
I was going to take pictures of the Super Moon rising in an hour but I'm blocked in by a truck and I cannot disturb the driver but a couple of weeks ago, I captured the half moon at sunrise from my front garden. I was impressed with the quality of the new camera.

I'm a bit disappointed since the news says there won't be another super moon this good for another 20 years.">
Quote from: "Oberon"What I find utterly amusing is that neither Caskur or this Pea were around 10 years ago, yet they are raking up old trolls and legendary tales from that era and before. I'm pretty sure I don't get mentions in Third Rail, because I've never belonged there.

But Freud was around.

Of course, Dinky is NOT Freud spoon feeding them that crusty old bullshit. Noooooooo....

Could these lameass trolls be any MORE stupid?

I joined TDT 5 November 2005 after silent Prowler was playing footsies with me on my MSN groups for 2 years...

I don't listen to gossip especially the stuff written about you... I'll take you as I find you, right here...

So YOU behave around me and all will be sweet...

The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 14, 2016, 02:32:51 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
I can't understand why it was once alive.


insults and flaming are 2 separate things.

trolls insult and people think that's flaming. It isn't.

Flame Champs run by Brain at the time, had the right mixture... they organized competitions and the brilliant had a go... A reader of matches could enjoy the humour...plenty of thrills and spills...

reading toefactor, blackmuse, pickles, poofer, Brain, Cardy and Oranje, Rebel the Uncanny... was extreme fun...  Joodog was good too.

BH had Oranje who was also a good read ESPECIALLY when he was fired up and going off his nut about something.. Some posters have flashes of brilliance but might use too much profanity or don't have basic ideas about paragraphing (whatever)... or write too much XXX stuff (Danny).. That's not fun... that's just plain sick. Good flaming has little to no swearing in it.

It's art because it causes strong emotions in readers... you're just using words and not a paintbrush or stick of charcoal...

I was attracted to the graphic side... The chops and now I'm a pro-chopper in real life because of it.... I also help people fix their photos in real life and get paid for it.

Flaming can take a lot out of people because you have to think REAL hard inventing new phrases no one has done before... That might come easily for some. I've heard through the grapevine Oberon is verbose. He's irritating for sure and I have found the harpy a sexist as well however, that wouldn't deter me... That's just his way of waving a red flag in front of my face...

The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 14, 2016, 12:54:23 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"2 things neither Flea nor Caskur can claim. Both are regarded as low level scum scrapers in their respective "home" forums.

That Flea claims to have originated at TDT is akin to bragging about being born in Yemen. Frankly, its something not to be promulgated.

Only one person of any worth came from TDT, and it wasn't this perro estúpido. May she rest in peace.

We're Silent Prowler babes... in fact, I'm still in love with him..

Unlike you, he knew how to treat women.
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
November 14, 2016, 12:46:40 AM
I come from a state that used to have 300 sheep per person.... over 300 million sheep that feed and clothed to world smart arse... If it wasn't for MY state, you wouldn't have a pot to piss in since we've been holding up the entire planet for decades...
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 13, 2016, 02:03:30 PM
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Oberon"Thank you for making my point.

what point was that?

spit it out!~

Jesus Christ, you are dense. Purposely I suspect.

The point being is that you came here from a flame board and you are looking for another place to throw your shit around like a caged chimp.

You and your fellow (whatever they are) have been straining to break off the leash so why not just come right out and get some?

Playing these coy games is ridiculous. Just show us what you are so that the mods here can do their jobs and the inevitable can take place. Your little act may be exciting for you but it is growing tedious for the rest of us.

Bite me, dunce... ever heard the expression, scroll on by? well, there's your answer... now stick a sock in your gob...
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
November 13, 2016, 01:24:49 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Wasting your time. These fools only see it the wrong way. Sure thing.... Oil spills in the gulf will take care of itself. Right Kiebers? Drink some more tequila dude.

Don't worry... I'm here now...

You have to learn what to 1. REALLY worry about... and 2. point people in the right direction because otherwise you can digress and politicians and business want people digressing rather than curing the actual cause of our sick planet...

This is really good... sums up man-unkind PERFECTLY...

The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
November 13, 2016, 01:14:08 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Wasting your time. These fools only see it the wrong way. Sure thing.... Oil spills in the gulf will take care of itself. Right Kiebers? Drink some more tequila dude.

Well it's not really their fault entirely. I blame the media for falsifying incorrect information and passing it to the masses.....

that aside... no one is policing ships at sea dumping their spent oil in oil changes are they?...

Asians couldn't give a shit about the environment....

The ocean it the critical life of the whole planet and even washing our clothes of synthetic fibre is ending up down drains, pumped out at sea ending up in fish... It's sexy to run around screaming save the sharks when white bait and whiting are THE MOST important fish of all... But you don't hear the Greenie nutcases screaming for their protection.

Plastic of ALL varieties is killing our wildlife and its gone WAY past critically endangered.