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Messages - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 12:14:02 PM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"I have never even seen TDT.

that's because they were nobodies.

Silent Prowler owned TDT and he was posting on WebTV back when that was a concern so little fellow, you're WRONG again.

And I had TROLL forums on msn back in 2004. Silent Prowler used to post on my forums.

 Oh muh GAWD.

 Silly us!

 Web TV? MSN?

 Man. Fucking celebs.  :MG_216:

Webtv. lol. the OOTIKOF turf. THey were just entering the dawn of dementia back in those days. The halcyon days.

Don't forget Pogo and Leathface had Gawdz.

Or didn't you know about them either?

Pogo was that little faggot who looked like peewee Herman with a mop weave. Right?
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 12:08:06 PM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"

I didn't know about TV til 2015

Reggie made an account for me and I used it and they all went into a tizz over the new

stale little group.

Joo wanted a good flame forum section but due to the lack of real talent, it flopped.

Um. hello? TV went offline around 2013.

thank you. Come again.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 12:07:22 PM
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"I have never even seen TDT.

that's because they were nobodies.

Silent Prowler owned TDT and he was posting on WebTV back when that was a concern so little fellow, you're WRONG again.

And I had TROLL forums on msn back in 2004. Silent Prowler used to post on my forums.

 Oh muh GAWD.

 Silly us!

 Web TV? MSN?

 Man. Fucking celebs.  :MG_216:

Webtv. lol. the OOTIKOF turf. THey were just entering the dawn of dementia back in those days. The halcyon days.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 12:05:21 PM
Quote from: "Dove"Anyone else get this stuck in their head whenever these flame towners start talking about the week they had 15 years ago where a few people posted some good shit?



Christ. It's awful. It's like being stuck in some baptist church retreat where the old ladies who reek of bengay and talcum powder reminisce for the entire fucking day of the glory days back when Harriet Tubman was running thangs.

The Guest Nest / Re: Where does King Martini rank?
February 12, 2020, 10:41:43 AM
I just threw the most awful fart

Its a god damned wall bender  acc_angry
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 01:14:08 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I don't know nb. but Dilf and Shampain were here briefly..

I would take those three over Seamajor and SCOUSE..

They're both so repetitive.

Dilf and Shampain are lousy trolls.

Put them up against Stoolmajor and Aryan Feathercock and they're masters of the universe
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 12:43:03 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"Where does BF appear in the history of flaming?

It doesn't.

Bastard Factory is nothing more then a fetish site. It's more along the lines as a second rate TV, which itself was nothing more then a second rate TDT.

Bastard Factorys numbers are bloated by spam and multiple accounts by it's actual membership, which is around 25. There's an easy way to spot it that those doing it haven't caught onto, obviously.

The Flametown Historian

It's a semi closed forum. You can see the threads, but you can't read them unless you have an account. I saw no interesting thread topics. Than I look at the refugees from that forum that washed up on SG's shores and I know my decision to boycott that place was the right decision.

It's not so bad if you can get past the crosseyes and curious stares from all the weird inbreds who seem to have found their way there by means of some internet sewer system

Seamajor, Scouse, Dilf, nazzibastard and Shampain are from BF.

nancybastard and Charmin aren't so bad. they kinda grow on you
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 12:30:31 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"Where does BF appear in the history of flaming?

It doesn't.

Bastard Factory is nothing more then a fetish site. It's more along the lines as a second rate TV, which itself was nothing more then a second rate TDT.

Bastard Factorys numbers are bloated by spam and multiple accounts by it's actual membership, which is around 25. There's an easy way to spot it that those doing it haven't caught onto, obviously.

The Flametown Historian

It's a semi closed forum. You can see the threads, but you can't read them unless you have an account. I saw no interesting thread topics. Than I look at the refugees from that forum that washed up on SG's shores and I know my decision to boycott that place was the right decision.

It's not so bad if you can get past the crosseyes and curious stares from all the weird inbreds who seem to have found their way there by means of some internet sewer system
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 11:58:57 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"getting scared on the internet is such a fucking el oh el  ac_toofunny

BH looked really lame to me.

As it did to most people with a shred of common sense.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 11:58:26 PM
Quote from: "Flametown Historian"There's only two first gen flamers still on these forums, Cun'T and Fraud. Cun'T was and is the bar as he was back during the flame heyday, while Fraud has done enough trolling on his resume to eclipse the entire roster of tardvalhallans alone by himself.

Bonesaw was a forum kick toy during this time.

The second gen was Flea and Martini, with Martini being the best of the bunch by a huge margin. If he didn't worship Evil Blood, he would have gone down as a really good match flamer because he was relentless and funny until he started going down the PI road.

BH members don't remember TV because TV wasn't in that demo. BH members don't acknowledge TV and vice versa. Flamers were at BH, those who couldn't flame didn't even hang at TV, they hung out at FC, which was a light version of BH without all the PI.

TDT was the troll forum. They actually had the balls to hack BH. Flea and Caskur started there and if memory serves me both were "Capo's". The TDT zip file, with HC Trouble crying "WERE BEING HACKED" in large don't is still a thing of lore, along with PM's of Looney asking EB for some "good" amputee porn.

As for the TV'ers, they don't fit into the flamer equation. Never did. They are the first to tell you how Flamers took the game seriously, yet will boast about their minute accomplishments in the same breath. They never witnessed the huge battles to appreciate the efforts and most of their information to that is third or fourth hand at that. Which is why, deep down, nobody first or second gen, takes any of them seriously. They might say to them they do, but reality is, they don't.

Most....well, all TVers want respect in the eyes of the actual flamers left on these forums, but the community is so watered down it's never going to happen.

The Flametown Historian

Okay. time for your crackers and milk
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 11:40:31 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "The Queen Bee"Fash, if you wanna know about Flametown, you should probably ask cun'T, Freud or Bricktop. They were actually there.

Don't get hurt cause I dissed your click. They were tards. No lies there.

You've risen above all that though. Mostly

You've always fronted... it's what you do... but you wouldn't have lasted on the old school flametown scene...

No offense....

But you're too fragile and high strung... despite the height deficit...  ac_dunno

lol.. yeah, ok.

Yall were gonna get the big mean emojis that growled to come at me?

Doggie. it's words on a screen. unplug. you're starting to dream a little too deep.

Sorry, lil fella... you were getting too big for your britches... it was my duty to knock you down... since after all, you're still a B-grader...  ac_biggrin

I feel so knocked down now. One of the big boys from bwall stall came and told me what's what and who's who. on the internet  ac_toofunny  :roll:


Any time, grasshoppa'

Remember to wax on, then wax off...  :thumbup:

I'll keep that in mind old wobbly kenobby  ac_cool
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 11:35:51 PM
getting scared on the internet is such a fucking el oh el  ac_toofunny
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 11:20:34 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "The Queen Bee"Fash, if you wanna know about Flametown, you should probably ask cun'T, Freud or Bricktop. They were actually there.

Don't get hurt cause I dissed your click. They were tards. No lies there.

You've risen above all that though. Mostly

You've always fronted... it's what you do... but you wouldn't have lasted on the old school flametown scene...

No offense....

But you're too fragile and high strung... despite the height deficit...  ac_dunno

lol.. yeah, ok.

Yall were gonna get the big mean emojis that growled to come at me?

Doggie. it's words on a screen. unplug. you're starting to dream a little too deep.

Sorry, lil fella... you were getting too big for your britches... it was my duty to knock you down... since after all, you're still a B-grader...  ac_biggrin

I feel so knocked down now. One of the big boys from bwall stall came and told me what's what and who's who. on the internet  ac_toofunny  :roll:

The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 11:08:36 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "The Queen Bee"Fash, if you wanna know about Flametown, you should probably ask cun'T, Freud or Bricktop. They were actually there.

Don't get hurt cause I dissed your click. They were tards. No lies there.

You've risen above all that though. Mostly

You've always fronted... it's what you do... but you wouldn't have lasted on the old school flametown scene...

No offense....

But you're too fragile and high strung... despite the height deficit...  ac_dunno

lol.. yeah, ok.

Yall were gonna get the big mean emojis that growled to come at me?

Doggie. it's words on a screen. unplug. you're starting to dream a little too deep.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:47:51 PM
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista":laugh:
Quote from: "Dove"TV, Troll Valhalla...was not a flame board. It was a board for trolls. That's where me, Joo and Murd are from.

Cosmic outpost was a sort of neutral board where trolls, idiots and flamers mingled. What BC is to SG is kind of what CO was to TV.

BH was a cesspit of porn and harrassment.

Third rail was kinda just the last board standing so people from all of the above would post there is they wanted to.

So TV was like SG.

NO lol


 See what would be wrong with that? Valhalla was awesome.

 Everyone always hatin on trolls lol

That's cause she ran with the pre-k version of internet trolling. TDT.

Those were beneath OOTIKOF in terms of relevancy hierarchy in the game.

You weren't even around in those days. How would you know ?

None of the flamers wanted to be associated with Tard Valhalla. They were considered the bottom of the barrel of the forums.

I was around. I have just never revealed to anyone the many ids I ran under. lol


 It doesnt dawn much on "Flametown" what trolls are about lol.

I'm saying. the whole idea is to fuck with people's minds and to sew discord behind the scenes.

 The flamers were not even sport. They took it all so seriously.

 They hated us lol.

 It was just a lot of "I'm a morally upright person with money and my life rocks, now I shall judge you" but a lot of extra words  ac_toofunny

 And peeing in sinks.

 I was just never impressed. Intrigued, sure. Impressed? Not really.

And thirty thousand words to tell you that you're a complete non-enitity to them  ac_toofunny

 Omg right?

 I used to enjoy poking Cunt on TR until he would start text bombing and all capping, and then answer with "k"


 Like, no shit these guys cant stand us.  :laugh3:

Of course they can't stand us. We laugh at their raging tirades and they cannot get at us with RL intimidation.

Plus, there's no longer a horde of bobble headed drones to prop their egos.