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Messages - caskur

The Flea Trap / Re: Life As Art
November 12, 2016, 06:46:21 AM">

^^^^ flowering in my garden at the moment... It's fantastic. I never realized it was going to produce like that. I never knew its name so I researched... It's from the Canary Islands.

This what wiki says of the plant. common name; The pinwheel Plant">

Aeonium haworthii (Haworth's aeonium, pinwheel) is a species of succulent plant in the genus Aeonium of the family Crassulaceae. It is native to the Canary Islands, but it has been introduced to other areas of similar climate, such as Southern California. It is a sand-dwelling beach plant, a subshrub with rough, woody stems and rosettes of thick, red-edged green leaves which are triangular or diamond- or spade-shaped. It grows to 60 cm, with panicles of cream-colored pointed flowers produced in spring.[2]

A. haworthii is grown as a houseplant in temperate regions. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[3]
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 12, 2016, 06:15:59 AM
Quote from: "The Countess"
Quote from: "Oberon"That's Rowan. Nothing changes.

Want his phone number?

LOL you really don't read TRF, do you ?

I'm not giving him an excuse to come here and kill this forum with his flea obsession so I'm going to stfu on that subject. Let's just say he doesn't like when his own tactics are used on him.

he's been hexed.... 2016 is nearly over...
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 12, 2016, 06:11:27 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"
Quote from: "Oberon"That's Rowan. Nothing changes.

Want his phone number?

LOL you really don't read TRF, do you ?


But don't interpret that as I don't kick some jerkoff's ass if and when required.

This isn't TRF, or Brawl Hall, or TDT.

you're the one that keeps mentioning the flame forums.

I'm thinking you miss them otherwise, why else are you trying to throw your weight around?...

It won't work on two tough nuts like Flea or me...

Either grow some manners or rack off hairy legs... ta!~

The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 12, 2016, 05:49:57 AM
Your narky tude is concerning...

I go for West Coast tumbleweed... don't make that mistake again...

I fear no one... not even God himself.... now, you've been told...

and keep your pissy little cheap arse flash out of the poor owls eyes!
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 12, 2016, 02:45:16 AM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Not Freud"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Not Freud"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Welcome to tbc.

thank you...

who are you and what are your interests?

Sun, sand and relaxation. In seven and a half years I will retire. Adios Winnipeg, hello Caribbean sunshine.

You like humidity?

Make sure you hide your wallet and don't believe the sob stories about someone's relative needing an operation.

I am no Caribbean virgin. My wife and I have been escaping Winnipeg winters twice a year for the laid back Caribbean/Central America for the past eleven years.

Yeah but why move there all year round? Do you really want to be there when hurricanes are forming?
Quote from: "The Countess"
Quote from: "Not Freud"
Quote from: "The Countess"Ill be undergoing surgery (Brazilian butt augmentation or butt lift, as they call it ) in February, my first ever cosmetic type surgery. Have any of you went under the knife ? Serious replies please, I'm a nervous wreck lol.

Waste of money...

Wait until you're 50 +

Buy a good treadmill...

No way. I'll be 40 next year, I hear it's something to look forward to

Im already cutting down on fried foods and sweets. Thinking about taking Muay Thai again, which means mobility training. Finding the time for it tho

going under the knife isn't an answer... in fact with hopital super bugs, its a life threatening event...

Just adjust your habits...

Don't drink your calories... cane sugar it the biggest health risk and sadly they shove that shit into everything... fat doesn't make fat, sugar does.. The sugars that come naturally in food are meant to be consumed so eat your 1,2 or 3 pieces of daily fruit allowance WHOLE and not juiced...

Grains are fattening too... that is why they feed grains to cattle... to fatten them up...  watch your grains and sugars... eat everything else...

exercise is ONLY GOOD FOR CIRCULATION and nothing else.

but if you go to Muay Thai, you could find a hot guy so go for it!~
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 12, 2016, 02:05:55 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"Freud certainly is. Caskur has a reputation for being fractious for its own sake. She has stated she is turning the switch off whilst here.

I'll wait and see.

Flea is just a loud mouthed wannabe.

you listen to too much gossip... you don't know me.... but it's simple really.. attack me and I'll attack back but I'll do it better, stronger and my attacker will be limping off...
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 12, 2016, 01:52:19 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"Not Freud, would you like me to change your handle to caskur or Caskur?

lower case please....


thank you.
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 12, 2016, 01:50:44 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"True.

Their day was done years ago.

But some people need the facility to spread their bitterness and lack of self respect. Hence they go to TRF.

I went to 3rd Rail because I thought Bra1n was hot and super smart and extremely insightful.
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 12, 2016, 01:47:58 AM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Not Freud"Flaming is an art... to insult with wit, charm and humour... only a small few can do it... otherwise it's not fun...

I like formal matches where real effort is put in...

the last match I had at 3rd rail was the best match Bra1n had ever seen.... so us 4 contestants were doing something right...

Some people try to do that in every post they write... I think that sounds like too much work for me...

There is a guy I call dum sum who is now sucking the life force out of 3rd rail... I hardly go there. I think that idiot poster must suffer Asperger's syndrome.... an absolute nutter... and personal friend of Freud..."rolls eyes" and then there is feral Ferret...3rd Rail is now the new BH and everyone knows what happened to BH.

Latest news though, Ferret has kidney stones... I think that's funny.  It couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

Flaming and flame forums are a waste of time. I do not know about you, but I only have a finite amount of time for forums. Watching plants sprout would be more productive than a minute on TRF. :crazy:

The Third Rail was NOT a flame forum.... it became a flame forum when some wanted a return of matches...
Quote from: "The Countess"Ill be undergoing surgery (Brazilian butt augmentation or butt lift, as they call it ) in February, my first ever cosmetic type surgery. Have any of you went under the knife ? Serious replies please, I'm a nervous wreck lol.

Waste of money...

Wait until you're 50 +

Buy a good treadmill...
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 11, 2016, 01:30:09 PM
Quote from: "Daisy May"
QuoteCall me paranoid, but when ONE Third Rail clown arrives, its a coincidence.

When 2 arrive, its happenstance.

When 3 arrive, something ain't right.


The Kindergarten Crew is here  :laugh:

How rude... tsk!~
The Guest Nest / Re: I offended Hillary supporters
November 11, 2016, 01:20:14 PM
No one should be banned unless they post something illegal...

Having a grumble about something isn't illegal.
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 11, 2016, 11:13:58 AM
Well I can't argue with you about Dum Sum... he must have Vixen's tick of approval.

Who cares if we've been muted. I don't... The best thing to happen to me in the past 4 months was getting muted.

I hexed the forum.... Now I'm gloating.
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 11, 2016, 09:32:10 AM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Not Freud"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Welcome to tbc.

thank you...

who are you and what are your interests?

Sun, sand and relaxation. In seven and a half years I will retire. Adios Winnipeg, hello Caribbean sunshine.

You like humidity?

Make sure you hide your wallet and don't believe the sob stories about someone's relative needing an operation.