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Messages - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Re: Cronus's Hate Speech OP
May 15, 2019, 02:00:48 PM
Quote from: "Bricktop"What law is it, exactly?

The law of sit down and shut the fuck up because the forum is owned by a person who happens to be concerned with the negative consequences any misapplication of existing hate speech laws might bring to her.

Put your narcissism in a pickle jar for a moment and understand that if she is so much visited by local authorities for any reason, no matter the eventual outcome, that itself is too far a price to pay to allow monkeys like Herman to spew vilified nonsense about like this were their personal toilet.

if she doesn't want racist comments on her board then she doesn't want it on her board. Who the fuck died and left you in charge of what one should or should not do with something that isn't yours to begin with?
This poor rending of Bumspud is Caskur.

Bumspud is long winded with inclinations towards really bringing down the government with new and innovative wit to the effect of "You're a cock holster" and when he tells some to fuck off  you can almost hear  Oscar Wilde weeping in envy somewhere in the background.

No. This is Caskur. without question.
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Joe, I realize you're rather naive to romantic relationships between men and women but let me share something with you that will blow whatever you have inside that fishbowl right out your ears.

To some extent, ALL men pay for sex in one form or another. .

That is a man's job... to bring home the bacon...

no excuses.

You get a pig in a blanket.

She IS a pig in a blanket
Joe, I realize you're rather naive to romantic relationships between men and women but let me share something with you that will blow whatever you have inside that fishbowl right out your ears.

To some extent, ALL men pay for sex in one form or another. Or do those first dinner dates, roses on Valentine, gifts on anniversaries , engagement rings, hotels, vacations and so on and so on and so on come free to you? if not, you're paying, even if by proxy, for the sex you get in return. And if you are easily convinced to the contrary then I suggest your next move be to immediately close all of your email accounts lest a Nigeria inheritance scam make it's way through your spam filter to your financial peril.
Quote from: "caskur""hate speech"... maybe from Americans who hate everything but from right minded people, it's just colloquialisms.

That's a fine opinion about something totally irrelevant considering Americans have zero impact on the enforcement of Canadian hate speech laws, mutant.

Why don't you do everyone a favor and impregnate your brain with a 9mm slug.
Quote from: "Gaon"
Quote from: "Blurt"Joe wins. Again.  :sad:

One thing's for sure: if VF, SG, BC, FT, and CBT became amalgamated, it would be called The Bumblebee Blue Truth Tripping Groundz.

And we'd all have Herman to thank for it.

Is the talk of almagamation for real or scuttlebutt?

Well, as you can see from earlier in this thread, and the one where he insists hate speech is what he says it is, Canadian laws be damned, lil ole Bricktop runs the show. Or at least has some delusion of grandeur concerning his significance within the ranks of management.

As in, what he says goes. Despite the fact that Fash is the owner of the forum. That piece is a irrelevant apparently because if Bricktop gets his tiny little tofu testicles caught up in some barbed wire over the matter it's a scuttlebutt. Which is understandable actually, since he does seem to emotionally invest a significant portion of his life to posting here and he commands a small harem of androgynous effeminate males who joyride this tip of his penis like it were the fountain of youth or something.

Fash has to keep the greatest number of posters happy which I get entirely, so I left the matter alone until which time doctors find away to repair Bricks overflowing uterus and ungodly narcissism
Herman..a.k.a the "greatest failure of all time" as referenced by the OP got so worked up by yours truly the other night he actually sent me a PM threatening violence over computer protocols  ac_toofunny  ac_toofunny  ac_toofunny
lmao. The jerkoff refers to former posters as "legends" and tries to say I'm juvenile  ac_toofunny
I find it ridiculously funny to watch the pattern around here.

Dinky Diana shows up around once every week to kick the cages and turns these tards into a gaggle of barking dogs

One post is all it takes to make these goons go apeshit  ac_lmfao
Hi Caskur. Shouldnt you be off somewhere deep in the 36th pit of hell tormenting some 9 eyed demon with your face?

Rather than here doing a piss poor impersonation  of a poster who also never liked you to begin with?
I'm on it
lol... look at this desperate chump trying scrape the bottom of the barrel and side a little Orge pussy outta Caskur.

Hey Shittop, look at the title of the thread you dumb fuck and then remind yourself if this is, or isn't, a flame board.
The Guest Nest / Re: What they Think
May 13, 2019, 01:00:52 AM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "caskur"

First and foremost protect your forum.

Isn't it great that we have Caskur here to make sure the obvious doesn't go unnoticed?

Isn't it great here that one of my malicious troll fans showed up to wave my banner?">
Not even Caskur is as vile and loathsome as this person who is being discussed now. But thankfully, I think God him self has trapped that abomination to the confines of another forum. A dark and soulless place. Where all forms of happy and joy go to die slow and painful deaths.

But unfortunately you nice people have the Caskur pathogen. Right here. Among you. And the treachery is multiplying under your beds, in your closets, under your floor boards and all around you. You may not think it now but Caskur is the forum equivalent of some mind eating super plague unleashed by some super villain from a Marvel comic.  

Not even all the avengers combined with the might of the super friends could match this galaxy of ugly, dark and potent evil.

She is 666 multiplied by 666 where the sum is then multiplied by 666 yet again.

She makes Satan himself look like a group of girl scouts donating their time at a soup kitchen to feed the homeless.

I cannot emphasize enough how you poor souls need to immediately rid yourself of this bionic evil. Before it's too late!">
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Just be careful with that slug who calls herself caskur

She's that insidious form of forum cancer that decays from within. There's a reason nobody likes her. Only boards which are Caskur free have any chance at survival.

You've been warned

Good thing facebook claims I have over 40,000 likes on my posts or I'd develop an inferiority complex

I see. Facebook likes is what keeps that heart pumping sewage through your veins eh? Good to know something so trivial has become the apex of your self worth. Then again, I'm not surprised since there is the mind of a six year old trapped in the body of a scaly old witch who is now home bound permanently because her broomstick can only groan and fail immediately whenever she attempts to mount it.

Yeah, get all those facebook likes you can to compensate for the fact that you cannot leave your home during daylight hours without  being harassed by aspiring photographers looking to convince the world that Jabba the Hutt really does exist outside of the Lucasfilm studios.