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Messages - Biggie Smiles

I'm way better than that lower primate

I dont start threads promoting alcoholism, racism and to proposition married women

Didnt you have to ban him for trying to wiggle his dirty sausage fingers into your panties? Remember that one?  Bricktop's tits nearly exploded
You forgot spineless and stupid
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "BEnzo"^^^^All above is pure gold, fyi-

This is why anyone with a real sense of humour would find fflame forums a yawn fest.

But you'll laugh hysterically until your uterus comes shooting out of your anus like a seahorse when "shine my shitter"  is uttered for the twelfth thousandth time by your big papa Hermorrhoids now wont you Flaccid Cock Lackey?  

Yeah you will, like the subservient little yes woman you are.
The Guest Nest / Re: Reject Rodeo
May 06, 2019, 09:44:20 PM
Hey Mermen, fuckhead, she's talking to you so smarten up you lower degenerate primate.

If you want to talk to the spic maids they'd be happy to blow your jelly spine out over at their home forum. They've indicated this many times on the forum you're too afraid to visit.

So no need to start your wet the bed threads here behind a curtain when you can give being a man a shot and go over there and do it.
How cute. Hermong has a little "mini me" who stands up and growls whenever his master is ridiculed

Do hermong and bricktop split the bill for the cookies this little raccoon receives as payments for it's services?">
Look at that Herman. Even your own forum bros are taking aim at your alcohol induced raging towards Latina women. I bet the hate is fueled for one of two reasons or possibly both. Either you were dating one and she discarded you for the love of a real man. Or, you were losing your shit over one and she just didn't find your Ukrainian micro penis appealing in any way

Either way, your forum buddies which happen to include the owner have already provided gentle nudges as to what your next course of action should be. And the "spic maids" over yonder have made it clear that if you popped your slack jaw in for a visit they would be more that happy to shine your personal shitter with some good strap-on love and your own anal grease

So what say you hermong? You a man or a mouse?

Most bets are on the latter. Truth be told .
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
TL, we are a small group and I like certain things about all the posters here, including you..

And in turn, most of you tolerate me, even though I may do things that some people may find annoying..

We're an online community and none of us are perfect..

We accept people the way they are, rather than how we would like them to be.

Understandable. Keeping all the knuckleheads and their varied personality disorders content on a forum where very important things happen is no easy task for any administrator. Because Frankly, the fate of the universe may very well be embedded somewhere within every post we construct. At least, that's how some of these morons with no reason to live view it.

Especially when you have these soft cock narcissists with their cellophane egos mincing along to "ardently oppose" administrative decisions you make. Ironically, when, the degenerate raging alcoholic you took action upon happens to be guilty of the very same activities clowntop is now viewing with disdain, little man rage and impotent indignation.

Hypocrisy at it's finest to anyone with a functioning brain. And it all boils down to one thing. Who's willing to suck Bricky's tiny cock in public in exchange for pats on the head. Obviously the lush snaggle toothed primate with the feral vocabulary has a vast supply of sippy straws and a strong inhale capacity so he's good. But others who laugh at this enormous clown? Not so much apparently. They'll just receive his tiny man demands for bans, excommunication etc etc while you bear the burden of his titanic temper tantrums in any way he can get in your ear.

I don't envy you one bit.

None of us take ourselves that seriously.....I doubt any forum does..

We know we have no affect on the future of mankind..

We are just a small group of people posting and responding to whatever we choose to..

It's a hobby, nothing more.

What a frickin tool eh Fash.  :crazy: This delicate loon is so butthurt from his fifteen year old feud with old Brick he can't see that this is entertainment. If he aint having fun, that is his frickin problem.

I don't have a 15 year feud with brick. I just see him for what he is. It's obvious. Now you on the other hand are taking this stuff way too seriously if you're too afraid to sign in and tell the "spic maids" what you think about them to their faces instead of hiding behind the cover of Fash's skirt here. In fact, Fash doesn't even want you hiding behind her skirt and would prefer you did just that, only, you're too fucking dense and spent out after decades of alcohol abuse to realize it.

What's a matter hermy... you afraid the "spic maids" are gonna shine the shitter on top of your shoulders or something?

Yeah, I think you are. So do many others. Even if they are not telling you to your face.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
TL, we are a small group and I like certain things about all the posters here, including you..

And in turn, most of you tolerate me, even though I may do things that some people may find annoying..

We're an online community and none of us are perfect..

We accept people the way they are, rather than how we would like them to be.

Understandable. Keeping all the knuckleheads and their varied personality disorders content on a forum where very important things happen is no easy task for any administrator. Because Frankly, the fate of the universe may very well be embedded somewhere within every post we construct. At least, that's how some of these morons with no reason to live view it.

Especially when you have these soft cock narcissists with their cellophane egos mincing along to "ardently oppose" administrative decisions you make. Ironically, when, the degenerate raging alcoholic you took action upon happens to be guilty of the very same activities clowntop is now viewing with disdain, little man rage and impotent indignation.

Hypocrisy at it's finest to anyone with a functioning brain. And it all boils down to one thing. Who's willing to suck Bricky's tiny cock in public in exchange for pats on the head. Obviously the lush snaggle toothed primate with the feral vocabulary has a vast supply of sippy straws and a strong inhale capacity so he's good. But others who laugh at this enormous clown? Not so much apparently. They'll just receive his tiny man demands for bans, excommunication etc etc while you bear the burden of his titanic temper tantrums in any way he can get in your ear.

I don't envy you one bit.
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Hey hermy.. why don't you put your big girl panties on and go over there to tell her what a liar she is to her face?

You know, instead of screeching like a bitch behind closed doors?

You afraid someone is going to turn your face into a teacup?

I wish he would too..

Or flea can come here and they can iron out their differences.


This moron is desperate for attention, and you're giving it a steady supply.">

Fash, in all seriousness, how do you deal with this clown ass narcissist who seems to believe he's in the prime of his days as a dirty cop? He really believes he can muscle you into responding and not responding to whomever he sees fit. Maybe that Jedi mind trick works with the soft cock little pansies like herman and fleshy cock jockey because they like being dominated by fake cops who wear women's stockings under their trousers, but I don't think that's your style.

First he tried to dictate who you can and cannot ban, for how long and why. Now this. He's obviously a control freak and thinks women are only here to serve him.

If nothing else I have to give you credit for telling him to go fuck himself when he demanded herman be unbanned and now you're basically giving him the middle finger whenever you reply to someone against his hollow edict. You go girl. it's your forum so don't let some prick with a fake badge and a small cock tell you what to do and not do.  ac_cool
Yo fash, you gonna need a bunch of tampons for the two bitches above that are bleeding all over the place  :laugh3:
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Hey hermy.. why don't you put your big girl panties on and go over there to tell her what a liar she is to her face?

You know, instead of screeching like a bitch behind closed doors?

You afraid someone is going to turn your face into a teacup?

I wish he would too..


He's too spineless to do something like that. He can only hide here behind the curtain and kick his little legs.

He knows if he shows up there they will make him look twice as stupid as he does already.
Hey hermy.. why don't you put your big girl panties on and go over there to tell her what a liar she is to her face?

You know, instead of screeching like a bitch behind closed doors?

You afraid someone is going to turn your face into a teacup?
The Guest Nest / Re: Bring it on Bonesaw
May 05, 2019, 02:02:58 PM
Quote from: "Herman"Their lame repetitive insults drive to drink even more barrel wash.

I agree. Perhaps they need to pull a page out of your spic and maid shine my shitter handbook to be more varied & creative with their insult prowess?