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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Herman"
Hygiene and spics don't mix.

Neither do paint thinners and epileptics yet here you are. Living proof you can drool all over the internet electronically when you're having a real life fit.
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 07:39:26 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "BEnzo"Hi Freud!

I will tell you what you can post.

May I post a request to the admins to enforce a rule requiring you to change your underwear at least twice a year?

Adjusted to coincide with when the clocks are turn forward and back would be fine.
Quote from: "Herman"
You have one.

Thanks Helmet. You're a bit stupid looking and obviously lack minimum standards when it comes to personal hygiene but somewhere deep down under all those herpes sores and cellulite there's a heart of gold.

I'm certain of it.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Skippy"Don't forget flame damnation

That was Caskur's site. Which is on par with mentioning Alpha Nova's dry board.

Remember that guy?

Get lost or deal with old Herman spic border jumper.

That sounds scary. Can I phone a friend?
Quote from: "Herman"All you spics suc white Ukrainian dics.

Not true. Not all. A vast number of "spics" live in abject poverty lacking access modern marvels such as magnifying glasses and straws so right there your theory is flawed.

Now you know.
Quote from: "Skippy"Don't forget flame damnation

That was Caskur's site. Which is on par with mentioning Alpha Nova's dry board.

Remember that guy?
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 06:55:18 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Go sleep off the barrel wash Herman.

And the donkey dung stuffed deep down his ear canals? How do you propose he deal with that? One does not merely sleep something like that off.
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 06:42:25 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"I am the Trump border wall. No spic maggots enter unless through me.

No, you are not..

Anybody can register and post here.

you realize your forum donkey is afflicted with a terrible and incurable disease and must be put to sleep.
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 06:22:51 PM
Quote from: "Herman"I keep waiting for these cowardly spic forum faggots to grow some balls and challenge old Herman. Those fairies are hiding behind the spic whore owners toilet brush.

The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 06:06:22 PM
Velvet was spot on. Herman is indeed dumb as a brick only lacks the usefulness.

He doesn't post at the "spic" forum because he obviously cannot meet the minimum IQ requirements needed to work an alternate forum software. He's like your trained monkey that can only do one thing and one thing only. The moron would literally expire if required to walk and chew bubblegum simultaneously
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Was Flame Town an actual forum or is it a word to describe past flame forums?

It's more like a reference to the grouping of forums that all catered to the practice of organized flaming during the halcyon days. ie: Flamechamps, brawl-hall, fags4cash, digitalStrife and a few more obscure ones not worth mentioning. TRF was an offshoot of the defunct flamechamps board
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 02:22:02 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Bricktop"No habla espanol...

those dumb spics no habla common sense.

Wouldn't you first need to have "common sense" before you start accusing others of not speaking it? Otherwise, the rattling of your cage bars will continue being pointless. Much like your life.
Quote from: "Herman"
You must be sniffing too many refried bean farts on the spic forum. Old Brick or anyone else being hooked by a stale troll persona is all in your delusional little minds. As much as you clowns may want to, you will never roll back the clock to 2006. You get an F for failure.

You must be the captain of Bricks little colony of faithful forum hobbits I imagine. Besides licking the under area of his ball-sack clean do you have any other responsibilities?  Since the way you've been posting around here clearly shows you want the world to know you get first dibbs on wearing his soiled panties over your head whenever his home attendant tosses him into the tub for his quarterly bath.
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
April 27, 2019, 10:41:30 AM
Quote from: "Herman"Here PEndejo. Here boy, here spic. Come meet your white Ukrainian master. ac_beating

^^^ a prelude to the man on man loveplay that is soon to follow.