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Messages - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Re: What they Think
May 10, 2019, 08:00:36 PM
To be honest, this concept of having to explain to guests in your house that they cannot do whatever the fuck it is that they please has always baffled me.

In my home, you take off your hat upon entry. I don't give two rats fucking worth of a fuck if you think that's backwards in whatever shithole of an uncivilized trailer park you happen to have crawled out of.

In my home you do as I say or GTFO. It is really that simple. Same holds true on your online forum for any guest who wishes to enter.
The Guest Nest / Re: What they Think
May 10, 2019, 07:43:35 PM
Safe to assume you'll be showing up on Fash's behalf if a court date should arise out a hate speech law violation? Contributing to any possible legal fees associated with an action wherein she's forced to defend herself?

No? Then do shut the fuck up and sit down sailor. No consequence equals a whole lot of convenience but lacks credibility as far as I'm concerned

Hate speech in this forum is whatever the owner says it is. End of discussion.

If that somehow does not appeal to you, set up your own forum and use an image of a camel getting fucked by some Muslim extremist as your homepage. :icon_wink:
The Guest Nest / Re: Karl is Gary Joak
May 10, 2019, 07:16:56 PM
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Fashionista"

Seoul is right, if Mel goes on regular drunken rants about evs and mimi, she WILL cut them loose which would mean the end of Ourforum..

What's our forum got to do with this?

There is serious consideration being given to the idea of merging all these forums into one consolidated melting pot of degenerative chaos, mayhem and some healthy discussions on lawn watering.

You were not consulted before hand obviously. Blasphemous. I know.
The Guest Nest / Re: What they Think
May 10, 2019, 05:11:03 PM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Does anyone mind if I throw some water on Caskur?

 I'd fry you and make you cry.

No no. Please don't post any revealing photos of yourself.

This forum is already struggling with hate speech so let's not add gore to the list of possible issues.
The Guest Nest / Re: What they Think
May 10, 2019, 04:54:25 PM
Does anyone mind if I throw some water on Caskur?

She does this really cool melting trick when you do
The Guest Nest / Re: Karl is Gary Joak
May 10, 2019, 01:02:36 PM
Looks like he's a hairline away from being banned
They would all certainly benefit from the increased activity
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"I think it would make for a more thriving community overall.

Obviously there would be sub boards for the particular interests of each native group but it could be an overall melting pot.

I think someone like Joo could bring that all together. I hear he's very good at that sort of thing.



Do you mean Gaon?

He's sensitive about being called a Jew.

No. There is a poster who has gone by the name JooDog in the past and now I believe he calls himself "Biggie Smiles" over at SG.
I think it would make for a more thriving community overall.

Obviously there would be sub boards for the particular interests of each native group but it could be an overall melting pot.

I think someone like Joo could bring that all together. I hear he's very good at that sort of thing.
Probably the best idea for the entire community would be to collapse all three into one forum with all three owners being admins.

Lol.. yeah... that wouldn't create mass hysteria  :roll:
Why wouldnt you be
Quote from: "Bricktop"">.

I adore your optimism.

They run a flame forum. They NEED to incite other forums. It's in their DNA.

And yet, look who started thread
How interesting that some people will lurk all day yet are too afraid to register a simple ID and post that where they are lurking.

This is commonly referred to as a coward.
Quote from: "Gaon"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Shen Li". Oh yeah, and pissing off white libtards.

that's always fun. And remarkably easy to do

It sure as hell was Thuggie. ac_drinks

lol, you two are bad.

Driving libtards crazy is a public service

it should be part of one's patriotic duty
Quote from: "Shen Li"Awesome vid dude. :thumbup:

I almost got sick watching that retarded hypotwat. The health care part was informative. A lot of Canadians don't understand how American health care works. They think it is a market based system.

Yeah, that retard was exceptionally stupid and made an utter tit of herself with some of the most absurd statements I've ever heard.

I couldn't debate with someone like her cause I'd just end up insulting the fuck out of her.

Sadly, there is going to be some poor sap out there that gets her pregnant leaving the only situation which could possibly be worse than being romantically involved with her on the shoulders of whatever offspring they happen to produce.