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Messages - Moonpie

Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"
Quote from: "Dove"Moonie is a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit ♡

I've been friends with her for yeeeaars now.

No one cares you freaking idiot.  I think you have bigger fish to fry.

And you're a straight up bitch.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- guess I struck a nerve podcast
February 10, 2020, 12:21:16 PM
I missed it.  Like usual.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

You don't really mean that?  The good news is, Jesus came for the broken.  We all fall short and sin.  Everyone turns from God in sin but God sent his ONE AND ONLY son to save us from what man can't do for themselves.  For example, Dove is a pure picture of God's grace and mercy.  She knows that and that's all that matters.  Once you understand the gospel, I think you would feel differently.

True everyone sins however she hasn't repented.

She's in denial. So are you.

Just because you become a Christian, doesn't mean it's a ticket to sin without consequences.

Of course.  Full repentance to Jesus is what it takes.  How am I in denial?  How do you know that she hasn't repented?

She hasn't shown a gram of shame in any of her posts.

She justifies what she did and blames the whole episode on KM.

She isn't humble or repentant.

I don't read her rubbish anymore.... She can go troll someone else.

You're picking up for her now without realizing the gravity of her actions.

No, ii understand what you're saying.  Totally.

I'm not certainly the judge.  I have talked to her over the years.  This girl has been through so much and is really a great person and mother to her children.  It's a process.  I'm not talking about trolling here.  I'm not a trolling person.
Quote from: "Dove"Moonie is a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit ♡

I've been friends with her for yeeeaars now.

My sweet love dove... ac_drinks  acc_hugz
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

You don't really mean that?  The good news is, Jesus came for the broken.  We all fall short and sin.  Everyone turns from God in sin but God sent his ONE AND ONLY son to save us from what man can't do for themselves.  For example, Dove is a pure picture of God's grace and mercy.  She knows that and that's all that matters.  Once you understand the gospel, I think you would feel differently.

True everyone sins however she hasn't repented.

She's in denial. So are you.

Just because you become a Christian, doesn't mean it's a ticket to sin without consequences.

Of course.  Full repentance to Jesus is what it takes.  How am I in denial?  How do you know that she hasn't repented?
Thank you all!  The only mooning I did is my avatar lol
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Superchecker"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Fashionista"How is your nephew doing DD?


Like nothing happened...and he got his kitten as his reward.  ac_biggrin


Lost my brother last summer to brain cancer...

Only about one third of the people who are diagnosed with brain cancer survive for five years.


It's awful, so I worked for a few neurosurgeons in my day.  Most neurosurgeons don't have the heart to remove tumors, they refer them out.  So incredibly sad, first they want the best to remove the tumor so they look for the "best" brain neurosurgeons in the area.  My Dr., once he finished med school, his mom was rushed for a bad headache and she died instantly.  So from that traumatic event, he tries to avoid it by all costs.  

I have learned with dealing with certain brain tumors you have to find the best surgical solution or it's a wash, regardless.

Super checker, my condolences to you and your family.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

You don't really mean that?  The good news is, Jesus came for the broken.  We all fall short and sin.  Everyone turns from God in sin but God sent his ONE AND ONLY son to save us from what man can't do for themselves.  For example, Dove is a pure picture of God's grace and mercy.  She knows that and that's all that matters.  Once you understand the gospel, I think you would feel differently.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Guest"I think racial and gay hate posting is as disgusting and vile as threatening physical violence or any of the other tasteless antics used on strictly shitposting forums.  

I just brought back one of the best original yahoo message board trolls to ever play this game on MMP.  I'm trying to get back to our fun troll roots.... even though I've been shown ZERO loyalty.  

Sorry ya'll so enthralled with SG drama that you can be bothered with my site.... but you are now free to kiss my ass and eat my dust.

Really yeah you're so loyal to people like myself eh???

You attack my character how many times now?  You removed me from admin from your board for no reason.  That's loyalty.  Lol.  Anyhow, don't talk to me about loyalty.  It's only about what others can do for you and anyone with half of a brain knows it.

Is that you in your avatar Moonpie?

Omgosh yes why is it so big??? I need to get rid of it lol.

You're very beautiful Moonpie.


Thank you sweet lady.  I hope you are having a beautiful time on your vacay.  Blessings for a safe trip.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Guest"I think racial and gay hate posting is as disgusting and vile as threatening physical violence or any of the other tasteless antics used on strictly shitposting forums.  

I just brought back one of the best original yahoo message board trolls to ever play this game on MMP.  I'm trying to get back to our fun troll roots.... even though I've been shown ZERO loyalty.  

Sorry ya'll so enthralled with SG drama that you can be bothered with my site.... but you are now free to kiss my ass and eat my dust.

Really yeah you're so loyal to people like myself eh???

You attack my character how many times now?  You removed me from admin from your board for no reason.  That's loyalty.  Lol.  Anyhow, don't talk to me about loyalty.  It's only about what others can do for you and anyone with half of a brain knows it.

Is that you in your avatar Moonpie?

Omgosh yes why is it so big??? I need to get rid of it lol.
Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Murdock"What friendship actually looks like ~ the tard explanation:  

Murdy: Moonie, is Reaper ok?

Moonie: Murdy, I'm friends with you both and I don't want to get involved.  

Murdy:  It's all good.  No worries.

You are a true nutbar.  Take care of yourself.

And just like I suspected... Reaper posted proof at MMP that YOU ran to him with my concern while ignoring my text.  

You super suck, Moon Pie  ac_hithere

That's not at all how it went down.  And it's cool I've been called worse at times.  And like I said Don't discuss your board management with me.  It's NOT my business.  And it's not like you couldn't go to others to find out that shit.  Was it something you even needed to text me?  It came from left field and it's not like you talk to me much in the first place.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Australian Birds
February 02, 2020, 11:14:18 AM
So beautiful....can't wait to visit Australia one day.
The Flea Trap / Re: Oooh la LOL
February 02, 2020, 11:12:00 AM
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
February 01, 2020, 01:12:23 AM
^^ sorry that's me above.
The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 31, 2020, 01:37:54 PM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"I agree get help murdy.  It's concerning.  I think we all really care in regards to that. After listening to that podcast especially.

There is nothing worse than an e-friend turning on you.

I'm sorry you're the new victim of that.

Females should stick together, no matter what.

Agreed, I didn't turn on her.  She didn't want me to be an admin of her site she shouldn't discuss administrative shit with me via text.  It's NOT my business.  

She has to make things much bigger than it truly is.  I didn't go to anyone, I didn't screenshot anything and spread it like she does.  It's the principal of the matter.