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Messages - Lynn.F

Quote from: "Gaon"Fash, I took a look at some recent posts in this sub. Do you consider the racist abuse by Lynn.F at you entertainment?

Fuck off Jew. Aren't there some pennies yUo need stuff up yUoR anus, for a rainy day?
The Guest Nest / Re: The Shut up Fat Danny
August 10, 2019, 02:45:41 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Cronus"I am just advising you that because you are new you get no special privileges. You should have read the rules before you posted. It's that simple. Didn't touch your post content. Leave out profanities and you can edit your title accordingly. Read the rules first then post. It's what most normal people do. Obviously I am not the moron here......

No, yuO'Re a bonafide retard. So yUo obviously have "flaming" going on here. Hell there was even a match. Now all of a sudden no "profanities" and we all go to church on Sunday? Give me a fucking break. Who are yUo trying to kid? YUoR forum is dying, because yUo tards can't figure out if yUoR a "flame" subforum or a "forum".

Next time, let yUoR dog post in yUoR place; at least when it chases its own tail, there's a reason for it.


God yUo are fucking stupid. Just because people are "trolling" yUoR forum and posting up porn...does not mean that yUoR forum is growing dickhead.

Regardless, they are following the rules.

Contradictions? YUo have contradicted yUoRself already. "Flaming" is allowed, but no profanity in thread titles? That's like saying it's legal to buy crack cocaine, but yUo just can't smoke it.

What a bunch of dipshits.

P.S.- I'm sure yuOr "influx" of new members is due to yUoR "no profanity clause". Idiot.

There isn't a no profanity clause here.

Man, did anyone call for the Asian Rainbow Bright to comment? Didn't think so. So go continue making Chop Suey and Egg Rolls.

Would you like me to make you some?

I don't like to boast, but I've been told I'm a good cook.

Sorry slant-eye. Not into dog or cat meat.

So, you've tried both and they weren't for you.

No. I've never tried. Then again, i'm sure dog shit tastes great to yUo people as well.

Were not that hard up, but thanks again for your concern.

Are yuO sure? YuO people eat the fuck out of everything under the sun? Yuo'Re like fucking locusts.

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "JOE"We have a good time over there!

lottsa  lively topics & discussions.

how bout you folks?

how you doin'?

hope yer doin well.

Regards, Joe

From all of US at the SG, we would love it if yUo just stayed the fuck right here at TBC.

I can't believe JOE ever posted here..

He's hated this place before I even knew who he was.

No one fucking cares. Least of all me.

Thank you for the's appreciated.


Now yUo can go fuck yuOrSelf, and take that Avian Flu with yUo immigrant.

Thank you for your concern for my health, but I've been vaccinated against avian H5N1 influenza.


I'm not "concerned" yUo Chinese cunt.

Oh you're not fooling anyone, you care.

Same could be said about yUo wanting to be a "flamer".
When that dickhead Cronos told me there's "no profanity" in the thread titles, I was like, these idiots have no idea what a "flame" forum is.
The Guest Nest / Re: Hiya Peaches...
August 09, 2019, 06:59:51 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Peaches":ththbored:


If yUo'Re not going to "flame" then why are yUo here slope head?

Somebody has to be the target.

Are you like the sacrificial lamb that takes on the sin of the entire flaming world.

I doubt she's Jesus Christ. Jesus never ate pets and then bragged about it.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 05:25:23 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Bonesaw"
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "sasquatch"Ladies, Gents, or whatever made up gender/mental illness you self-identify as...We need to help a fellow old fart out for the good of the flame game and for the good of a certain poster.

As we all know, we know of a certain old geezer that has been using content from Mr. Pickles for some quite time now, and it appears the content for the mentally defunct old fuck appears to be drying up.

Now, unlike the other telethon where poofer tried to get a gigolo for two unfuckable fatties, this one won't cost anybody a single penny. All you gotta do is donate a little bit of content to keep some old bastard going for a little while longer. Now, there will be some who will say "fuck that useless bastard. i'm not giving him shit", but please look into your heart and give a little to the mentally disabled who can't create original content. even if it is just 1 word, every little bit helps the flaming needy.

Now, you still have some time. the actual content-a-thon doesn't start until sunday August 11th.So please take a look at your old dusty flames that you haven't used, and decide to give yourself some good karma and pass them down to the less fortunate.

Just 1 teeny tiny flame is all it takes to make a world of difference to the less fortunate.

August 11th, folks. mark it on your calenders!

What a colossal failure yUo are. Why don't yUo try something more yUOr competitive eating.

Apparently, "hooked on phonics" wasn't yours. ac_lmfao

So with material like this, I take it you won't be donating any quality flames in your new comp.

Even the flame-challenged would pass over your offerings.  Actually, they can do better.

Apparently you're still to slow on the uptake here. It is NOT a competition, it is a charity event. nobody is competing for anything here, but passing on goodwill to the less fortunate.

So what are yUo still doing here? Aren't yUo ALL filled up on "goodwill"?
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 05:14:50 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "sasquatch"I wouldn't want you to start stealing content like you steal identities from much better flamers.

tell ya what. I'll add your name to the list of potential recepients of the donated flames.

Rumour has it that there's a big time celebrity that has some flames to donate, so tou may be able to flame like a celebrity  :thumbup:

Prove it airclaimer.

P.S.- Getting a little desperate aren't we?

you'll have to wait until sunday. lets just say he would pity you, ]

Now yUo'Re starting to sound like King Martini.

Hey triple chin, stop being so's okay to still be a virgin @ 32.

personal experience? i'm still younger than 32.

"Personal experience"? Have yUo seen yUoRself? YuO look like the offspring between Caskur and a Llama. Even the Swamp Thing can be heard saying, "Damn, Fat Danny's fucked up looking".

So did yUo let King Martini borrow yUoR neck? Or did yUo eat that too?
The Guest Nest / Re: Flametown's "content-a-thon"
August 09, 2019, 05:03:14 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "sasquatch"I wouldn't want you to start stealing content like you steal identities from much better flamers.

tell ya what. I'll add your name to the list of potential recepients of the donated flames.

Rumour has it that there's a big time celebrity that has some flames to donate, so tou may be able to flame like a celebrity  :thumbup:

Prove it airclaimer.

P.S.- Getting a little desperate aren't we?

you'll have to wait until sunday. lets just say he would pity you, ]

Now yUo'Re starting to sound like King Martini.

Hey triple chin, stop being so's okay to still be a virgin @ 32.
The Guest Nest / Re: Hiya Peaches...
August 09, 2019, 05:00:30 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Peaches":ththbored:


If yUo'Re not going to "flame" then why are yUo here slope head?

Somebody has to be the target.

Are we talking about yUo OR Fatty Danny?
The Guest Nest / Re: The Shut up Fat Danny
August 09, 2019, 04:57:56 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Cronus"I am just advising you that because you are new you get no special privileges. You should have read the rules before you posted. It's that simple. Didn't touch your post content. Leave out profanities and you can edit your title accordingly. Read the rules first then post. It's what most normal people do. Obviously I am not the moron here......

No, yuO'Re a bonafide retard. So yUo obviously have "flaming" going on here. Hell there was even a match. Now all of a sudden no "profanities" and we all go to church on Sunday? Give me a fucking break. Who are yUo trying to kid? YUoR forum is dying, because yUo tards can't figure out if yUoR a "flame" subforum or a "forum".

Next time, let yUoR dog post in yUoR place; at least when it chases its own tail, there's a reason for it.


God yUo are fucking stupid. Just because people are "trolling" yUoR forum and posting up porn...does not mean that yUoR forum is growing dickhead.

Regardless, they are following the rules.

Contradictions? YUo have contradicted yUoRself already. "Flaming" is allowed, but no profanity in thread titles? That's like saying it's legal to buy crack cocaine, but yUo just can't smoke it.

What a bunch of dipshits.

P.S.- I'm sure yuOr "influx" of new members is due to yUoR "no profanity clause". Idiot.

There isn't a no profanity clause here.

Man, did anyone call for the Asian Rainbow Bright to comment? Didn't think so. So go continue making Chop Suey and Egg Rolls.

Would you like me to make you some?

I don't like to boast, but I've been told I'm a good cook.

Sorry slant-eye. Not into dog or cat meat.

So, you've tried both and they weren't for you.

No. I've never tried. Then again, i'm sure dog shit tastes great to yUo people as well.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bonesaw"Apparently I, too, have been breaking the rules according to Rotwang himself in Exhibit A:">

.... unless I'm missing something.

Fat Danny can have the last word as far as I'm concerned.  I've already proven that he couldn't find his ass with both hands.

Maybe we should have slightly different rules for a flaming sub.


Ya think? YuO dimwitted moron.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "JOE"We have a good time over there!

lottsa  lively topics & discussions.

how bout you folks?

how you doin'?

hope yer doin well.

Regards, Joe

From all of US at the SG, we would love it if yUo just stayed the fuck right here at TBC.

I can't believe JOE ever posted here..

He's hated this place before I even knew who he was.

No one fucking cares. Least of all me.

Thank you for the's appreciated.


Now yUo can go fuck yuOrSelf, and take that Avian Flu with yUo immigrant.

Thank you for your concern for my health, but I've been vaccinated against avian H5N1 influenza.


I'm not "concerned" yUo Chinese cunt.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Shut up Fat Danny
August 09, 2019, 03:49:53 PM
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "BEnzo"
Calm down.

Does Flynn always cry like this????


Does kiebers always post crisp crap like this????

When dealing with whiny bitches I do. Seems it's all they understand.

So why isn't this post directed to Rotwang, Fatty Danny; and Fashionista? Try again yUo slackjawed dolt.
The Guest Nest / Re: Hiya Peaches...
August 09, 2019, 03:46:14 PM
So hey Peaches what did yUo call Rotwang again? I see, yUo like talking about people when they're not around. Bitch.
The Guest Nest / Re: Hiya Peaches...
August 09, 2019, 03:44:32 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Peaches":ththbored:


If yUo'Re not going to "flame" then why are yUo here slope head?