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Messages - jeffersonian

Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Henry"I'm not surprised because our society today don't have equality. I'm not a communist because that government is corrupt as any form of government. I don't envy those workers who have those kind of ridiculous salary because I'm happy with my eager income. I think this is the problem with some of us because we don't become contented with what we earn but we want more.

Pampering and overpaying unskilled these labourers hurts the nation in the long run and drives inflation. Companies pass on he cost of these glorified warehouse wokers high wages to all of us.

In Eastern countries if you want to make a good wage you must have a skill that's in demand. The Western world has become unsustainable and will be forced to change in the next decade or so. I don't see much future for people with such a false sense of entitlement if they are unwilling to adapt to the new reality.

You are so right. I think that unions have served their purpose. I absolutely agree that workers should not be abused as they have been in times past. But unions have a stranglehold on employers and even too much power over their members. Let's not even start with how much illegitimate political power they wield.
The Flea Trap / Re: Where is the outrage about Benghazi?
November 05, 2012, 05:21:21 PM
That is an interesting article, Romero. I still have some questions, though. It is unlikely that those reports materialized out of thin air. I wonder if more information will continue to be revealed in the days ahead.
The Flea Trap / Re: What's The Future Of Our Children?
November 05, 2012, 05:13:17 PM
Quote from: "Henry"Our baby is only 8 months old and our current society is crashing down either economically or socially. I'm afraid that my child's future is worse than we have today. What should we do for our children to have better future than ours?

The best gift I can give to my children is to teach them to think for themselves. I give them a lot of opportunities to gain real life skills and confidence in their decision-making abilities. I teach them to question everything others assume and search and find out for themselves the truth, as best as they are able.

I believe that part of why we have ended up where we are, politically, is because our children are no longer taught to think as individuals. People are very easily led and manipulated. Being able to think for yourself will give you an advantage in any situation.
The Flea Trap / Where is the outrage about Benghazi?
November 04, 2012, 09:05:31 PM
I really hoped the Benghazi mess would open people's eyes and show them Obama has to go. Where is the outrage over what happened? I haven't heard a single plausible reason given as to why troops were told to stand down, to not go to the rescue of their own embattled citizens. The only reason I can see is that Obama didn't want to acknowledge that terrorism is no less now than when he took office. Yet I am not hearing the people call for answers.
Agree with the title of this thread as well as the body of it. How many more jobs can be lost, how much more borrowed money can be wasted before people wake up? I agree that Romney isn't who I'd pick, but at least he is promising to do things differently. And I'm not convinced he is a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist like Obama.