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Messages - Time Flies

Quote from: "jaysings"I occasionally took a look of the list of  finding friends in Facebook and found out my ex-gf in the list. I got mixed feeling momentarily because a baby she held up is in her advatar. Then, I clicked in to see what she has been going on ever since we broke up, and I soon realized that she has got married and got a baby already. looking back on myself, I've been feeling ashamed on myself because I don't even have a girlfriend. suddenly feel very stressful and it seems to have fell a heavy burdean on my shoulder on the way to my future.

Did she get pregnant by a cracker? If she did I hope she suffers for the rest of her life.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
October 18, 2013, 06:34:25 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
I am surprised he hasn't gone on one of Winton Wu's tours of Russia.

Winston Wu "slightly" exaggerates... The guy seems to get off on women just talking to him.  :lol:

1) He is fucking ugly, round faced and fat.

2) He has a squeeky voice. Childlike.

3) He is a lame nerd.

4) Russian men are very masculine, tall and strong in the north.

Some Ivan Dragos are not that hard to find. Dispite what some1 might have said, Russia is a very racist country.

I have known Winston for some time from past Asian forums. I agree that he is hideously ugly and a nerd. The thing that creeps me out about him though is the sex tourism. I know it is none of my business, but I just don't like it.

You stereotype all Asian men as ugly and nerds. You don't like to see Asian men with beautiful white women.

Just like all sellouts you do it to be accepted by white men fetishers. You and that internally racist Dairy Queen Fashionista have no self-esteem and are a cancer on the entire Asian community. Go be used like $10 sluts by white men. We don't want you.
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Birthday Shen Li
October 18, 2013, 06:23:52 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Blondes are high class and when you are with a blonde everybody knows that you are high class too

You need to work your way up to to a tall white chick. This is more suitable for someone of your limited sex appeal.">

 :lol:,  :lol:


Wow, that's a really bargin basement inflate-a-date. It doesn't even have the Barby doll hair that you usually find on upper end models.

Hardly a surprise that white worshipping whore Shen Li thinks racism against Asian men is funny. Does she do it to be accepted by her racist white friend rene?
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
October 05, 2013, 01:53:45 PM
Quote from: "Keeper"I have a confession, I have a Thing for Asian Women, There was a Lady where I worked at a few years back that I had a crush on, her name was Joy (sigh) I miss her.

Oh look we got another racist Asian fetisher here.
Quote from: "Kala"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Oriental guys are macho cool

oriental guys are tolerable at best.....i wouldn't hire one of them....they spend too much time putting on their makeup and waiting for mama to tell them what to do....effeminate enough to be gay without actually being gay.....helpless and useless.. :geek:

Oriental guys are gay looking. They have delicate feminine features which means they cannot compete with white men when it comes to masculinity or height. They need to focus on their strengths which is definitely not sexual appeal to women.

Asian men have it tougher than the crackers because of negative images from Hollywood, Hollywood desexes Asian men. Then you have the internal racist whores like Fashionista that perpetuate the anti-Asian man racism.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
October 05, 2013, 01:48:12 PM
Quote from: "Odinson"It is no secret for us finnishmen that russian women are easy as hell and carry every STD known to man.

"In fact, any Asian man as well as most men of color can tell you that at a service establishment such as a restaurant or cafe, they are treated much better when they are with a white woman"

A status-symbol.

You crackers only like Asian women because of Hollywood stereotypes. Asian women are submissive, Asian women are exotic, Asian women have tight pussies. I don't fault white guys for taking a taste. It's those racist sellout whores like Fashionista that are the cancerous plague. That self-esteem challenged white wannabe whore hates herself so much that she prostitutes herself out to crackers that use her like the diseased pig that she is.

You guys can have that piece of filth.
Quote from: "cc li tarte"Ditto!! ^

Quote from: "Renee referring to Green Goop" when I got tired of him I could just reach across the table and hold him face down in his soup.
Spit my coffee upon picturing that verbal image

Look at the way the yt's accept fashionista as if she were one of their own. The white worshipping sellout is a disgrace to all proud Asians.
The Flea Trap / Re: Is Shen Li a bad mother?
August 02, 2013, 06:21:02 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"^^I get it dude, women don't notice you. However, it is not because you are East Asian. It's because NO woman anywhere is attracted to pathetic misogynistic crybabies. :x

I have to work twice as hard and be twice as good as white men to get noticed and do you know why? It is because of internalized white worshipping sluts like you. You not only believe, you promote all the anti-Asian male garbage the West produces. It's bad enough white men don't want to see us in healthy relationships, but our own women throw us under the bus too.
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
August 02, 2013, 06:15:18 PM
Quote from: "Romero"If you were a proud Asian male with high self-esteem, you wouldn't be so jealous and upset about something so silly.

Spoken like someone who benefits from white privilege.
The Flea Trap / Re: Is Shen Li a bad mother?
August 02, 2013, 04:44:18 PM
Of course Shen Li is a bad mother and so is Fashionista. Confused, white worshipping whores giving birth to self-loathing mental cases that will deny their Asian side. Asian women like them are a cancer on the Asian community. Their ugly mongrel brats spread the disease.
Cheers to Green_Hornet for standing up to racists like Lotus Leaf. Those two internalized racists Fashionista and Shen Li won't do it, so Asian men have to be the ones who show some pride.
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
August 02, 2013, 04:03:45 PM
Quote from: "Odinson"Fashie and Shen Li are very beautiful females.

Both of them are knockouts..

No they are not. They are racist, ugly sell out whores. White men like them because they will do anything including hating men of their own race to gain acceptance from the white majority. They both are confused and fucked in the head from constant negative anti-Asian male images in the media. Only white men find those two self-loathing bitches beautiful. Low self-esteem cunts like them are not beautiful to proud Asian men with high self-esteem.
The Flea Trap / Re: Christian Corner
August 02, 2013, 03:58:29 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Funerals are a business in Taiwan too Mr. Obvious Li..

I don't understand what you mean about churches being a huge moneymaking scam?

when i was there it seemed like every week there was another story in the papers about some church pastor or priest ripping off millions of dollars from a congregation or selling church property to real estate developers and pocketing the money.....believe me wherever there is money in Korea there is a scam artist working on stealing it.....strangest place i've ever seen......even though these people must know they will get caught they just can't help stealing....a friend and i went to a wine bar and drank a few bottles of nectar....he paid with his credit card.....once the transaction was approved the owner put through another 12 transactions totaling 20K on his card..........he kept billing until the card was maxed.....using his merchant number etc......i had 4k put on mine at one bar.....WTF they know the police will get them but they can't help themselves...dishonesty is part of the culture...seems like a huge generalization i know.....but it happened soooo often to me over there.....from everyone

I don't understand that Mr. Obvious Li?

My pastor cannot sell any church property without approval from the church members..

We have a secretary, treasurer, auditor and a financial report issued quarterly..

Financial impropriety would be nearly impossible without someone catching it.

Let me guess, you go to an all white church? You are the token minority and they get you to wash the floors and clean the kitchen? They use your face in diversity photos to try and boost memberships.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
June 21, 2013, 06:18:38 PM
Quote from: "Big Wave Dave"
Quote from: "Time Flies"
Quote from: "Odinson"

I ment it as a joke.

My baby is gonna look like Joe Camel when he comes out.

You are like a 1 string banjo.

Odinson is so brainwashed he believes negative depictions of Asian males in the popular Western media. We are never the hero, we never get the girl in the movies, and Asian male celebrities aren't really known as womanizers. We are all asexual video gaming nerds.

I remember this when I was in Korea and Japan. I am in Thailand now, so you don't see it as much as up North.

Asian women are sexy, white guys like them and Asian guys are workaholic geeks. So it is written.

Another cracka with an Asian fetish I see. The Western media's de-sexing campaign against Asian men is responsibile for this.

Even in Asia too many internally racist sell out whores. Go ahead and get or give the AIDS to your massage parlour whore. Good riddance to the both of you.
The Flea Trap / Re: Korean Men Are Fags
June 21, 2013, 06:10:50 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"

Your husband is a foot taller than you... You chose him because of his male attributes. ;)

He was a Godly, hardworking man and I could tell he really loved me..

That and [size=200]deep blue eyes[/size].

More proofs fashionista is a self-loathing racist whore.

This is a part of message I sent to instigator; The ones like Fashionista are the cancer in our community. They were born in America or came at the early age. They hate themselves so mcuh they marry cracka's. Just look at that confused ho's posts. She likes blue eyes for fuck sakes! What is wrong with Asian eyes? She is a seriously confused, self-loathing sell out.

I cannot keep silent while racist bitches do their racist masters bidding for them. They are Asian uncle Tom's.

Instigator and I are the only proud Asians here.