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Messages - heinzy

The Flea Trap / Re: Swingers
November 23, 2015, 07:50:29 PM
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"This does not appeal to me one bit.

Neither to me. Actually the idea had never occurred to me  ac_unsure
The Flea Trap / Re: Knock knock. Are you in, Azhya?
June 19, 2015, 02:31:34 PM
It is always admirable , refreshing and at the same time also a bit amusing, how succinctly, eloquently and articulately 'CC' and 'Areola' are able to couch in words what they want to say.

I also find myself hard pressed to ever disagreeing with their - in my opinion - simply mature, common sense approach to subjects at hand.

Hat off to you ladies.....Heinzy. :)
The Flea Trap / Re: Dear Friends
May 11, 2015, 03:19:39 PM
'socio-economic' is merely a euphemism for philosophical standpoints, be they in the field of religion; history interpretation or political orientation. Fact of the matter is, everybody has already a fairly entrenched position on all of those subjects, now either tries with missionary zeal to 'enlighten' others, ridicule other viewpoints or viciously defend own p.o.vs. In the end, nothing is gained and it"s a complete w.o.t.

How do I know? For years I battled Neonazis, communists ; sicko freaks; green nuts and Stalinists; revisionists ; antisemitists and pathological Jew haters. All of these people and the political Left, share a common hall mark: rather than deal with reality, they dwell in home spun delusions, phantasies, Utopian irrealism and neither have learned from history nor do they want to learn from it.

Of course, young people interested in pissing contests love to 'discuss' topics of 'socio-economic' nature.

Thanks for reading this far....
The Flea Trap / Re: Oy! We got problems!
May 11, 2015, 02:46:01 PM
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"What is the biggest threat facing the world today? I can't be certain. However, the biggest threat facing each person is their own minds.

Very, very good...because it is ultimately and evidently true. :howdy:
The Flea Trap / Re: Retardation On Other Forums
April 08, 2015, 11:29:35 PM
Quote from: "Leopardsocks"Well, that was my understanding.

But, no biggie either way. I'm just weary of the pseudo-war of words and would love to see the new beginning unencumbered with the bores of the past.

I second that reasoning. The internet is full of intellectual junk ; in every language; ergo , for those bores so inclined, more than plenty to chose from.

Of course, there are also very good, even outstanding fora. So, it is up to the administrator to decide where and how to use and apply her/his discretion and where in that broad caleidoscope of discussion fora his niche will be.
It is absolutely absurd to ascertain  a correlation between intelligence  and , not fertility but , the willingness to sacrifice some hedonism as parent in ones life.

A prime example had been given by the Manhattan Project. When Los Alamos - a military compound  which only had to be referred to as P.O. Box 1663  - started with  r & d for the atomic bomb, hundreds of Americas brightest and best scientists were summoned to that then primitive area. The  quickly build prefab huts for the married couples , most in their twenties and early thirties , had in the beginning no elec. power, there was no t.v or movie or any theater, no diversion at all ,bexcept visiting friends. As a completely unforeseen  consequence the bomb builders experienced an explosion in births , way too many for General Groves liking because all those new babies and their moms needed additional services and facilities ; as their pace of birth was registered 'P.O. Box 1663' .  During the first year 80 babies were born after Nagasaki there were 330 kiddies were crawling around in that  'post office box'.

Cut all electricity off for 3 years and Canada's fertility rate will spike through the roof ... :P
The Flea Trap / Re: A waitress drill in China
May 30, 2013, 05:17:12 AM
Quote from: "seoulbro" //// the third I had heard about. She is Korean.

Rats,I goofed.    Had no intention of linking that page.  :oops:  

Anyway, it's corrected now.    8-)
The Flea Trap / Re: A waitress drill in China
May 30, 2013, 05:10:10 AM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
The first video was funny, the second one does not exist and the third I had heard about. She is Korean.

Try this :">
... r_embedded">
The Flea Trap / A waitress drill in China
May 30, 2013, 03:53:09 AM">">"> ... viral.html">
Corporations are risk takers , as such they can rake it in during good years and profits tie them over the bad years. Risk-taking needs an incentive for rewards and vice versa; all our research , inventions and improvements came about because  risk- and loan  takers , believers, optimists and credit givers.

Naturally, companies as corporate citizens of society need to be taxed , but not to a degree that robs incentives to risk taking and leaves  hairline margins. Efforts and rewards must stand in a healthy relationship to each other to survive.
Quote from: "Obvious Li"you guys are nuts......the best nurse in the world is worth about 75k per year

The best  life saver ring in the world is worth about $ 100.

To a person in mortal peril to perish  that ring is worth everything he's got.

You mess up intrinsic value with commercial value.

Part of a  nurse's intrinsic value exists in the burden of unfailing , highest responsibility + dependability she|he has to carry. There simply can not be a price attached to that ; of course  necessity demands it and other criteria enter the assessment.

I myself take a heartfelt  bow to all those wonderful nurses, genuinely  enthusiastic , friendly, concerned and to top it off  - so darn pretty,  with whom I recently came in contact with at the VGH. Those super ladies  are tops bar none.
For anybody with an IQ level of room temperature and  who is in the unenviable  position to compare , the answer is too obvious in the favor of Canada .
[size=200] ?[/size]

[size=200] ?[/size]

[size=200] ?[/size]

[size=200] ?[/size]

[size=200]?[/size] [size=200]?[/size] Do you earnestly believe, lefty politicos have , in addition to ensconced  utopian delusions , yet room for  a soul   :?:  

I think  lefty quasi-communism; Mohammedanism and souls are mutually exclusive.  :P
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
January 21, 2013, 08:04:03 PM
Quote from: "didyoureally"It really seems that some people have a difficulty understanding very basic concept or really accept different ideas. I really don't see how anything I posted was silly it was simply a way to comment and show that people can ready what is posted online in various different ways.

I never said that anyone on this forum was "racist" I was trying to show that "Asian Canadian Forum" could be miscontrued and misunderstood by many, which well was just confirmed with all the negative comments I received on this post.

 I was hoping that my post would be understood, I was wrong. "If posts are really about 50% non Asian, so we certainly don't discriminate." Then why would this just not be a forum labeled as "Canadian Forum". It's one thing to post about non Asian, it's another to open the discussion to everyone. Again, sorry but seems my point was totally missed..

If I was to create a forum labeled "Caucasian Canadian Forum" would anyone here consider that Asian comments would not be welcomed?  Again, I think everyone can read things in a different way based on background, culture and possibly religion. This require a certain level of sensitivity that some people may not be able to understand or even realize.

Shen Li,

Sorry but you totally missed the point.... there is really no "law" to be followed.

If someone was to create a completely racist forum (and I am sure some of them exist out there) unfortunately they would not be breaking any laws in many countries. If that was the case many racist groups would no longer exist or would all be in jail by now...

"The point I am making is that everyone is entitled to their opinion and some people may indeed make some comments that can be innapropriate or inadequate without even realizing it."

I am not sure why you think what I said is so wrong or innapropriate?  Everyone can understand or read things in different ways, it's also a question of interpretation... so.. didn't you just prove my point?

In regards to " "manwhore" does not violate Canadian law. Jeesh, where the f*ck are you posting from, Iran? "

First off, I really don't think that any insults are needed, so what if I am posting from Iran? Is that a problem? Iraniens don't have the right to post? Aren't you stereotyping? (seems it can happen to everyone huh..). Why make a comment like this? That's just a typical example of someone making a comment that is completely insensitive.

My point here again was to try to express that some people may see "manwhore" as an inappropriate screen name. As a matter of fact, would "Ilikesex","whoreforsale" and all other such other words acceptable Screen names? Again, you just showed that you have little appreciation for differences in culture or sensitivity based on people background or culture.

I was not only refering to "law" but what is culturaly acceptable, nobody is really taking into account people's background when talking about racism... Someone from Canada can read a post from someone from china and consider what that person is posting racist, however the person from China had no intent to write anything racist, comments could have been made because of different culture, education, understanding, etc..

Anyways, again, I don't expect everyone to understand what I was trying to express.

""It really seems that some people have a difficulty understanding very basic concept or really accept different ideas.""[/list]

Above sentence could use a little make over .

""Anyways, again, I don't expect everyone to understand what I was trying to express.""[/list]

I have the impression you yourself struggle to 'understand what you are trying to express'.

With a little less verbosity you'd achieve more clarity.

As a , hmm, professor , you know that of course and agree  :mrgreen:
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
January 21, 2013, 07:36:29 PM
Quote from: "instigator"i'm tall handsome and rich. i've had girlfriends that are models so that's all the proof you need.


Uhmmm, your 'proofs' are  spoofs.  :lol:

Men endowed with only some of those qualities  you are mentioning - never mind the entire assortment  - have simply no time or appetite to spend much  time on the internet , much less on a website such as this.

Why don't they have time you ask?

Because *tall handsome and rich guys with girlfriends that are models * spend all their precious time to maintain ; to take care of ; their attributes ,significant acquisitions  & acquaintances . They don't need to prove themselves on an insignificant website like you do.

Because beautiful and intelligent women move in fairly restricted   circles, it is highly improbable you'd ever be so privileged to be near one the unlikely case that you'd be so unfortunate , you - like so many men - would be utterly  intimidated by her sheer presence ; your mind goes blank; you'd just freeze and be tongue tied.

So, the more  you brag -----  the more you lie!!! Start growing up  :)