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Messages - Kala

I tried to run down what I didn't like about them,

- their skinny hairless bodies (very effeminate looking)

- slanty shifty eyes, flat big button noses

- a lot of them carry man purses

- they are short

- effeminate hairstyles
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
June 08, 2014, 05:19:04 PM
Quote from: "Gary Oak"As if I look like that guy. What is really weird is that any guy would have an avatar like your first avatar on acmmb

You have to realize that Oriental men can only be so attractive. After all they are small and effeminate looking. That means they have no choice, but to set the bar very low. Yes, compared to white males they are ugly, but not by their own low standards. So a picture of what you think is an ugly Asian male is not ugly by seoulbro's standards.
A White female is more masculine, rough and independent than a typical Asian female from Asia. They need a guy who is more masculine than them, or at least is taller and looks more masculine. A typical Asian guy looks way too meek and feminine to them. They are not masculine enough for them, nor sexually attractive to them either. Asian males look nothing like what her DNA-driven mating instinct looks for. This is why most White women treat Asian men as asexual and do not consider them for any type of romantic relationship.

On the other hand, a typical white female, especially an American white female of Anglo/Germanic/Scandinavian descent, is not feminine enough for an Asian male. NE Asian women in China and Japan are 1000x more feminine than White women are, even those in Europe, in every way. There is no doubt about that. A modern white woman is more rough, thick-skinned and masculine, compared to a typical Asian female. Therefore, a typical super feminine Asian woman is no doubt more naturally suited for an Asian man, who is not as rugged and masculine looking as a White male is. This is why white women who go to NE Asian countries have a lot of trouble finding decent quality Asian men to date, and often complain about it on the internet.

These are the fundamental reasons why Asian males and White females are not naturally suited for each other and have a very low success rate in long-term relationships. It makes perfect logical sense, don't you think?

But on the other hand, White males and Asian females are far more common, have a higher success rate, and are more naturally suited (as long as both are open minded about interracial relationships), because a more masculine looking white male and a super feminine female are a viable match.
I know Oriental guys want cosmetic surgery because they think it will make them look more masculine and desirable to white women.
The Flea Trap / Asian men are effeminate
January 05, 2014, 05:25:22 PM
A study released by Columbia Business School revealed that race is often assigned a gender along a spectrum. Black people are viewed as "masculine," regardless of whether the subject is male or female, and Asian people as a whole are viewed as "feminine."

"Within the heterosexual dating market, men tend to prefer women who personify the feminine ideal while women prefer men who embody masculinity. Galinsky showed that men are more attracted to Asian women relative to black women, while women are more attracted to black men relative to Asian men. Even more interesting, the more a man valued femininity the more likely he was attracted to an Asian women and the less likely he was attracted to an black women. The same effect occurred for women, with attraction to masculinity driving the differential attraction to black men and Asian men".

Confirms what we all know, Oriental guys cannot compete with black or white men when it comes to sexuality and masculinity. They should stick with what they can compete and that is good grades and work ethic.
The Flea Trap / Re: Itchy skin problem
January 05, 2014, 05:20:12 PM
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"
Quote from: "TheVancouverGuy"Anybody have itchy skin problem? Had no problem during the summer. Now I need to use creams and lotions.

    I use creams and lotions too

Vancouver Guy and Rambo Wong are typical effeminate Oriental guys. I am not judging only stating a biological fact.
The Flea Trap / Why Asian guys look so effeminate
November 22, 2013, 11:11:22 PM
-Lack of general hairiness puts them into the "feminine " category.

-Shorter in height...and girls generally only want taller than themselves.

-Delicate features (smooth skin, smaller noses, small hands and wrists,).

-Penis size...oh that question lol !!! Studies have been proven that indeed Asian guys have very small dicks.

-Smaller body frames make it tougher for them to build mass.

-Almond shaped eyes look feminine on women, but it also looks feminine on men and so a turn off.

-Dressing in effeminate clothing highlights their short, small, delicate bodies.

Is there anything else I missed? What makes Oriental guys look so effeminate and therefore unattractive to most women.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
November 22, 2013, 10:58:35 PM
Quote from: "Keeper"
Quote from: "Kala"Most Asian guys have VERY feminine hair cuts and its just a know fact that most have small penises. Sorry its a fact, don't hate on me.

Loser or fucktard?

Shen Li seems a cross between the two. But she is another Asian chick with a guilty conscience because she doesn't like short, effeminate Asian guys.
Quote from: "Keeper"
Quote from: "Kala"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
This is an accepted view in the Asian community

I understand what Shen Li is saying though..

The media, and I assume you mean Hollywood had no role in my marriage I can say for sure..

Knowing what a non-conformist Shen Li is I think she doesn't care what they say is the standard of attractiveness either.

Fashionista, you know that is not true. You are ashamed to admit that you married a white man because Asian men have small dicks and feminine features. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Troll or idiot?

I would not call Fashionista an idiot per se. She finds it hard to be honest with herself. She doesn't want short effeminate Asian guys and what woman can blame her.
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
November 22, 2013, 10:53:58 PM
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"I hate it when I see white men with Asian girls. They should stay with their own type

I can understand that, but you should not get angry just because like all Asian guys you have a small dick, small wrists, are short and effeminate. Asian men should concentrate on studying and being good sons. Asian men are too effeminate to compete with white men on looks and masculinity.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
I have never bought this argument that the media is responsible for people's likes. If a man or woman is attractive they have active social lives. Time Flies is probably an angry, ugly, socially awkward geek like green hornet and that ALONE is why he can't get a girlfriend.

Well then you are very much in the minority. The media is the largest influence when it comes to promoting cultural standards of male and female attractiveness.

This is an accepted view in the Asian community

I understand what Shen Li is saying though..

The media, and I assume you mean Hollywood had no role in my marriage I can say for sure..

Knowing what a non-conformist Shen Li is I think she doesn't care what they say is the standard of attractiveness either.

Fashionista, you know that is not true. You are ashamed to admit that you married a white man because Asian men have small dicks and feminine features. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
November 22, 2013, 10:45:58 PM
Most Asian guys have VERY feminine hair cuts and its a known fact that most have small penises. Sorry its a fact, don't hate on me.
Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Oriental guys are macho cool

oriental guys are tolerable at best.....i wouldn't hire one of them....they spend too much time putting on their makeup and waiting for mama to tell them what to do....effeminate enough to be gay without actually being gay.....helpless and useless.. :geek:

Oriental guys are gay looking. They have delicate feminine features which means they cannot compete with white men when it comes to masculinity or height. They need to focus on their strengths which is definitely not sexual appeal to women.
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
October 04, 2013, 04:41:17 PM
Quote from: "Keeper"I have a confession, I have a Thing for Asian Women, There was a Lady where I worked at a few years back that I had a crush on, her name was Joy (sigh) I miss her.

Asian women and white men are a natural match.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
October 04, 2013, 04:40:00 PM
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Kala"The genetic mating instincts of white women reject the looks, qualities and essence of Oriental men. Their instincts tell them that Oriental men are unmanly and not brawny to them, but are a bad match, apparent by their actions, behavior and vibe toward them. Heck, even sexually active sluts, whores, white trash women, "easy women" and nymphomaniacs are prudish toward Oriental men, making them the ultimate losers of the dating scene, whether they like it or not.

The good qualities of Oriental men like hard work are studiousness are the areas which Oriental guys should concentrate on. They are just not manly enough to compete with white men when it comes to looks.

Huh. Look at what I found:

QuoteWhy USA is the worst place for Asian men who like white women

Somehow, the genetic mating instincts of white women reject the looks and qualities of Asian men. Their instincts tell them that Asian men are unmanly and not brawny to them, but are a bad match, apparent by their actions, behavior and vibe toward them. Heck, even sexually active sluts, whores, white trash women, "easy women" and nymphomaniacs are prudish toward Asian men, making them the ultimate losers of the dating scene, whether they like it or not.">//

From 2005!

What a coincidence. You see, it is common knowledge that Oriental guys are short and effeminate looking. Women are innately turned off by their lack of sexual appeal.