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Messages - BritishManwhore

The islands belong to whoever has the balls and military power to defend them, same as everywhere else
I don't think they should get anything. Integrate or fuck off. Same for Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals.
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
January 02, 2013, 01:47:34 AM
I dunno where you live but in Sydney there is a large Asian population. I'd say 90+% of the Asian girls are with Asian guys. Some Asian girls won't like Asian guys full stop, but there are tons of subsets of people with specific preferences. A small proportion of girls REALLY dig tattooed guys. Some like big scary bodybuilders. Others like really feminine guys or guys with long hair. They're just niches. The girls with an anti-Asian preference are standing out to you for some reason, but that's probably more your issue than a trend
It's all based on the mining sector (and other industries) growing. There is a lag effect in investment, so the boom today was made a few years ago. Investment now is a lot lower as costs and taxes are rising, and mineral prices are down (I think). Once the sector stops booming, that takes out most of Australia's economic growth, so other industries will start cutting back to "be safe". There will always be demand for what is being mined, but the current situation is built on the assumption that the growth in mining won't slow down.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "BritishManwhore"Just office stuff, I supervise a team of accounts clerks

I thought you worked directly with some of those poorly educated guys pissing their $100k salaries down the toilet.

Ahh no. But I've spent some time in the mining areas. It's weird, crummy cities and towns building up, with ridiculous prices to gouge the miners. Gonna be painful when it all crashes down...
I didn't say that at all
Just office stuff, I supervise a team of accounts clerks
Ahhh so not thousands of climate scientists, just general ones who haven't studied it for decades like the experts. I'm sure there are tens of thousands of "scientists" who don't believe in evolution. Probably not that many evolutionary scientists tho.

Maybe your problem is you treat all sources as equal, whether they are a conspiracy theory journalist with phd in biblical studies, or a climate scientist who has devoted his life to his studies?
The miners are crazy. These poorly educated guys suddenly with $100k a year to spend, and it all goes down the toilet.

The boom is the main reason I'm in Oz. I earn twice as much as I would in the UK. Best to make the most of it...
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "BritishManwhore"Yeah I guess my problem is I believe scientists rather than conservative journalists. That's my bad I guess.

You believe the scientists except for the thousands of scientists that know AGW is grossly exaggerated.

Western governments love sheeple like you. :lol:

Thousands of climate scientists think climate change is bullshit? Really? Where are these people, please point them out as presumably they have an organisation if they are that big
Again, because some journalist framed it that way doesn't mean I'm going to listen to them, or you. There is a scientific consensus. No amount of nitpicking and twisting words is going to change that. You can keep calling me names though if you think it makes your case somehow.
Yeah I guess my problem is I believe scientists rather than conservative journalists. That's my bad I guess.
You really think university budgets compare with the biggest industry in the world? I don't know where coal and gas come in the rankings but they are probably also pretty high up there.

You didn't address my point tho. The report concludes that climate change is real. The sentence cherry picked in the article above doesn't change their conclusion. So why do you believe the wrong interpretation of that sentence, and disregard the rest of the report? There is logic to that, unless you're being deliberately misleading.
Neither of you addressed my post, just went into a biased tirade haha. I don't have much of an opinion about climate change. I'm not a scientist and I'm guessing neither of you are. The idea that there is more money pushing climate change is probably the funniest thing I've read all day!
Yeah it's great how cherry picking one sentence from a report can dramatically alter the expected conclusion. It's almost like someone has an agenda to push, hmmmm.

I particularly like how the findings of the overwhelming majority of climate scientists is disregarded, UNLESS they say something that sounds like it matches up with your preconceived viewpoint. In that case, everything else they say is garbage apart from that one thing. Either you defer to people who are experts in the field, or you don't. You can't pick and choose.

Kinda like how Christians say the bible isn't meant to be taken literally, unless it opposes something they don't like (gays, abortion, etc).