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Messages - energyturtle

The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
January 04, 2013, 03:57:17 AM
In some areas like sexual desirability Asian guys are generally less masculine than white men. It doesn't mean you haven't got a lot of desirable attributes. You are doing all the right things like working out, eating right and dressing well, so keep it up. What you lack in outward masculitnity you can make up for internally.[/quote]

Starting to think you're actually not a troll, which is scary. I wasn't really soliciting your advice but in response, but I think you're confused about my original post. I don't agree with your assertion that asians are in general more feminine - I think your assertion is complete bullshit. I know we're not less masculine but after hearing this same crap my whole life from racists like you, well, that ignorance over the years seeps in and lingers. So when I hear the same old racist comments again it kinda triggers those bad memories and I get in a funk.

To be clear, I think you are spectacularly ignorant of your own internalized racism and that your suspicions of fellow Asian guys are nothing more than vain and grandiose fantasies supporting your delusions of superiority for dating out.

Kala, try to imagine your disappointment when your half-white son comes out and he looks like you. What happens when he grows up and kids at school are calling him a tiny dicked wuss because he's your asian son? Are you gonna tell him that's it's just a fact of life, that he's less masculine because he's asian?
The Flea Trap / Re: Asian Girls and White Guys
January 02, 2013, 01:26:56 AM
Honestly shit like this just makes me feel sad now. I know this Kala is probably just a good troll but sometimes I see all the asian girls walking around with white guys, and the usually don't say anything derogatory about asian guys but when they do, I don't know, it kinda fucks me up. I start thinking that all of those asian girls are secretly thinking this, that we're just not good enough for asian or any other women. Nothing malicious about it, just plain fact of nature that we're genetically inferior to white guys. Just SOL right? But f-that so I start lifting and eating right and dressing well, really taking care of myself and after all that hard work I still hear this shit coming from women like you about how we're just not masculine enough.

So here I am, making an account after months of lurking because I've been sitting here now for half an hour inspecting my wrists to determine if they're still too dainty. I don't know, troll or not this whole topic kinda fucks me up.