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Messages - atnug

Dude, it is southern China. What do you expect? They are all stubby oompaloompas down there. Go north. That is where you get the tall pretty ones with the sharp features.
Quote from: "Blue"The whole solar system is heating up a bit, what can we do stop space exploration ???

I agree we are an issue here, but Global warming on earth has been happening for some 10000 years or more, and then we will freeze.

I think a lot we do does make it worse, like polluting the seas with salts from runoff, and chemicals that shouldn't be there.

All the fertilizers I would say from the last two hundred years is more to blame that the CO2 .

I am pretty sure salt is supposed to be there. Considering there is about 5*10^16 tonnes of salt in the ocean, and sea life can tolerate drastic changes in salinity if it fluctuates slowly...we really won't be able to dump enough salt in to cause any problems. I am pretty sure the oceans can adapt somewhat. My old saltwater aquarium could handle 10 percent salinity swings and +/-4 degree temp fluctuation like it was nothing, and all that shit is straight from the ocean.
The Flea Trap / Re: Should marijuana be legalized?
January 29, 2013, 05:41:12 AM
Quote from: "Hello Kitty"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I try to avoid weightier topics like this, but I recently saw someone make a compelling case for it's legalization..

I have never been drunk or high in my life, so I don't understand why people do it..

What do you think? Should it stay illegal or should it be legalized or decriminalized and why?

You are a stupid whoriental kunt. Make me some fucking won ton bitch.

You chode licking sack of violated assholes. Why don't you retire to the lounge and puff some man-cigars?