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Messages - easter bunny

Hey Shen! Nice to see you back. =)
Well I don't know about the rest of you but I'm prepared to grovel.  :sneaky2:
The Flea Trap / Re: First World Problems
May 22, 2016, 02:32:06 PM
Quote from: "Renee"The iced coffee thread got me thinking that we should have a thread specifically for what can be considered so-called "First World Problems" and challenges.

I'll start it off with.......The bargin brand dryer sheets I bought last week didn't make my socks as soft as I'm acustom to. :mad:

My toes are chafed, I think I'll sue for false advertising.  :sdfjh(2):

Quote from: "RW"I doubt Crowley is coming back so these attempts to make him feel wanted here are futile.

Well, I figure it can't hurt.
The Flea Trap / Re: What's Cooking?
May 22, 2016, 02:17:05 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"">

Apparently the females are better at avoiding collisions.  ac_unsure
Every time a plane crashes in the ocean they spend a hundred million dollars searching for that stupid black box. Why can't they just make it so the things float?   :confused1:
Quote from: "cc la femme"Do keep in mind that this has not been identified as sabotage

I'm in a 50 / 50 pattern  .. some things indicate likely foul play and some could well be failure

Back a ways in this thread you will see where I posted the auto-reports - They indicate fire, not explosion ... and from the cockpit area, so it's a long way from settled

I'm using my head to say this, not my gut  ac_smile

Right. It sounds like this might have been an electrical fire. That's why I don't like the fly by wire design. =(
I think most would have survived the explosion. What a horrible way to go. =(
...doing housework.  :001_tongue:
Quote from: "RW"What do we love them more than?  :D

I like that idea. I'm going to change the title. =)
Let's see if this has any effect.  ac_biggrin
Quote from: "RW"They need to find a way to keep in contact with aircraft that can't be tampered with for any reason.  Like a signal from the black box that never stops transmitting.

Maybe put sonar in those black boxes too. Make them easier to find. Ah fuck it. Might as well just put parachutes in all the seats. =(
Pretty soon everyone will have to strip down naked and wear clothes supplied by the airlines, and all the luggage will be put on a separate plane. Crazy world.  :crazy: