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Messages - Phagdish Hardy

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza":thumbup:

The sovereign nation of Taiwan...A FREE and Prosperous nation...

I'm going to spend a small fortune there having fun and supporting Taiwan's economy...  :thumbup:

It's a great country to holiday in. A foodie's dream.

TAIWAN IS NOT A FUCKING COUNTRY!! :mad:  acc_angry  :t1929:
Quote from: "Shen Li"I took a look at VF last night. They have a couple of posters who reappeared after a lengthy absence. However, all the good posters, save CC and Odi have left. Since Odi and CC post here there is no poster who is a draw at the forum.

What a brilliant observation SL. Without question, you are the smartest poster on all these forums.
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"">

That pretty much sums it up. :laugh3:

I cannot stomach that woman.

Fuck, she's stupid.
Quote from: "Angry White Male"All politicians pander to the ethnic minorities.  Some just more than others.

We all know that. However, True Dope takes it to an extreme we have never seen at the federal level in Canada.
Quote from: "Angry White Male"

 ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao
Quote from: "Angry White Male"Merkel did a a lot of damage to Germany.  May take a long time to recover, if that's even possible at all.

Sweden took in even more muslime scam refugees than Germany did.
Mark  my words, True Dope will give M-103 legal teeth as soon as he is reelected.

QuoteWe're often told that hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise,and that anti-Muslim bigotry is a growing problem in Canada.

This is the argument behind the Trudeau government's dubious motion, M-103, which seeks to use a "whole-of-government approach" to eliminate the undefined and politically-loaded concept of  "Islamophobia".

"The government should recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear; condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination," reads the text.  

But is it true there is an "increasing public climate of hate and fear"?

Have Canadians really responded to the rise of jihadist terrorism with hatred and bigotry towards Muslims in our communities?

The answer, by and large, is no.

Canada has Muslim representatives at every level of government, including the House, Senate, executive, as well as in provincial and municipal governments.

There are many prominent Muslim journalists in Canada, including two brilliant writers regularly featured in this paper: Farzana Hassan and Tarek Fatah.

Canada has famous Muslim singers, actors, television hosts, professional athletes, doctors, lawyers, business leaders, academics and senior government officials.

Given that Muslims make up about 3% of Canada's population, it's safe to say Muslims punch above their weight in terms of their prominence in Canada.

As for anti-Muslim crimes, according to recently released data from Statistics Canada, the number of hate crimes against Muslims went down last year.

Reported anti-Muslim hate crimes fell by 13% in 2016.

By comparison, hate crimes against Jews increased by 24%.

Hate crimes are always a problem, but we should address the problem in a proportionate way.

There were 1,409 hate crimes reported to police in 2016; more or less in line with the numbers reported over the past decade (a high of 1,482 in 2009, and a low of 1,167 in 2013).

Of those 1,409 reported crimes, 139 were against Muslims.

With a Canadian population of over 36 million, we should recognize how rare it is to experience a crime motivated by anti-religious bigotry—and how uncommon it is for Muslims to be the victim of this type of crime.

Canada is a great place to be a Muslim. You could argue it's one of the best places in the world.

Sadly, the worst Canadian hate crime in recent history was aimed at Muslims praying in their mosque in Quebec City.

In January, 2017, a bigoted gunman stormed the mosque during evening prayers and opened fire on the worshipers.

Six people were murdered and 19 injured in this senseless rampage.  

In response, Canadians from coast to coast participated in public vigils and gatherings in the bitter cold; showing sympathy to the victims and expressing solidarity with our fellow citizens of the Muslim faith.  

In addition to this violence, there is no doubt the world is experiencing a surge in Islamist terrorism.

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace's annual Global Terrorism Index, 77 countries experienced deadly jihadist attacks last year – the most since 2001.

The report found 25,673 people were killed in terrorist attacks in 2016.

There were also more jihadist attacks in 2016 in Western countries than any other year in several decades.

Despite what Liberal politicians say, the data show anti-Muslim hatred in Canada is decreasing.

Meanwhile, Islamist terrorism is increasing globally.

The Trudeau Liberals, however, insist that anti-Muslim bigotry is the real problem, while the global jihadist threat is barely worth mentioning."> ... really-say">
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
October 21, 2017, 01:21:50 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Phagdish Hardy"
Quote from: "cc"
Quote from: "Fashionista"What makes one a deplorable?

Ask Hillary. She used the term on people like me & Blaze

That's deplorable of Hillary.

I thought you retired this handle Shen?

The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
October 21, 2017, 01:18:11 AM
Quote from: "cc"
Quote from: "Fashionista"What makes one a deplorable?

Ask Hillary. She used the term on people like me & Blaze

That's deplorable of Hillary.
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Shen Li"We haven't had good luck with white libtard posters. The only one that was sane and honest was Easter Bunny.

I remember him from the other board.  He was not a big fan of muslims and had a sense of humor, seemed like good people.

Most lefties can't argue their side, they just yell racism at people. In the end that's what RW did.

But I don't want to trash her, it was fun fighting it out with her at times.

Look at some of the leftards we've had here.

-Blurt, mixed up flighty clown who is Mommy's age, but doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.

-Homo-ero, all he did was drop by, post links to Soros funded sites and run. Lazy fucker!!

-Harry, obvious TRF shit disturber

-asal, stunned twat

-Oscar Mayer-horrible poster. Shouldn't be allowed on any forum.

-Pretend Fruit Bob-ignorant troll. Really, really lame.

-Vancouver Guy-effeminate babyish loser in his thirties, but acts like  a pre-teen girl.

-RW-a forum cancer

EB was the only libtard who could present his case without ad hominem attacks, labelling, screaming victim or posting biased editorials without first giving out buckets of salt.

We  get the bottom feeder white  lefties.

Hey,what about me? You forgot me.

I'm a leftard moron. Hell, I believe restaurant reviews by Vanity Fair.
The Flea Trap / Re: World Map Rearranged by Population
January 10, 2017, 05:59:44 PM
^Any fucking time. ac_biggrin
Quote from: "IRISH KAM"Is TD shrimpdick a member here ?

You tell us, you got his wrinkly old dick in ur gay Irish ass every fucking night.
The Flea Trap / Re: World Map Rearranged by Population
January 10, 2017, 05:39:15 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"Only?

Thats 25% bigger!!!

Australia's population is closer to the Chinese province of Taiwan's than Malaysia.

Corrected it for ya you traitor.
Quote from: "IRISH KAM"^^^ Way too Gay .

Does it turn you on homo? I thought you were only a bottom for TD shrimpdick?
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "IRISH KAM"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"$20, can you substantiate your claim against Kiebers, or can you not?

TWENTY DIAPERS can only substantiate his love of Children .

Mods dont shoot the messenger .( Even tho ya good at that )

You and Twenty Dollars can be as petulant as you like in RR.

There too busy fucking each other up the ass for that.