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Messages - Opie Kindred

The Flea Trap / Re: 8 more slaughtered in the US.
August 10, 2015, 09:22:08 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"... Hello Opie Kindred, it's so nice to see you here again.


Hello Fashionista.  ac_hithere
The Flea Trap / Re: 8 more slaughtered in the US.
August 10, 2015, 09:11:44 PM
Quote from: "SPECTRE"You are ducking the question.

Should we all carry guns?

No. We should all carry a Playstation and the latest version of Modern Warfare so that we can follow in your footsteps and channel our violent and psychotic tendencies in a harmless yet satisfying manner. Headshots FTW.   :thumbup:
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Father's Day
June 21, 2015, 01:49:57 PM
Happy Father's Day.
The Flea Trap / Re: Knock knock. Are you in, Azhya?
June 18, 2015, 01:21:01 AM
My intent is to neither be witty nor to sting nor to destroy although I would earnestly vote for you as a suitable candidate to an Oscar Wilde impersonation contest; the finest dandy that ever lived.

I vowed, upon reflection on cc's post, to not engage you at a personal level as it serves no purpose.

From this moment on, you will address the hand.

Quote from: "SPECTRE"Sure.

Right after you make a full and frank disclosure as to your Van alter.

My van alter is irrelevant as long as I don't post dead baby pics or start pooey chair threads.

I will surrender what it is you're after only at the point of dying.
Am I permitted to watch the vid even though I have no difficulty sleeping and have been to Cambodia?
The Flea Trap / Knock knock. Are you in, Azhya?
June 17, 2015, 09:54:04 PM
You must be another bright crayon in the box.

Nice to meet you here Azhya. I am Opie Kindred.

Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"How convenient, after you refer to the crowd here as naïve unschooled monkeys? I don't think so. Maybe some here are impressed with your tedious and long self-serving sermons. I am not among them. Get a hold of yourself and get off your foul-smelling mule. You don't get to come here to this "refuge for outcasts," as you call it, to a group of posters who are carrying on and getting settled in our new forum and then address us the way you have, posing as though you're more superior than the rest of us when in fact you're just making a big fool of yourself. What a mouthful of self aggrandizement and then expect to be welcomed and then have the nerve to declare that we let bygones be bygones. How audacious.

First, let me express gratitude for the time spent formulating your response. I have discovered over the years that without any feedback there is no chance for one to improve oneself, and for your feedback, I thank you. I genuinely apologize if you felt targeted by the candidness of my remarks but I assure you if I intended to provoke you in any way I would have done so in a direct manner.

The monkeys I refer to, and there are a few nesting hereabouts, are those, as formerly cited, who believe discrediting the source of an argument is justification to discount the soundness of the argument. My former identity is irrelevant and for this simple reason I am disinclined to reveal any more about myself than necessary. The terms 'unschooled' and 'naïve' are mere paraphrases referring back to the resident guard-dog's insinuation he possesses superior qualifications to detect and expose threats than does the master. Speck the guard-dog yips but has no bite. I vehemently abhor players who position game pieces in their favor before the game begins.  

In response to your post, I would dare not own to the pretense superiority and have not claimed so in any of my posts. I am not superior to anyone but neither am I equal to any, regardless of what pin-headed politicians print in constitutions and pass-off as inalienable rights, and am certainly not inferior to anyone as this position would make you superior and I would then be afforded the opportunity to use your own argument against you. I have no position. It is you who have positioned yourself as inferior by comparing yourself to me thus imparting to me a superior position which does not exist.

On the subject of positions, I can only say this: nobody, not the President, not the Pope, not your neighbor, not your mother, not your boss, nobody can infer as to understand the mechanics and operation of another individual's mind, spirit or soul. So who are you, or anyone else, to chide and lambast the sentiments expressed in the 'A Day In The Life Of Opie' as if they were anything but the truth? Those who extol humility as a virtue are easily shocked and offended by those who profess opposite opinions but I have faith we can set aside our differences and co-exist, as Annie's crayons, in the same box.

Finally, your comment about the mule is befitting and the analogy is not lost on me for Jesus himself entered Jerusalem and made his way to the temple on an ass' colt.
Quote from: "RW"Hi Opie.  I'm the tooth fairy.  I also play Santa and the Easter Bunny.  Nice to meet you.

Hahaha! How intensely delectable the thought is of you penetrating my bedchamber and delicately fondle my pillow while I sleep. Unfortunately, I will scrub this particular fantasy as my dentition is complete and intact. But rest assured, as to not deprive you of your obligation, I will swiftly inform you if one of my tusks were to drop.

In the meantime, I have placed a saucer full of ginger cookies and a glass of milk on the coffee table.
Quote from: "RW"I don't believe Opie was calling anyone unschooled monkeys but rather saying Spectre guards us as if we are such a thing.

You must be one of the sharp crayons in the box.

Nice to meet you here, my dear. I am Opie Kindred.
Quote from: "Annie"My 2 cents...Any new poster should be welcomed and given the chance to introduce themself.  I admit I've jumped to conclusions of a poster or two not being honest and had suspicions as well. But it doesn't really matter who anyone is and who they are elsewhere. As long as they are decent and respectful here, that's all that matters. We need valuable posters to join us. I say let potential valuable posters prove they are valuable and give them the chance :)

You must be one of the bright crayons in the box.

Nice to meet you here Annie.
The Flea Trap / Knock knock. Are you in, spectre?
June 17, 2015, 12:35:44 AM
I admit feeling slightly distressed at the reference you made about me being here for the sole purpose of generating mischief. At the same time I am attempting to stifle contemptuous laughter at the thought of your tingling Spidey senses triggering alarm bells in your murky psyche as soon as new members register; members you staunchly believe to be miscreants and whose presence and only objectives here are to annoy, aggravate and seed discord when, in fact, there is no such evidence, yet.

You may perceive yourself as the noble defender of the naïve and unschooled Cashooers, erect yourself as guard dog of the domain and at the service of the seemingly blind master but, in this instance, it is the dog that is blind, indiscriminately biting and nipping at everyone and everything in proximity, even its master, which adversely affects membership enrolment and attendance and consequently detrimental to the growth of your cherished forum.

The quicker you stop being a bothersome meddler in the administration of the forum and hammer the notion through the calcifying sediments of your thickening skull that not all new members (regardless if they are from VF) are shit-disturber, the quicker the forum will flourish. I will not fuck-off for two reasons: firstly, I do not wish to rob you of the potentially gratifying face-in-excrement grind performance you promised, although I can confidently state nothing of the sort will ever happen at my expense, in any case; bigger men than yourself have valiantly tried and failed. And secondly, I have much more to say and offer, much more.

Now, in the spirit of cordiality, let us hastily abandon all this mindless nit-witted feuding and align ourselves with Fashie's vision and strive towards harmonious and congenial member relations. I am ready to dance. Are you?
Quote from: "SPECTRE"

Ya think?

I look forward.

And there's no mask under the mask...its a cute little black cocktail dress. Sequinned, of course.

And those gorgeous stiletto pumps you love so much.

Actually, I don't much care who you are. I care what you aren't...and you aren't of any value to this forum.

So, kindly heed THIS call...fuck off.

Really SPECK? Are your words truly sincere or is it, once again, your... uhmm... condition speaking through you? I find intriguing the manner in which you usurp the rights of other members and elevate yourself as sole arbiter in this playground so that you may decide, or the very least suggest, who gets expelled and who is permitted to stay. Were you elected security advisor, doorman and bouncer by a covert star chamber concealed in the folds of this refuge for outcasts or was it by self-appointment?

In any event, value is a subjective entity to which you appear to have no understanding of, insofar as this forum is concerned. You may be convinced every word discharged from the orifice below your nose to be clever and judicious, but valuable, they are not; there is no evidence within the scant topics of this forum that anything you've affirmed has been perceived by the readership to have any value.

Unless you have challenged yourself in some juvenile hobby to gauge the number of prefixes you can juxtapose to the words tits and nuts , your overall disposition, as an internet presence, does not exceed that of boorish lout. A truculent disposition, in this respect, succeeds only in exposing psychological poverty, poor judgement, scheming intentions and misplaced confidence. You have the manners of a common and coarse wretch and no varnish can hide the grain of the wood; more varnish you put on, the more the grain expresses itself.

@ the RW.

You are not the only siren singing the blues in these parts, my pretty. I cannot help but feel the old 'bait and switch' tactic in place, where the lonely and weary sailor is lured by Aglaopheme's bewitching melody and once within reach, is left to the deal with Polyphemus.
it's Blurt, it's tatterdamelion, it's EL, it's gramps, it's... Franklin the turtle, it's Hillaly Climpus, it's Boxcar Willie, it's... an itch that cannot be scratched.  

A panoply of potentially discussion-worthy topics were spread-out in the opening post ranging from the mundane to the esoteric and the only subject you monkeys are greedily sucking-on is who will be first to identity the handle behind the handle?

Once again I ask, and I despise repeating my words to folks who have clearly understood them the first time around, what grand purpose is to be served by unmasking a poster when all that is to be found underneath is another mask?

I answered the call echoing through this tomb; a call for new members, more men (the ones present are not of a good cut, apparently), a call for growth... And here I am, a prodigal son if you wish, a long lost cousin returning to the family unit, although this family closely resembles one to be found in the misty backwoods of the Ozarks, but it appears I was lured into these turbid waters, as Ulysses, by the trickery of siren's songs hankering for my demise.

Nonetheless, my resolve remains steadfast and I will endeavour to contribute thought-provoking material, most of which will be selected, as above, from subjective life experiences. I will attempt to accurately convey, through enlightening anecdotes, the permanent and infinite grandeur which inhabits my Being, the thrust of Grace animating its every fiber, the unbridled happiness it causes and the manner I apply this gargantuan feeling in my everyday activities; this grandeur, whose source originates within us, freely available to all who wish it but is rarely recognized.

In light of the tepid responses to my opening post so far in this thread, I realize the main theme was grossly understated and failed to hit its intended mark, but then again I failed to properly evaluate the audience. I will be constrained in the choice of my narratives by those who are evidently unfamiliar and estranged to concepts I find to be self-evident as they relate to (Wo) Man and his rightful place in the Universe. I will gradually open the gates, to avoid existential shock, as not everyone posses the robust constitution necessary to discover their own immortality and position it within themselves; most would rather project it in some distant, invisible and unreachable Heaven.

Good times ahead.
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Wankers. Just like you.

dere dere. Self-reliance in any form is a lost Art.
On any given Monday (or any day of the week for that matter), by the time most of my Canadian compadres have punched the time-clock and positioned themselves at their work stations, I'm languorously stretching in silk sheets wondering whether I will brew and enjoy a dark Sumatra or sip a perfectly chilled Mimosa.

Once I've unhurriedly slipped-out of bed and made my way into the kitchen, my foremost preoccupation will be to determine the location of my after-breakfast nature walk or hike. Upon my return, I will likely head to the top-floor pool/sundeck for a few laps, let the sun dry my skin, enjoy the view over the busy metropolis and absorb the energy emanating from this sunny aerie. At this time, on a late sunny morning, there a few other tenants lounging around the pool... usually delicious-looking and voluptuous women in French-cut bikinis, one of which who will unmistakably ask me to rub tanning oil on her back. This interaction may lead to a pre-lunch romp... or not.  I have no agenda.


After a soothing shower and a light lunch, I may spend part of the afternoon in company of a few friends enjoying a light snack on a restaurant terrace of a bustling city avenue as we watch the throng of anonymous beautiful people making their way to unknown destinations.

I will then head back home and abandon myself to a dreamy siesta, watching the drapes flutter in the warm afternoon breeze. The sounds of the city, a subdued groan at the elevation of my condo, faintly reaches my ears as a blissful sleep overcomes consciousness.

Later, I will catch-up on my diary notes or memoirs or read Virgil until dinner time. As an Epicurean, I put time, effort and love in all meals I prepare for myself. Sometimes I will have a guest at the table, but I mostly entertain later in the evening; entertainment consisting of enlightened conversation with close friends over a aged Sherry and a savoury cigarillo; the evocative blue wisps never fail to transport me to a timeless epoch where the life of a demiurge was not scorned upon, as in contemporary times, but actually believed to be the pinnacle of self-realization.

When I finally retire, I feel content, fulfilled, inspired, enchanted and eternal. I feel like a god. I do not pray. I bless. Other immortals visit in my dreams.

What does your day bring you?