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Messages - ELPHUPPHY

The Flea Trap / Re: Guess who's Birthday??
May 14, 2016, 11:35:46 AM
Happy birthday to you, RW. I hope you have a terrific day!!
Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"
Quote from: "The Donald"Crooked Hillary is an enabler of men who abuse women. The women get that.

You sir are a racist, a sexist and an Islamophobe.

You, Sir or Madam, are a muslim lover and a traitor to the United States of America and a racist POS.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "JOE"Poor Brazil. I feel sorry for them.

I really really do.

First it was that drubbing by Germany in the World Cup, and then it was Zika, and now it's an Olympiad headed for disaster.

Perhaps it's jes' a coincidence, but it's all happened after heavily Catholic Brazil decided to legalize Gay Marriage.

Up 'til then, Life was good to them. Now it's been downhill all the way.

Prosperous economy as far as the eye could see.">

Is this God's punishment for going against His Word?

Maybe shoulda left it alone, eh?

Brazil is a pigsty and a third world country in terms of the environment and water cleanliness and even general cleanliness. The Olympics should never have been awarded to them. Swimmers are afraid to swim in the polluted scum ponds, Zika is everywhere, and the violence and slums there are horrific. Cancel the Olympics and quarantine the entire piss-hole country.

Some of the same things were said about Beijing too ELPHUPPHY.

And also true of China's big cities. Air pollution is a huge problem there, forcing the "citizens" to wear filter masks. We are ruining a beautiful planet.
The Flea Trap / Re: Every bar needs one.....
May 13, 2016, 09:25:15 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Sounds untrue. Prove it.

It was called Pink Heat and it was about sexy things.  It got deleted when I got sacked.

Was it sexy? Can I find it?

Please, you couldn't find your ass even if it had bell on it.

Yours on the other hand must be a glaring load that is always following you.

Wow, that was original. :laugh3:

TD is another one here who evidently thinks that a large woman is a nasty woman. Nasty in the bad, yucky sense. I prefer to think of large woman as just women with more area to love.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Fashionista"They are in the USA illegally ELPHPPHY..

But, do they not do jobs Americans will not do?

They may very well do jobs that Americans do not do. That doesn't change the fact they are here illegally and are breaking the law.

Those jobs that the illegals do now should be assigned to people on wlefare/unemployment. Let them earn their money, and if they don't like the jobs they do, maybe that will help them find other work they like better.

In any case, let's not overlook the main issue here. ILLEGALS are here ILLEGALLY and need to go.

I think that is the point Herman is making too ELPHUPPHY..

That and the security risk posed by illegal immigration.

A point I whole-heartedly agree with.
Quote from: "JOE"Poor Brazil. I feel sorry for them.

I really really do.

First it was that drubbing by Germany in the World Cup, and then it was Zika, and now it's an Olympiad headed for disaster.

Perhaps it's jes' a coincidence, but it's all happened after heavily Catholic Brazil decided to legalize Gay Marriage.

Up 'til then, Life was good to them. Now it's been downhill all the way.

Prosperous economy as far as the eye could see.">

Is this God's punishment for going against His Word?

Maybe shoulda left it alone, eh?

Brazil is a pigsty and a third world country in terms of the environment and water cleanliness and even general cleanliness. The Olympics should never have been awarded to them. Swimmers are afraid to swim in the polluted scum ponds, Zika is everywhere, and the violence and slums there are horrific. Cancel the Olympics and quarantine the entire piss-hole country.
Quote from: "Fashionista"They are in the USA illegally ELPHPPHY..

But, do they not do jobs Americans will not do?

They may very well do jobs that Americans do not do. That doesn't change the fact they are here illegally and are breaking the law.

Those jobs that the illegals do now should be assigned to people on wlefare/unemployment. Let them earn their money, and if they don't like the jobs they do, maybe that will help them find other work they like better.

In any case, let's not overlook the main issue here. ILLEGALS are here ILLEGALLY and need to go.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Herman"Good for the INS. They are finally doing their job.

I think they should legalize all the domestics and burger flippers, but limit them to those jobs and nothing else.

Nor can they sponsor anyone on such visas.

And if they want access to education for themselves or children,health services they pay for it.

Also, make it clear to them, that such visas can never be upgraded to anything higher, and that the only way a person can gain path to citizenship is a minimum of 7 years in the military or death in combat, whichever comes first.

they've got free trade visas for working professionals, so why not a lower class of workers?

If they pay the taxes, but are documented, it could be a win-win. just my two bits tho

The United States needs those undocumented workers. The agricultural industry especially.

I know that. But, ideally national security should never be compromised.

The US does NOT need illegal immigrants. And that's the correct term, not undocumented. They are here illegally, and I applaud the efforts to find them and ship them the fuck back where they came.

I'm all for LEGAL immigrants coming here and working at whatever they can. Glad to have them here, put out the welcome mat, etc. etc. etc. Illegals can be rounded up and shot for all I care.
The Flea Trap / Re: Paint
May 11, 2016, 11:50:23 AM
Quote from: "RW"I tried out some new gels and waxes along with a new violet colour I bought and it became a mountain.  Mont Violet.

The paint seems so shiny with the light from above.  Hrm.  I might have to get a retake on this one.

I like that one alot.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dirty Grandpa
May 11, 2016, 08:33:00 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Keeper"I hated Pesci in the Lethal Weapon movies,irrataiting fucker.

I hated those movies period.

Never liked Mel Gibson and still don't. Danny Glover I could do without or not, makes no difference.

The only movie I cared for Joe Pesci at all in was My Cousin Vinny cause Marisa Tomei was gorgeous. His "Two Yutes" line was funny.

No to Goodfellas and Casino?

I have a hard time believing Joe Pesci as a bad ass.

He plays a good stereotypical little, psycho, tough guy, Italian. I'm very familiar with the type. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm related to a few of that breed on my mom's side. They can be your best friend one day and want to kill you the next for some perceived insult, real or not.

They are difficult people to deal with. But that's that east coast NY/NJ Italian tough guy persona. That shits you see in movies is not all that much of an exaggeration.

I am part Italian and my Italian side of the family was, as rumors go, connected. My Italian side was always big men like Luca Bratzi.. over 6'5" and over 250lbs. Strongarm hood types, and mean. THAT is the kind of hoods I equate with Italians. Joe Pesci would not even make a sandwich for those kinds of people.

It's a matter of perspective. Either way it's more a matter of attitude and capacity for violence than physical size. If you look at a lot of the so-called "Dons" like Carlo Gambino, Joe Bonanno or (Little) Nicky Scarfo; none of them were what you would call physically imposing. They were just fucking ruthless, vicious and unafraid to get elbow deep in blood. They employed the big strong arm types to do the grunt work but they themselves were no less mean and violence prone.

I guess I would not argue that point. Especially since you have people.   :sdfjh(2):

Actually the people on my dads south Boston Irish side are more dangerous. They are violent and stupid.....a bad combo no matter where you go. :laugh3:

Traditionally the Irish only have 4 occupations in Southie....Cop, fireman, priest and the ever popular violent repeat offender. :laugh3:

I hate to stereotype people but those fuckers deserve it. :laugh3:

Damn.. you may be my long-lost sister from another mother.. My father was 1/2 Irish and mean, and 1/2 Blackfoot Indian. Not sure how my 1/2 Italian and 1/2 French mother got together..,

Wow, Irish and American Indian.  ac_wot That has the potential of being a volatile combo.

Well my dad has been away from his white trash Irish roots for so long, that he's almost normal........almost.

Also being married to my mom for over 40 years has cleaned him up some. :laugh3:

Indeed. My father was a very volatile person, one you did not want to mess with. He was a three-time Golden Gloves Champ for the city of Toledo in his weight class, and while I outweighed him by a good 35 pounds in my younger days of muscle and youth, I never once thought to back talk him. Well, I THOUGHT about it, but was not stupid enough to do it. He always gave me a standing invite to go out back with him if I felt froggy, but I never jumped.  LOL.. Mamma didn't raise a fool.
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
May 10, 2016, 03:08:25 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Smoke more pot.

Then he won't give a fuck if kids are on his lawn. Win/win all the way around. ac_biggrin

My dog will care. She has the fierce when it comes to kids on my lawn.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dirty Grandpa
May 10, 2016, 02:33:39 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Keeper"I hated Pesci in the Lethal Weapon movies,irrataiting fucker.

I hated those movies period.

Never liked Mel Gibson and still don't. Danny Glover I could do without or not, makes no difference.

The only movie I cared for Joe Pesci at all in was My Cousin Vinny cause Marisa Tomei was gorgeous. His "Two Yutes" line was funny.

No to Goodfellas and Casino?

I have a hard time believing Joe Pesci as a bad ass.

He plays a good stereotypical little, psycho, tough guy, Italian. I'm very familiar with the type. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm related to a few of that breed on my mom's side. They can be your best friend one day and want to kill you the next for some perceived insult, real or not.

They are difficult people to deal with. But that's that east coast NY/NJ Italian tough guy persona. That shits you see in movies is not all that much of an exaggeration.

I am part Italian and my Italian side of the family was, as rumors go, connected. My Italian side was always big men like Luca Bratzi.. over 6'5" and over 250lbs. Strongarm hood types, and mean. THAT is the kind of hoods I equate with Italians. Joe Pesci would not even make a sandwich for those kinds of people.

It's a matter of perspective. Either way it's more a matter of attitude and capacity for violence than physical size. If you look at a lot of the so-called "Dons" like Carlo Gambino, Joe Bonanno or (Little) Nicky Scarfo; none of them were what you would call physically imposing. They were just fucking ruthless, vicious and unafraid to get elbow deep in blood. They employed the big strong arm types to do the grunt work but they themselves were no less mean and violence prone.

I guess I would not argue that point. Especially since you have people.   :sdfjh(2):

Actually the people on my dads south Boston Irish side are more dangerous. They are violent and stupid.....a bad combo no matter where you go. :laugh3:

Traditionally the Irish only have 4 occupations in Southie....Cop, fireman, priest and the ever popular violent repeat offender. :laugh3:

I hate to stereotype people but those fuckers deserve it. :laugh3:

Damn.. you may be my long-lost sister from another mother.. My father was 1/2 Irish and mean, and 1/2 Blackfoot Indian. Not sure how my 1/2 Italian and 1/2 French mother got together..,
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
May 10, 2016, 11:24:20 AM
Quote from: "RW"Smoke more pot.

If I smoke much more, I won't have room in my lungs for any oxygen.

Oh well, it's for a good cause.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dirty Grandpa
May 10, 2016, 11:23:12 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Keeper"I hated Pesci in the Lethal Weapon movies,irrataiting fucker.

I hated those movies period.

Never liked Mel Gibson and still don't. Danny Glover I could do without or not, makes no difference.

The only movie I cared for Joe Pesci at all in was My Cousin Vinny cause Marisa Tomei was gorgeous. His "Two Yutes" line was funny.

No to Goodfellas and Casino?

I have a hard time believing Joe Pesci as a bad ass.

He plays a good stereotypical little, psycho, tough guy, Italian. I'm very familiar with the type. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm related to a few of that breed on my mom's side. They can be your best friend one day and want to kill you the next for some perceived insult, real or not.

They are difficult people to deal with. But that's that east coast NY/NJ Italian tough guy persona. That shits you see in movies is not all that much of an exaggeration.

I am part Italian and my Italian side of the family was, as rumors go, connected. My Italian side was always big men like Luca Bratzi.. over 6'5" and over 250lbs. Strongarm hood types, and mean. THAT is the kind of hoods I equate with Italians. Joe Pesci would not even make a sandwich for those kinds of people.

It's a matter of perspective. Either way it's more a matter of attitude and capacity for violence than physical size. If you look at a lot of the so-called "Dons" like Carlo Gambino, Joe Bonanno or (Little) Nicky Scarfo; none of them were what you would call physically imposing. They were just fucking ruthless, vicious and unafraid to get elbow deep in blood. They employed the big strong arm types to do the grunt work but they themselves were no less mean and violence prone.

I guess I would not argue that point. Especially since you have people.   :sdfjh(2):
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
May 10, 2016, 10:26:55 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I read that Prince's death was connected to an addiction to a pain relieving drug called Purcocet.

Percocet's are some strong pain killers. I heard/read that Prince would spend as much as $40k on percocets at one time. At even $20 a pill on hte black market, that's a whole lotta pills.

So doctors are getting patients addicted to pain killing medicine?

Do you know what illness Prince had that he was prescribed them in the first place?

I assume Percocet makes people high?

I have heard/read that Prince had a lot of pain in his back and hips. As far as his prescription, I would not know that, norr do I know if he even had a legal prescription. Percocet makes you high in a way, but it's relative. It's not a high like weed or acid, it's more a foggy kind of feeling, an I don't care kind of feeling, at least in my experience. I get dizzy but not fall down dizzy, if you see the difference.

By theway, I have a prescription for them. I've had 4 knee surgeries, a back surgery, and need another for torn ACL/MCL that I am doing my best to ignore. After I walk the dog in the mornings, once in a while my knee throbs and hurts alot so on the weekend I might take one once in a while. I would rather take a couple Advil - not the same, but not addicting, either.

All that definitely cuts down on my speed when chasing kids off my lawn, for sure.