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Messages - Wulf

Let's look at this issue by the numbers and see what's what.

When we talk about firearms crime, there is a LOT of misinformation and ... outright lies told by the gun grabbing left.

For the left, gun control is a means to an end, a way to gain power. Not a way to save lives as they would have you believe and it never was. This is one of the reasons their programs fail. They don't really want to stop shootings but rather use them to retain power and expand upon it by spreading fear and divisiveness. This is just one of the ways they constantly ratchet up levels of legislation, in layer upon layer, in a despotic attempt to intrude upon and control every facet of your miserable little lives.

Here are the facts that they choose to ignore. They are also the facts that they don't want you to know or analyze.

There are approximately 120,000,000 gun owners in the US. They are the majority of voting adults.

53% of all shootings are by black men under 30. So, 3% of the US population does more than 1/2 the killing. 83% of all shootings are gang and drug-related.

Only about 7% of all shootings are from a rifle or shotgun and less than 40% of that 7% involve Modern Sporting Rifles (what the anti-gun crowd likes to erroneously call "assault weapons".)

The U.S. ranks 11th in mass shootings for industrialized nations. 50% of the counties in the US will not have a murder within their boundary in any given year. 2% of the counties had 53% of all the murders in the U.S. Study the demographics and socioeconomic situation and you correlate as to why.

Both Japan and Korea have much higher suicide rates than the US. Both nations virtually ban private gun ownership. 75% of all gun deaths are attributed to suicide. Guns are not the cause, just the means.

U.S. Numbers averaged from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.">

Total Number of gun deaths per year: 38,000

Suicides: 28,500

Gang and Drug: 7,885

Remaining: 1,615

If not for gangs and drugs, the number of murders by guns is below 1,700 in a country of 330,000,000 people. Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world.

Now this does not diminish a tragedy of when some lunatic comes unglued and goes on a killing spree but it does give clarity and perspective to the actual problem which is not guns but rather gang and drug related violence.

These numbers and facts are all there in the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, which BTW should be the only information we should be using to discuss this issue. All other information that does not quote or reflect the FBI statistics should be considered tainted.

BTW, hello to everyone as it has been awhile since I have been around. I do occassionaly view this place but find little time to participate. Things may be changing in the future and I would like to find myself here more, but like everything in life, there are no guarantees.
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Wulf"So Mel, sounds like you live in government housing. Fuckers can't even afford oil for hinges.

Pretty soon the porch monkeys and abos will be moving in. Better keep that street howitzer at the ready. :laugh3:

It sounds like he lives in some homo, white community. Probably a big rainbow flag flying over his building.

No, if it was a homo community they would have plenty of lubricant to go around.
The Flea Trap / Re: I'm so sick of her bullshit
January 08, 2017, 11:21:20 AM
Quote from: "Angry White Male"I try to be nice to Tips, and this is what I get in return?    acc_angry  acc_angry  acc_angry

Ain't it a bitch when the woman you love uses your own stupid shit against you? :laugh3:

Man, that is cold. :laugh3:
So Mel, sounds like you live in government housing. Fuckers can't even afford oil for hinges.

Pretty soon the porch monkeys and abos will be moving in. Better keep that street howitzer at the ready. :laugh3:
The Flea Trap / Re: Cooking with Ace...
January 06, 2017, 10:26:41 AM
Microwaved eggs and bacon bits out of a bag....yummy.

Where the fuck did you learn to cook; The Ronald McDonald School of Culinary Arts? :laugh3:

Actually nice job. Its impressive that you were sober enough that you didn't cut one of your fingers off.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dont you hate it when....
January 05, 2017, 01:57:57 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"I ALWAYS have had one nostril that seems to flow freer than the other...

It seems to just randomly switch back and forth.

Is this abnormal?  Or do most people experience this?

And secondly, nobody could answer my honest question here!

We're too worried about Little Nipper!

We are not worried at all about Little Nipper Mel.


That reminds me....

Here's a toast that's used at formal dinners in the British Navy.

"Here's to the little cabin boy,

That dirty little nipper,

He packed his ass with broken glass,

And circumcised the Skipper."

Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson; 1805
The Flea Trap / Re: Poop.
January 05, 2017, 01:37:01 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"Total Dunce is proud of his dumps. Well, when it's the only thing you know how to do by urself.... ac_toofunny

But now that his mom is dead....who wipes his ass?
Quote from: "SCOUSE"You are a sore loser aren't you?  Pic relevant.  :laugh3:">

If you bothered to read the articles you cited you would have realized that they in no way support your position.

But maybe you did and that's why you felt that you had to doctor them up to make it look like you know what you are talking about.

Either way, you are a disingenuous little turd. You aren't worth the time to spend on debate. You are nothing but a little stooge who has been spoon fed neo Nazi propaganda in an effort to fill the void in your empty head.

You can post your little pics and one liners because that's what vapid little shameless shits like you do. Show's over, nothing to see here, the part time carpet humper has played his hand and lost. :laugh3:
The Flea Trap / Re: Niburu is coming to kill us all.
January 05, 2017, 07:39:52 AM
Damn my old eyes. When I first glanced at the front page I thought the title of this thread was......."Hebrew is coming to kill us all".

Then I said to my self, that poor little Scouse is going to shit himself. :laugh3:
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Are you SURE you aren't Renee?  Because you certainly do waffle a massive amount of hot air just like she did..... a whole load of babble with very little substance or truth.

Blah blah blah fucking blah, that post of yours could have been written using a quarter of the text.

You STILL haven't explained why muslim hate is acceptable according to you but Jewish criticism is not?

There is no way any sane person could rationally explain it, other than admitting that it stems from personal bias.  

As for my views, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH YOU OR ANYONE ELSE? Its not as though I make countless threads discussing the topic..... so take ya sore butt and put a bandage on it for fucks sake.

I also don't believe for one minute that if you were suddenly banned on here, you would gracefully bow out and not defy the ban. Not a fucking chance.  :laugh3:

Is it my problem that you have the attention span and reading comprehension of a nematode? Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if people dumbed down their posts like you are used to?

Once again you responded with nothing but childish defection....oooooh why is my anti-Semitic rhetoric not allowed when everyone else hates Muslim's? Whaaaaaaa!

I find it incredulous that it needs to be explained to you. The criticism leveled at radical Islam is based on the bloodthirsty actions of those subscribing to a violent extremist ideology that is currently wreaking havoc all over the globe. The ideology you subscribe to, like or not, is looked at with the same jaundiced eye. The only difference is that Nazism was effectively crushed and no longer poses a credible threat to the free world. But make no mistake those that subscribe to the violent, racist nonsense spouted by the likes of David Duke, Andrew Angling and Rocky Suhayda are considered just as unsavory as those who strap on the exploding vest. Do you think that some rag headed, savage who believes that all infidels should convert to Islam or die, would be welcome here? If so, you're an idiot, but I think that goes without saying.

And BTW, you better believe I meant what I said about moving on in a situation where the powers that be make me feel unwelcome. That's what people who aren't frightened of being excluded from the herd actually do.

And the fact that you are blissfully unaware of Jewish crimes is all down to your own ignorance.  Its all there on google if you ever decide to take your head out of your ass and remove your rose tinted kosher endorsed sunglasses.  

Jews have committed some of the worst atrocities known to mankind.  Communism?  The Holodomor?  Then of course there's Israel  and Zionism, dragging the US and the west into endless confrontations in the Middle East.

So for god's sake do some fucking research.  :oeudC:

I do actually think you are Renee.    

You use the exact same sort of language, tone and sentence structure as she did.  Not to mention the exact same arguments...

At the very least she is sat there with you when you write the posts, your similarities are far too prevalent to be a coincidence.

Look you whiny little plebe, I don't give a fuck who you think I am. It just shows off your paranoia all the more.

So I guess anyone that draws a logical comparison between radical Islam and Nazism must be "Renee" or at least her ghost writer. That makes perfect sense. :laugh3:

You know what the main problem with you is, aside from being incredibly insecure? You have no sense of personal responsibility. You always have some kind of defective argument at the ready to take the spotlight off of your own fuckery. It's the Jew's, or Twenty Dollars, or it's Renee, etc who are singling you out for persecution.

In fact your persecution complex is getting so that I'm beginning to think that maybe there is a little bit of some Yiddish blood in you. Maybe that idiot butthole surfing heeb is your alt. :laugh3:

If making you look stupid makes me a 'whiny little plebe' then so fucking be it.   :laugh:  

You have totally ignored my point about Jews because you are totally and completely out of your depth on the subject.  

Here's a tip, in future don't talk about something you know absolutely nothing about with someone who is well versed on the topic at hand, because you only end up getting shown up just as you have been here.   ac_lmfao

STFU, what makes you a "whiny little plebe" is your incessant crying about how you've been picked on and how the Jews are out to kill white people. Both claims are hogwash.

As for your previous post. I like how you interlaced your own bullshit into incorrectly quoted passages from cited articles just so you can look like you are not totally full of shit. Apparently your paranoia knows no bounds which leads you to have absolutely no shame.

Nice try boy. A sophomoric effort at best, you lying little speck of fly shit.
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"

A pleasant nazi. Nice folks. Murdered 4 million men women and children in Europe. You are amazing Fash, maybe uninformed?

He's actually a Japanese imperialist. Scouse 10 million.

Fucking retard.

But I think it was mostly chinks so it doesn't count.
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Are you SURE you aren't Renee?  Because you certainly do waffle a massive amount of hot air just like she did..... a whole load of babble with very little substance or truth.

Blah blah blah fucking blah, that post of yours could have been written using a quarter of the text.

You STILL haven't explained why muslim hate is acceptable according to you but Jewish criticism is not?

There is no way any sane person could rationally explain it, other than admitting that it stems from personal bias.  

As for my views, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH YOU OR ANYONE ELSE? Its not as though I make countless threads discussing the topic..... so take ya sore butt and put a bandage on it for fucks sake.

I also don't believe for one minute that if you were suddenly banned on here, you would gracefully bow out and not defy the ban. Not a fucking chance.  :laugh3:

Is it my problem that you have the attention span and reading comprehension of a nematode? Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if people dumbed down their posts like you are used to?

Once again you responded with nothing but childish defection....oooooh why is my anti-Semitic rhetoric not allowed when everyone else hates Muslim's? Whaaaaaaa!

I find it incredulous that it needs to be explained to you. The criticism leveled at radical Islam is based on the bloodthirsty actions of those subscribing to a violent extremist ideology that is currently wreaking havoc all over the globe. The ideology you subscribe to, like or not, is looked at with the same jaundiced eye. The only difference is that Nazism was effectively crushed and no longer poses a credible threat to the free world. But make no mistake those that subscribe to the violent, racist nonsense spouted by the likes of David Duke, Andrew Angling and Rocky Suhayda are considered just as unsavory as those who strap on the exploding vest. Do you think that some rag headed, savage who believes that all infidels should convert to Islam or die, would be welcome here? If so, you're an idiot, but I think that goes without saying.

And BTW, you better believe I meant what I said about moving on in a situation where the powers that be make me feel unwelcome. That's what people who aren't frightened of being excluded from the herd actually do.

And the fact that you are blissfully unaware of Jewish crimes is all down to your own ignorance.  Its all there on google if you ever decide to take your head out of your ass and remove your rose tinted kosher endorsed sunglasses.  

Jews have committed some of the worst atrocities known to mankind.  Communism?  The Holodomor?  Then of course there's Israel  and Zionism, dragging the US and the west into endless confrontations in the Middle East.

So for god's sake do some fucking research.  :oeudC:

I do actually think you are Renee.    

You use the exact same sort of language, tone and sentence structure as she did.  Not to mention the exact same arguments...

At the very least she is sat there with you when you write the posts, your similarities are far too prevalent to be a coincidence.

Look you whiny little plebe, I don't give a fuck who you think I am. It just shows off your paranoia all the more.

So I guess anyone that draws a logical comparison between radical Islam and Nazism must be "Renee" or at least her ghost writer. That makes perfect sense. :laugh3:

You know what the main problem with you is, aside from being incredibly insecure? You have no sense of personal responsibility. You always have some kind of defective argument at the ready to take the spotlight off of your own fuckery. It's the Jew's, or Twenty Dollars, or it's Renee, etc who are singling you out for persecution.

In fact your persecution complex is getting so that I'm beginning to think that maybe there is a little bit of some Yiddish blood in you. Maybe that idiot butthole surfing heeb is your alt. :laugh3:
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Are you SURE you aren't Renee?  Because you certainly do waffle a massive amount of hot air just like she did..... a whole load of babble with very little substance or truth.

Blah blah blah fucking blah, that post of yours could have been written using a quarter of the text.

You STILL haven't explained why muslim hate is acceptable according to you but Jewish criticism is not?

There is no way any sane person could rationally explain it, other than admitting that it stems from personal bias.  

As for my views, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH YOU OR ANYONE ELSE? Its not as though I make countless threads discussing the topic..... so take ya sore butt and put a bandage on it for fucks sake.

I also don't believe for one minute that if you were suddenly banned on here, you would gracefully bow out and not defy the ban. Not a fucking chance.  :laugh3:

Is it my problem that you have the attention span and reading comprehension of a nematode? Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if people dumbed down their posts like you are used to?

Once again you responded with nothing but childish defection....oooooh why is my anti-Semitic rhetoric not allowed when everyone else hates Muslim's? Whaaaaaaa!

I find it incredulous that it needs to be explained to you. The criticism leveled at radical Islam is based on the bloodthirsty actions of those subscribing to a violent extremist ideology that is currently wreaking havoc all over the globe. The ideology you subscribe to, like or not, is looked at with the same jaundiced eye. The only difference is that Nazism was effectively crushed and no longer poses a credible threat to the free world. But make no mistake those that subscribe to the violent, racist nonsense spouted by the likes of David Duke, Andrew Angling and Rocky Suhayda are considered just as unsavory as those who strap on the exploding vest. Do you think that some rag headed, savage who believes that all infidels should convert to Islam or die, would be welcome here? If so, you're an idiot, but I think that goes without saying.

And BTW, you better believe I meant what I said about moving on in a situation where the powers that be make me feel unwelcome. That's what people who aren't frightened of being excluded from the herd actually do.
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf". That's the kind if shit that Mel or Scouse or that idiot Twenty dollars does. Sorry, but I don't play it like that.

You know as well as I do that had you been banned from here because the moderator doesn't like you, you would have kicked up a fuss, and so would most people, so don't pretend otherwise.

Case in point, Deadskinmask when Herman banned him on a whim, only this time RW got involved and protested on his behalf, whereas previously when her buddy did the same thing to numerous people, she said fuck all.

Sorry Scouse, that is where are wrong. Most people when faced with not being wanted at particular venue....move on.

If I showed up at a new forum and was made to feel unwelcome by the management, I would take that as a sign that maybe said forum isn't for me. I post at a lot of different forums so saying "Fuck you" one insignificant little hole in the internetz is no big deal to me. I don't feel the need to force myself onto people or into a place when I'm clearly considered an undesirable.

Obviously you don't share that view. You think that you deserve a place at the table simply because you clicked the "register" button. Well ain't that nice but it's not reality nor is it an attitude shared by most people.

Like so many of your narcissistic brethren, it is inconceivable to you that you might not fit in with every group that you want to bless with your indispensable presence. Much like your bud Mel, you think that by holding your breath and stamping your feet until you are accepted is a proper adult way to present yourself.

Unfortunately for you, that is not the case.

Sorry but who are you or Renee to decide and speak for everyone else about who should be allowed to post on this board?   :crazy:

This 'extremist'  :001_rolleyes:  happens to get along with most members on here. So what does that tell you about your laughable claim that someone with certain political views are deemed unacceptable to post alongside others?  

Its also hilarious how 'aunty semitism' in your view is beyond the pale, while muslim hate should be tolerated. What does that say about you and your own personal bias?

Horseshit, you are tolerated and nothing more. Accepted is something your ideology prevents.

Why don't you address the childish, "I deserve" attitude you have instead of using deflection to avoid the subject.

Again why is it that you think that you have a right to force your fake Nazi ass on a community that doesn't share your extremist views?

Can you actually answer that without looking like a petulant child...I doubt it.

Sure, but first you answer my point about your hypocrisy over the Jew and muslim thing?  I'm no fan of either, but why is one group fair game for criticism and hate while the other is not?  

As for general posting on here and overall character, I'm generally a lot more pleasant than you are, yet according to you I am the one who should be thankful for being allowed to remain because of my political views?  ac_toofunny

People in glass houses wolfy boy. Considering the fact that you are essentially just an argumentative, grumpy, unpleasant old bastard, I would drop that judgmental tone of yours if I was you, as you are hardly forum gold yourself.  :001_rolleyes:

So your answer is; I deserve to be here because in my opinion, I'm generally a pleasant guy?  :laugh3: Let's discount that your political ideology is about the most reviled ethos on the planet. :laugh3:

Again the rest of your post is just grade school deflection.

Its pretty obvious that the "I deserve" attitude stems from narcissism peppered with a liberal amount of insecurity. Once again I say that a secure, less needy person would move on after feeling unwanted or insulted. You didn't do that. To this day you still throw a tantrum each time the subject of banning or moderator behaviour comes up.

In other words you are a child. You think like a child and you act like a child. The same goes for Mel. His blustering and bleating about what a perfect mod he was and how he thinks his POV is the only viable point of view is nothing but emotionally needy, self promotion.

You had best learn that your extremist political beliefs make you a social pariah and unfortunately people are going to judge you based on that. As I have asserted before, I'm sure you were singled out because of your promotion of national socialist political views which are abhorrent to anyone who is even remotely aware of history and all the foulness that the Nazi label stands for.

Furthermore, you taking Renee's treatment of you personally, based on your antics is about as immature as it gets. If it means so much to you that some stranger on the net dissed your ass, then I have to say that you have failed at building any form of self-respect or emotional security.
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf". That's the kind if shit that Mel or Scouse or that idiot Twenty dollars does. Sorry, but I don't play it like that.

You know as well as I do that had you been banned from here because the moderator doesn't like you, you would have kicked up a fuss, and so would most people, so don't pretend otherwise.

Case in point, Deadskinmask when Herman banned him on a whim, only this time RW got involved and protested on his behalf, whereas previously when her buddy did the same thing to numerous people, she said fuck all.

Sorry Scouse, that is where are wrong. Most people when faced with not being wanted at particular venue....move on.

If I showed up at a new forum and was made to feel unwelcome by the management, I would take that as a sign that maybe said forum isn't for me. I post at a lot of different forums so saying "Fuck you" one insignificant little hole in the internetz is no big deal to me. I don't feel the need to force myself onto people or into a place when I'm clearly considered an undesirable.

Obviously you don't share that view. You think that you deserve a place at the table simply because you clicked the "register" button. Well ain't that nice but it's not reality nor is it an attitude shared by most people.

Like so many of your narcissistic brethren, it is inconceivable to you that you might not fit in with every group that you want to bless with your indispensable presence. Much like your bud Mel, you think that by holding your breath and stamping your feet until you are accepted is a proper adult way to present yourself.

Unfortunately for you, that is not the case.

Sorry but who are you or Renee to decide and speak for everyone else about who should be allowed to post on this board?   :crazy:

This 'extremist'  :001_rolleyes:  happens to get along with most members on here. So what does that tell you about your laughable claim that someone with certain political views are deemed unacceptable to post alongside others?  

Its also hilarious how 'aunty semitism' in your view is beyond the pale, while muslim hate should be tolerated. What does that say about you and your own personal bias?

Horseshit, you are tolerated and nothing more. Accepted is something your ideology prevents.

Why don't you address the childish, "I deserve" attitude you have instead of using deflection to avoid the subject.

Again why is it that you think that you have a right to force your fake Nazi ass on a community that doesn't share your extremist views?

Can you actually answer that without looking like a petulant child...I doubt it.