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Messages - Ace

I had a few drinks last night!  Show me a little tenderness and understanding!
The Guest Nest / My Stepfather is in the hospital...
January 02, 2016, 06:01:03 PM
He's been withering away for the last little while at home, and my Mother finally got his ass to the hospital recently.

I've never really been that close to him, or to my parents in general, for that matter.

I have a feeling that he won't be coming back home.

I think I should visit him this afternoon.
It's already edited, people!  Christ.  So sensitive.
And other simple things, like holding joint bank accounts, are things that I simply refuse to do.

As much as I loved her, and her wanting to Marry me, I knew full well even then how women work.

And I was right!  It's not that hard to predict outcomes, as first marriages have a failure rate of over 50%.  Subsequent marriages have even a higher failure rate.

I'm good with numbers, and know what "odds" are...  It's easy to be blinded by women when they put the "I Love You" act on.  It's just an act with women.  It ALWAYS is just an act.

And as such, I always protect myself in the event that they leave.
I had a few drinks last night.  I'll edit my post for the sensitive...
I'll answer any question!

I do not pay alimony.  I'm smart when it comes to women, as I know deep down what many truly view men as.

I treated my ex very well, but when she left, she wasn't entitled to a dime, and didn't get a dime.
In all honesty, Dove?

It's moot.  It doesn't matter to me.

Why? As much as you'd like me to "understand" your beliefs, you will never understand mine.

That is why true Atheists like me just don't bother.  We don't care.

Dove?  You are a good example of the people we avoid.
Look Dove...  If you are a Bible thumper, that's your business.

I really don't care.

However, I know your type quite well...  Gonna try to convert me?  Others do!

I am a resistant bastard.  I cannot be broken.
You're wrong, actually...
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Cool Covers
January 02, 2016, 06:06:19 AM
Quote from: "Renee"Santo and Johnny's "Sleep Walk" covered by Joe Satriani.

Sleepwalk is one of my favourite tracks...

However, it can never be topped.  It can never be "re-done" in a better fashion than the original.

Purely instrumental, it cannot be topped with new vocals.  Purely a ballad, it cannot be "stepped up" properly and performed any faster...

Sleep Walk is an anomoly...  The original can never be really touched.  And it can't.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Cool Covers
January 02, 2016, 05:58:13 AM
Men do Rock better, it seems...

I also like this version...

Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Cool Covers
January 02, 2016, 05:53:47 AM
I've always been an Idol fan.  Not necessarily for his music, but for his "show"...

One of my favourite tracks is 'Dancing with Myself.'

The Donna's didn't do too badly with their version...

Dude, Canadian shit sucks!  It's not that we're any less talented, but simply the US lifestyle and paycheque just cannot be resisted!

So, we move to NY or LA!

Lots of Canadians infiltrating their shit!  OK though...  We look the same, and talk/sing almost the same also, so nobody knows...