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Messages - ghost

Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ghost"Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. Just about every single person has heard this band perform, as the soundtrack for King of the Hill. A band that's been around for 20 years and still manages to draw major crowds without ever having a billboard hit.

Hey ghost, how's it going? Still in Playa or are you back in Van?

Sadly, I am back in Van. But already thinking of going back for a few months this winter. I'm starting to think about buying property there. Super cheap and always warm!
Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. Just about every single person has heard this band perform, as the soundtrack for King of the Hill. A band that's been around for 20 years and still manages to draw major crowds without ever having a billboard hit.

The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
August 07, 2015, 02:57:27 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "asal"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "RW"HAHAHA!  This just keeps on getting dumber by the minute.

Tell you count it as your own thought if you cut and paste it or is a raging feminist hands it to you?  I'm not policing your thoughts.  I'm merely pointing out that your silencing tactic isn't working anymore.  Do carry on with it though.  We'd die of shock if you didn't try to twist arguments as if you were Chubby Checker himself.

It doesn't matter if I think PP murders or babies or not.  I'm not one of those attacking them with expose movies now am I?  But what do those people think?  Hmmm...  Is it that abortion is murder perhaps?  Oh right.  It is.

I also stated my position in the post immediately above your response.  LTR.

I don't recall trying to silence anyone. Are you wanting to silence me just for having my opinion?

"It doesn't matter if I think PP murders or babies or not."

I don't believe Planned Parenthood is a baby murdering factory. I believe in any woman's right to choose, health care and education.

Are you illiterate?

Oh there you go asking an obvious question when the obvious answer is right in front of you.

Why do you waste your time explaining your position over and over to that Code Pink asshole? It is never going to sink in.......NEVER. I would have figured that you should know this by now.  :dash1:

I have never known any woman that is as pro choice as Romero.



You might be as pro abortion as Romero, but you haven't shown it here asal.

Being pro choice does not suggest anyone is pro abortion.
Well that's easy enough. Here's the link to the news article of the child who was attacked by a dog. It's the same picture as the one used on the Jews News website.

Also the news article reeks of scam. Notice there are no names. No actual location. No way to confirm if the story actually took place."> ... 337494.stm">

And here's the original article your silly conservative site linked to as its source"> ... blue-eyes/">
All fun and games until someone posts a fake news story.

It's fake. There was no fight. No child beaten. The picture on the sourced website is a little girl from Wales who was attacked by a dog."> ... -beaten-by">
Quote from: "SPECTRE"

But when meat is freely available through the market system, I fail to see any reason to go into the wild

There are still some places in Canada where meat isn't freely available in the market system. And even more so in the rest of the world.

And considering how barbaric the meat processing business is, I kinda agree with those who prefer wild game.

But I also like to believe that if people had to kill what they wanted to eat, we'd have a shitload more vegetarians on this planet.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
July 31, 2015, 09:30:47 PM
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Dove"  You just keep illustrating how little you know about woman's health care.  There are millions of women who somehow get real and informed health care without ever seeing a planned parenthood. Go figure? Lol

And there are millions of women who depend on Planned Parenthood. If Planned Parenthood is defunded, it's not like women's health care centres are going to magically pop up in its place.

You think millions of women go to Planned Parenthood just for fun?
 Romero, PP does not give free services. You still need insurance or the money up front. We have a lot of womens health care centers that have nothing to do with PP. In fact, one of them gave every woman in our mission over 40 a mammogram. Where was planned parenthood on that? They don't help as much as you seem to think they do.

Planned Parenthood does give free services. Seriously, google is your friend. Depending on income, many of their services are free and you don't need insurance.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
July 31, 2015, 08:58:10 PM
Sadly, money always worms its way into everything.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "ghost"
Quote from: "Herman"
Alright, but this guy doesn't want anyone to stock their freezer with real free range meat.

And where does he say that? The only argument I've seen from him in this thread is that hunting for sport is wrong.

That's right, he did say For FOOD and sustenance!!  But then adds Not for entertainment.

See, I used to hunt and it was not wasted, but I also enjoyed bagging a trophy buck.

I think there's a fine line there that isn't black and white. You may enjoy hunting, but at least you're doing the reasonable thing by eating what you kill.

Personally I find hunting barbaric. But I'm not a hypocrite. If you're going to eat what you kill, then I'm not going to argue against it. At least the animal's death isn't in vain.
Quote from: "Herman"
Alright, but this guy doesn't want anyone to stock their freezer with real free range meat.

And where does he say that? The only argument I've seen from him in this thread is that hunting for sport is wrong.
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "cc la femme"Below is example of how stupid this thing is in comparison to real issues everywhere">

What Cecil actually would say if he was in the presence of this psychic? "Umm, lunch!"...

Actually, its not.

This sordid tragedy reflects an element of the human psyche that we must eradicate; that killing is OK. Lion, fur seals, or whale, killing animals unnecessarily, or worse, for entertainment, is wrong and reprehensible.

Human nature is capable of change. And it won't change unless the majority of humans make it clear that conduct such as this retard's is not acceptable.

Well, Spec, we don't always agree on things, but we do here.

Just like one man can change the world, one incident can cause waves.

For everyone who is bitching about the 100's of other lions being killed, well maybe this will be the one event that forces people to stand up and make a difference.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
July 31, 2015, 08:12:12 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
QuoteUnder Ocare PP is obsolete. Reproductive health and abortions are covered under the gov insurance plans. So why do we need to pay taxpayer money for a redundant service like PP. It belongs in the shitter with the rest of the tax sucking programs that left-wing policies have kept alive for the past 50 years.

I don't want to comment at all on the pro life and pro choice divide. Guys should stay quiet. But, I sure as hell will when a half billion green yearly is being handed out.

I don't think males should be quiet. I think they should have an opinion just like everyone else. It's a topic that affects our society as a whole. But should men have the only say? Hells, no.

If I were to get pregnant and consider an abortion, I would greatly appreciate having the father's say in the matter. I'd also want his support.

I do however, think the final say comes down to the woman. Her body, her rights.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
July 31, 2015, 08:10:15 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
We are doing ok despite the current economic slow down in Alberta..

I understand justifiable homicide and it was mentioned in this thread..

My husband would kill anyone that would want to harm his family..

I think we can all agree that if someone crushed the spinal chord of a baby that was born one second ago, it would be murder, not justifiable homicide

In my opinion it should be no different than if it happened seven months earlier..

But, I don't understand your point about pro life people that kill abortion doctors?

If the abortion performing doctor threatened the lives of someone, they would be justified in protecting themselves.

I'm talking about abortion clinics that have been bombed and doctors who have been shot. Why? Because they performed 'legal' abortions.

I honestly don't believe that a fetus is a living being. That is my opinion, just like you disagree. I don't push my beliefs on others. I think it's each person's choice whether or not to abort. I would never think less of someone who keeps a baby because they consider it murder.

I think it's far too complicated to be black and white/right and wrong. That's where the choice comes in.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
July 31, 2015, 08:04:51 PM
Quote from: "SPECTRE"Hey spookster!!! How you doing!!!


Alive and tired. You?
The Flea Trap / Re: The Great Abortion Debate
July 31, 2015, 07:43:52 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ghost"Well I'll throw in my 2 cents.

Against abortion? Pro life? It's simple. Don't have an abortion.

But don't tell me what to do with my own body. The majority of pro lifers are doing it for religious reasons. Don't push your religion on me. Christianity isn't the only religion in the world. People have different opinions on when life begins. That's why it should be a 'choice'. Remember, choice doesn't mean you are pro abortion. It simply means you accept that it should be an individual's choice.

I do agree that there needs to be more psychological support for people who need it. Sadly, the majority of people can't afford it. Some people are able to get an abortion and be fine afterwards. Others have deep emotional trauma.

Because no two people are alike. It's really that simple.

Hello ghost, it's nice to see you again..

You said what I mentioned that the only way one can be in favour of abortion is if you believe the unborn child is not yet a person..

For those of that do believe the child is a person, it's murder, for those that don't it's about rights.

Hey Fash,

Hope you're well.

Yes, I understand the difference between rights and murder.

But as humans, we justify murder all the time. People are murdered and we think it's acceptable.

War. Self-defense. Death penalty. The Crusades. Genocide. Just to name a few.

What about the pro lifers who kill abortion doctors? They justify that it's okay to kill the doctor because it's saving lives.

I don't buy into the 'murder' argument.