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Messages - Scoundrel

Quote from: "Berry Sweet"That migration is getting out of control.  There is no way Europe can sustain that many people.  Nothing is being done to place these people.  I bet most of these people are not going to get the best handed to them.  Somthings gotta give.  I cant see this running smoothly...this is war and death.

No, it's surrender.
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"
Quote from: "Scoundrel"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Scoundrel"
Quote from: "RW"So what brings you over here?  How did you hear about us Scoundrel?

I thought I would go slumming it. Nah, it's funny to watch Freud sweat. :laugh3:

I wonder if he wears women's deodorant  ac_umm

Is there a scent changing app he can download to Skype to disguise it?

Ducking and weaving?

That's Freud's schtick.

Looks like another alter.

Boy never learns.

Nope, it's not Freud, but we are flametown veterans.
The Flea Trap / Re: Greetings from Indostan
November 27, 2015, 05:54:54 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "RW"Or a really good one haha

My husband does not like any curry.

Some of them smell like they bathe in it.
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Scoundrel"
Quote from: "RW"So what brings you over here?  How did you hear about us Scoundrel?

I thought I would go slumming it. Nah, it's funny to watch Freud sweat. :laugh3:

I wonder if he wears women's deodorant  ac_umm

Is there a scent changing app he can download to Skype to disguise it?
Quote from: "RW"So what brings you over here?  How did you hear about us Scoundrel?

I thought I would go slumming it. Nah, it's funny to watch Freud sweat. :laugh3:
Quote from: "the shark hunter"
Quote from: "Scoundrel"
Quote from: "the shark hunter"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "the shark hunter"
Quote from: "Shen Li"^They are for maritime pollution surveillance sharkie.

... and yet they fly over a town all the time?  i know you're not that naive, Shen ...

Naïve about what sharkie? Maritime pollution control along our coastline? Where did you expect them to be? In Herman's canola field in buttfuck Saskatchewan. :laugh:

... well, for one thing, there is no pollution where i live, Shen Li ...

... i'm sorry if i offended you, but i just don't believe what the government says.  i think they are monitoring PEOPLE, not nonexistent pollution ...

Just maybe there's no pollution there because the surveillance planes are finding it and it's being cleaned up. It's elementary Sherlock?

... is it too hard to accept that the feds are conducting surveillance where i live?  seems to be ...

Are you polluting the waters? If not you can sleep tight tonight.
Quote from: "the shark hunter"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "the shark hunter"
Quote from: "Shen Li"^They are for maritime pollution surveillance sharkie.

... and yet they fly over a town all the time?  i know you're not that naive, Shen ...

Naïve about what sharkie? Maritime pollution control along our coastline? Where did you expect them to be? In Herman's canola field in buttfuck Saskatchewan. :laugh:

... well, for one thing, there is no pollution where i live, Shen Li ...

... i'm sorry if i offended you, but i just don't believe what the government says.  i think they are monitoring PEOPLE, not nonexistent pollution ...

Just maybe there's no pollution there because the surveillance planes are finding it and it's being cleaned up. It's elementary Sherlock?
The Flea Trap / Re: Puppet Perfection
November 27, 2015, 01:39:17 PM
Quote from: "RW"The coolest marionette I've ever seen and it gets better as the performance goes on.

It's in a Spanish speaking country, like maybe the United States.
Quote from: "Keeper"It sounded like a rapist,  then his call dropped and he had an Australian accent, almost the same voice but you can tell it was his own voice.

Freud doesn't know when to quit and never did.
The Flea Trap / Re: Greetings from Indostan
November 26, 2015, 06:55:17 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Oh, tank you werry, werry much for your wonderful wishes...may the turds from Ganish's bountiful arse enrich and nourish your most gracious life, yes please.

Well said Rotty. Well said.
The Guest Nest / Re: Yo Dinky
November 26, 2015, 06:54:17 PM
Quote from: "GrAnnie"Where can I get this voice changing software? I could have some fun....prank phone calls, Skype....ohh I could have soo much fun!

Oh no, another Freud waiting in the wings.
The Guest Nest / Re: Welcome Freud!
November 26, 2015, 06:53:30 PM
Freud, you should be charged with attempted murder. Your fake female personas are boring us to death.
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Scoundrel"Freud keeps getting caught with his dick in his hands and yet he still keeps making up these idiotic fake female personas that nobody believes. The guy is stuck in 2001.

I would say it's mildly entertaining, but it's not.

Hear that Freud?  Time to reinvent yourself old chap.

He has no clue what entertaining is anymore.
The Guest Nest / Re: Yo Dinky
November 26, 2015, 06:51:04 PM
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Scoundrel"
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"No-one has yet asked the question as to WHY he would have voice altering software installed on his device...

You know what he's like Rotwang. Calling him on shit like that means obfuscation combined with verbose, adjective heavy primary school insults. He never changes.

Do you ride him like a pony over on TRF for playing as Gargoyle?

Only when I am bored.
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Kunduz hospital was blasted by American aircraft, leaving 30 innocent people dead."> ... nt/6974714">

This, despite several fail-safe measures in place, and several calls from the hospital to cease and desist.

And they claim it was "human error"?

We all know of other examples of Anerica's "human error's". These retards simply do not know how to manage and handle lethal weaponry; from their rootin' tootin' shootin' po-lice to their "kill em all and let God sort it out" military ethos, America constantly demonstrates their inability to use lethal force with restraint.

Such is their dysfunctional national psyche.

What was Turkey's claim?