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Messages - short studd

The Guest Nest / Why am I allowed to post here now?
December 27, 2015, 03:55:02 AM
What's up?  Answer me!

Who's in charge?  Who isn't?

Who thinks they were in charge, and who wasn't?

Who pretends to be, and who really is?

Clearly Renee was pulled aside and muzzled, at least temporarily...  Why?

Who reeled her in?

Again, I don't give a shit if I can post here or not, but I want to know why I can now...
Do it for the kids...
You people aren't for random exchange of thought.  In fact, you people are the furthest thing from that ideal.  It's nothing more than a closed FaceBook group here, with like eight members.

I just wanted to remind you all of that, especially now, as even the mere sight of me will get me banned, for no reason.

Enjoy the rest of the Holidays!
How's it hangin', RW?  You doin' all right?
Did you see how Renee flew into a rage when I mentioned Kreepers missing legs?

I'm certain the walls of her house shook when she came running to the keyboard after she realized I was posting.  She most likely could've easily given herself a heart attack, working herself up like that.

Why is she so sensitive and touchy?  Just because her husband wants nothing to do with her sexually, doesn't mean she should be abusing random strangers in a fit of frustration.
This forum is full of touchy people.

How come you all are so sensitive and touchy?
The Guest Nest / Renee isn't suitable to Mod this forum.
December 26, 2015, 09:31:57 PM