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Messages - Mona

The Flea Trap / Re: Go The Fuck to Sleep
May 12, 2016, 12:04:58 AM
They did a version here with Noni Hazelhurst, an Australian actress who was a regular on Play School (a pre-school age show that's been a stalwart of Australian television for decades).
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Mother's Day
May 10, 2016, 11:56:58 PM
Thank you, and a Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies.  

I had a lovely day with my mother, eldest son and youngest son.  The other boys were out of town with their dad at a horse event.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why dating is f*cked! hahaha
May 04, 2016, 03:15:13 AM
Quote from: "RW"I find guys don't like that in reverse.  You say no thanks and it's like you've insulted them.

Yes, many of them get aggressive and feel that they have a right to you, whether you like it or not.   This is the main reason I have never allowed men to buy me drinks.  That and after having a drink (that I had bought myself) spiked, I didn't want to risk going through that again.    i once had a guy who was hanging out in a group with my friends, offer to buy me a drink, and when I said, No thanks, I'll get my own, went to the other end of the bar and paid for my drink.  I immediately passed the drink to my friend and ordered and paid for another one.   A few weeks later (after I had started dating his friend), he complained to me that I had never "thanked" him for the drink he bought me.  I ripped him a new one, and pointed out that a. I had asked him NOT to buy me a drink, and b. that I had not been the one to drink it, anyway and c. that the reason I had refused his drink was so that he wouldn't have grounds for expecting me to owe him anything.
The Flea Trap / Re: the stork arrived
May 04, 2016, 02:58:57 AM
Congratulations on your new addition.   I always thought that I wanted girls, but I ended up with five boys, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.  Little boys love their mummy, and like to be protective.   Enjoy your special bond with your new little man.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why dating is f*cked! hahaha
May 04, 2016, 02:46:55 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"I find the games still happen even at the more advanced ages.

You might be right about that. Being single has changed so much in such a short time.

I just watched the whole video, despite her annoying split personality way of making her point... she actually does have a point.  But games are not a new concept.  "The rules"  book on dating came out in 1995.  And that was just a return to the way dating used to be handled by women.  It's ALWAYS been games.  And she's right, it's fucked.  

I've never had the patience or time for games.  If I liked a guy (even in school) EVERYBODY knew, including him.  I had no problem walking up to a guy in a club or at a party or even at a theme park, and telling him that I thought he was cute. Saved all the will he/won't he bullshit.  And most were grateful that I took the rejection out of it for them.  

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.  And if a person says no, it's not the end of the world.  Whatever their reason, it's their issue, it's still better to know so that you can move on and stop wasting time on something that will never happen.

Some of the people who play games, do so because they like the drama.    I drummed into my son, that no matter what he chooses to do with a girl, in the dating scene, he is to be honest and not tell her it's something that it's not in order to get what he wants out of it.  So far, I've had a total of zero pissed off fathers on my doorstep, and he seems to stay friends with most of his exes and hookups, so I think I got through to him.
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Mona"
Quote from: "Herman"TD has an issue with anyone who shortens the name of the US to America. I don't get it.

Because he lives in South America and they don't view the US as the entirety of America.

Costa Rica is in Central America.

Which technically makes it part of the North American continent.

As I don't live in ANY of the Americas, I wasn't aware of the nuances of which part of the Americas laid claim to central america.  I do apologise for being mis-informed on the geography of "America".  Having never been there, myself.   And geography was my one poor subject in school.

I'd still wager that I'm likely to be more informed on your continent than you are on mine.
Quote from: "Herman"TD has an issue with anyone who shortens the name of the US to America. I don't get it.

Because he lives in South America and they don't view the US as the entirety of America.
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 06, 2016, 12:56:59 AM
I think the whole Hitler thing evolved due to the shock value.  And a lot of it was started as a way to wind up Seamajor. (TD).   It got the trolls the desired reaction so they continued with it.    Some of them, though, do appear to actually agree with and genuinely follow the philosophies of Nazi sympathisers, they just enjoy the shock value and trolling virtues of their beliefs.

Having said that, it's not a BF thing.  It's mainly a Scouse thing, along with some of his cronies.
The Flea Trap / Re: Define Time
April 05, 2016, 06:47:15 PM
It still depends on the depth of the communication.  I talk to a lot of people online, some are just random passing messages, and others are in depth conversations.  So if the person was referencing someone that they used to message multiple times in a day, and only had a chance to send a brief message and didn't have an actual conversation, then that person might not consider that "recent communication".

Obviously you know far more detail on this specific situation, I'm just saying that there's not always a "right or wrong" answer, and the other person may not have viewed the statement the same way that you do.  To me, it's all about intent.  Inaccuracies don't always mean dishonesty.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Mona"
Quote from: "GrAnnie"I thought DSM was SMP at first too. The first reason was because of his avi. Who the heck would wear dead skin as a mask and have someone actually use it for an avi? Ew!

Dead skin mask is a song by Slayer.  And I'm pretty sure his avi is from a horror movie or the album cover or something like that.

I would not have known that Mona..

I don't have any Slayer songs on my phone.

Neither do I. I just remembered that Deaders had shared the song. So I googled it to find out who sang it.
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Mona"
Quote from: "GrAnnie"I thought DSM was SMP at first too. The first reason was because of his avi. Who the heck would wear dead skin as a mask and have someone actually use it for an avi? Ew!

Dead skin mask is a song by Slayer.

Can you tell we don't know our metal?  Haha

I'm not overly informed on the really heavy metal but I have friends who are right into it. I only knew this one specifically because Deaders had explained in BF where he got his username and posted the music video.
Quote from: "GrAnnie"I thought DSM was SMP at first too. The first reason was because of his avi. Who the heck would wear dead skin as a mask and have someone actually use it for an avi? Ew!

Dead skin mask is a song by Slayer.  And I'm pretty sure his avi is from a horror movie or the album cover or something like that.
The Flea Trap / Re: Define Time
April 04, 2016, 06:44:04 PM
Quote from: "RW"

The hyperbole of it is obvious and a given.  It clearly hadn't been an entire lifetime.  

Since the hyperbole is obvious, we have to look at it as the idiom it is.  The idiom of "in ages" means "a very long time".  That is how it is defined and not an interpretation.  Now we can sit here and play word games about what "very long" means but at the end of the day, a reasonable person would not consider that time frame to be a mere 4 days.

For example:

"When did you last see your ex-GF?"

"I haven't seen her in ages."

If a person is asking a serious question and requesting a serious answer, answering "in ages" to signify 4 days is misleading and deceptive.

In the scenario you are listing here, I would say that the definition of "ages" would depend on your definition of "see".

And the context within which the question was asked.  If it was a casual "Hey when was the last time you bumped into your ex-gf or noticed her in the same general location and waved?" Then "ages" would be a massive and unnecessary exaggeration.  But if the question had more of a "when did you last interact and connect on an emotional or physical level with your ex-gf?" feel about it, then most males would dismiss any interaction as unimportant and try to alleviate the stress of the person asking by saying it was "ages ago" meaning that the threat the ex-gf represented was "ancient history" in his mind and therefore unimportant, despite the female asking perhaps being more concerned with knowing exact facts.

It also depends on the usual time referencing of the person being asked. If they would describe not hearing from you in four days as being ages, or refer to an injury or bruise happening a few days before as happening ages ago, then responding to any question about time reference as being ages ago when it was less than a week is a normal and non malicious response.
The Flea Trap / Re: Define Time
April 03, 2016, 09:19:58 PM
I think the definition of "ages" to the person using the term would depend on a number of things... a.  how long they'd known the person they were talking about (for example if they'd only known them  a short while then a few days may seem like ages, or if they'd known them a couple of years, but hadn't spoken apart from passing greetings for a year, then it may seem like ages since they'd spoken)  and b. if they were referencing the last specific interaction (which may have been bumping into them a few days ago) or an overall idea of how long ago it had been since they had regularly interacted with any depth.  Without knowing the specific details of the circumstances being referenced, it is hard to know why the person in question deemed it "ages".  

Time frames and truth are all about perspective.  What is true to one person, may not be for another.  And what seems a long time to one person, can seem like barely a blip in time to another.  I don't think it's a lie, if they're telling you what their definition of ages is, even if that definition is different to yours.
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome iron horse jockey
April 02, 2016, 06:52:20 PM
Welcome Jock. I'm relatively new, too, and still finding my way here. You must have many interesting tales to share from your train driving adventures.