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Messages - AryanKingdom

Sticky Aryan meAT would make those special fried rice flaps of yours moister than Renee in Mcdonalds  :laugh:
Wait have I missed Shen posting bare ass pics?
Missed me??   ac_biggrin  

Why the hell is my other account perma banned when Semen is allowed free roam?   ac_dunno
How can any sane minded person hate the master race?  Oh wait, we're talking about Ching Li  ac_smile
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 05, 2016, 12:03:03 PM
A pyschological  analysis from 2 of the resident 'experts', how touching....  :MG_216:

Lets take a look at them shall we? We've got Renee, a total man hater with weight issues.  Why does she hate men? Is it because  none ever pay her any attention due to her obesity? Which causes her to feel depressed so she gorges herself, which of course makes her even fatter, so again, men don't go near her. Vicious circle, i believe the phrase is for situations like that...... Her bad attitude clearly reflects how miserable she is in real life and how she hates herself. Sexually frustrated people are almost always miserable, unpleasant fuckers.

As for the angry chink, isn't she pregnant, but likes to get drunk most nights?  She's another one who clearly has deep rooted issues, and her drunken outbursts online are her way of venting her anger and frustration about how her life has turned out.  Its the poor kid she's carrying I feel sorry for....

I should have taken that degree on pyschology , as I'm damn good at it.    ac_cool
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 05:07:05 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "AryanKingdom"If that video doesn't stir your white racial soul , you are nothing but untermensch...... but I suspect the membership on here consists mostly of non  whites and jews anyway.

Oh you guessed it, we're all busted. :laugh3:

Where's my yamaka and pass the matzah balls.....

Don't think your going to get any of Shen Li's fried chicken, she doesn't share.

As for RW...she plays the banjo and tap dances in a black minstral show in her spare time. :nea:

You really are a moron....Correction.... a God cursed mother fucking moron.

BTW, glad you stopped by, you little thumb sucking bitch.  I've been in need of a new punching bag since the last time you got sent home with your tail between your legs.

Listen fella, you obviously need to lose weight....

Try going outside occasionally, even if its just jogging to McDonalds, any exercise and fresh air will do you good.
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 04:42:29 PM
If that video doesn't stir your white racial soul , you are nothing but untermensch...... but I suspect the membership on here consists mostly of non  whites and jews anyway.
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 04:23:48 PM
Sorry Renee, no pun intended with the word 'feeding'...
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 04:22:58 PM
This is too funny, let the 'attack the troll' feeding frenzy commence.    ac_lmfao
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 04:04:33 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "AryanKingdom"This 'troll' label gets thrown around too loosely online these days, much like 'racism', 'Islamophobia', 'anti-semite' etc.  

More often than not the people using the terms just use them on people they happen to disagree with.


Oh poor me....I'm not a troll....I'm a poor victim of the establishment.

End of translation:

BTW, everyone here has heard that horseshit before. So that post was another wasted hunt a peck effort on your part. I see a pattern developing here.

Are you hungry Renee? I bet you are...... how many takeaways are you having tonight?
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 04:02:59 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "AryanKingdom"Maybe because Hitler was ace?

Sure thing Scouse. Hitler was a drug attict, one gonad, coward. He fucked over Germany. [size=200]Murdered 3 million or so Jews.[/size] Then the coward offs himself. Scouse you're a fucking moron.

If only    ac_lmfao
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 03:26:19 PM
This 'troll' label gets thrown around too loosely online these days, much like 'racism', 'Islamophobia', 'anti-semite' etc.  

More often than not the people using the terms just use them on people they happen to disagree with.
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 03:05:25 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "AryanKingdom"Wow some super sensitive types on here, I didn't stumble on an Israeli forum by accident did I...

From a personal or individual standpoint, your kind provides nothing to be sensitive about or of value, for that matter.

My only concern is the foul stink you and your kind leave on the forum. But that's out of my hands, so carry on with your banal, nonsense.

Ahhhh, so you're the unpleasant obese female I've heard about.  

Change your avatar for heavens sake, nobody should be exposed to your frame unless absolutely necessary.
The Guest Nest / Re: BF's Obsession with Hitler
April 04, 2016, 03:03:13 PM
Who is RW?

Damn, its like Soviet Russia on here...