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Messages - Love Blob

The Guest Nest / Re: Jesus Christ!
July 05, 2016, 05:55:34 AM
What a shocker!

The Guest Nest / Jesus Christ!
July 05, 2016, 05:52:44 AM
I just found another ex-bitch on POF...

Pics are from years ago, and hide her fat fucking arms!

Another cunt looking to do nothing more than ride cock, pop out more kids, and find Mr. Moneybags!

What a fucking joke!

I'm actually quite shocked!
The Guest Nest / Vanilla Ice? I've Gotta Admit...
July 05, 2016, 04:44:04 AM
...he did OK.  Watch this few minute clip.  Could be worse!

RW, why do you hide lately?

I know you're there...  Why hide?
Quote from: "Renee"So stop making yourself are doomed to live and die alone. Time to face facts.

You're probably right!

It's a travesty!

Renee, rumour has it that you like the Negro dick...  I am not judging, but would you be so kind as to confirm/deny this rumour?
The Flea Trap / Re: What's The Worst in your Mouth
July 05, 2016, 04:22:31 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"Vanilla Ice.


No joke!

I'm not afraid to blast Vanilla Ice with my top down!

It's hilarious!  In fact, people seem to love it!
Quote from: "Fashionista"We will be mortgage free in a year and a few months..

We can hardly wait.

It feels good, Fash.

People forget, but only when one is mortgage free, do you truly "own" your home.

Not paid off?  You'll see just what the bank will do if you can't pay!

I will never have a mortgage again in my life.
The Flea Trap / Re: Happy Canada Day, eh
July 05, 2016, 04:09:13 AM
The fact is, there was nothing wrong with the way it was.

And I did state that it was changed by a fat White frog, so I'm not taking sides here!

How many times do we have to keep changing something?  It's like we're trying to reinvent the wheel at times...
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"I do believe Mexico will one day own Canada. Mexico has many more resources, as I explained before.

Mexico?  Um, no.  Mexico is owning the States right now, with their influx of illegals and nothing else.

Canada does thank you though, for absorbing them like a tampon, before they reach our borders.

Canada has resources also.  Properly handled, we could make things work.  Nonetheless, the US is our largest trading partner (both ways, I believe), so it is what it is!
The Guest Nest / Re: The 12 Assholes
July 05, 2016, 03:57:35 AM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Remeinds me. Need to get a haircut soon.

Have you considered the SS cut?
My family came to Canada in the late 1950's...  (I'm first generation Canadian, believe it or not).

It was often times stated in our family, that we would have been better off in the States.

Take that as you will!

And yes...  Happy 4th you Yanks!
The Flea Trap / Re: Worst Medical Procedure
July 05, 2016, 03:50:59 AM
Myself?  Nothing much, really!  

Had my nose broken in a highschool fight.  Pretty easy to deal with.

The most painful thing I've had happen?  Fractured a bone in my wrist falling from a tree-fort when I was around 12 or so.  The problem with fractured wrist-bones, is that they cannot really do anything about it.  The most painful thing I've ever experienced.

Joe, many of the Germanic languages are not that far apart as we may think.

As an English speaker, who's first language was German until Kindergarten, I only know the very basics...

There is surprisingly more in common with these languages than one may think...  English and German words, for instance, are often more closely related in their spelling than people think.

Left and right.  Day and night.  Simple terms like this in English, are very similar in German.

Now, for someone that has never spoken the language, it would be hard to make the connection, but there is one.

The most difficult aspect in translating, for me anyhow, is that the same term will have a slightly different meaning in German, if you will...  I can translate a "phrase" or a "slogan," if you will...  And it will make sense.  However, the real meaning isn't quite carried forward properly.

I'm trying to think of an example of this that would make sense...  Poor examples (on my part) would be business slogans like "I'm lovin' it," or "Have it your way"...  Often times slogans like these would translate over poorly, even though you'd get the basic understanding.

I still remember words in German, that I still fight to this day with having the ability to translate, to translate properly into English.  I could make a literal translation, but it's just not quite right.  I'd almost have to spend a few sentences trying to explain the exact context and meaning of the word.
...which I think is a good thing.

I remember when people didn't, and you'd walk along, and then almost like you hit and slipped on banana peel...  SHIT!  Shit in the tread of the shoe!

Also I remember, sometimes you wouldn't know you stepped in shit, until you were at the checkout counter at the store...  Then you'd smell the shit!  Was it me?  Did I shit my pants?  Did the guy behind me shit his pants?  Who shit their fucking pants?

Only later, do you realize that your shoes are caked with shit!

Tracking shit into the house, not knowing the shit is hiding in the tread...  Tracking shit all over the carpet.

You know, I think it's a very good idea for people to pick up their shit.

I also know the havok just one individual could create, by placing shit in just the right locations...  SINISTER!