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Messages - Jeff Spicoli

The Guest Nest / Re: I Used To Have A Great Ass
July 07, 2016, 06:17:53 PM
I complain about this all the time!  Women can't seem to keep the weight off as they age!

The thing is, there are fitness clubs all over the place!  My ex even had a membership, but she was too lazy to ever go!  She gained weight also!  Never stopped eating, but wasn't exercising ever!

Ladies, get your asses to the gym!
Quote from: "Shen Li"Mel, how the fuck are ya and your sexy money?

I'm OK I guess, all things considered!

You've caught me at a rare time, as I haven't been drinking yet!

Just came back from Ford to have some recall work done.  Turns out the Mustang had one of those faulty Takada airbag inflators, which has killed something like 11 people so far.  So, to the dismay of many posters here, my airbag will no longer kill me!
Quote from: "RW"She has pressing issues to tend to in her life

I can only imagine what those may be...   :wink:  acc_devil
They even managed to tap Angela Merkel's phones for 10 years!  SINISTER!

She called Obummer and told him "it's not nice to spy on friends."
I guess this thread was deemed unfit for the main board?  Oh well!

RW, Canada belongs to the "Five Eyes."  What that is, is a pact between the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.  Each shares info with one another freely.
Blurt, I like you!

Keep contact!
Quote from: "Blurt"All hail the moderated shoe.

Fuck Renee.

That fat piece of shit can't moderate shit.

Fash didn't have anyone else though, since nobody posts here.
It's fucking disgusting.

Can't even take care of kids?

Let's pop out a few more!

My fury is focused on every fucking cunt (except REAL women like Jennifer Anniston), that exist ONLY to pop kids out of your fucking cunts, and think you are some sort of fucking saviour.
Hitler was right with sterilizations.
...ages of desired partners.

Historically, the man would be of equal age, or perhaps up to a few years older than the female.

Culturally accepted, and the norm.

MANY females on POF seem to be cradle robbers...  I'm not fucking joking!  They want the young cock!

I guess just as much as a man wants a 21 year old blonde on his arm, women want the same!  

Thing is, is that financially wealthy men can pull this off, and have always.

Women?  Many are spreading their fucking legs just for any dick!  Satisfaction, I guess?

The younger, the better!

Fucking disgusting.

My tax dollars pay for the outcome of this.  Cut 'em off, let em beg for food.  Gas 'em if they become a problem.  Kids included.
The Flea Trap / Re: Worst Medical Procedure
July 07, 2016, 05:39:02 AM
They say one concussion isn't that bad, but until that heals...  DON'T hit your head again!

Repetitive concussions are the real problem.

I had one concussion a few years back, at the skate park...  Stunting on my bike, I hit the concrete essentially face first from about eight feet of height.

I still have scars to prove this.  

No helmet was worn, and I was "brain shocked" if you will.  Everyone came running, as my dome apparently made a clear "thud" on the concrete.

I was good!  Rode home on my bike, with blood pouring down my face.

I knew then, already, that I cannot risk another head impact.  Also, there is no doubt that the alcohol level in my bloodstream at that time helped me out.

I still have a scar on my face from that episode!
Snowden exposed a lot of the capabilities, but it's nothing new...

When Vinny bought DV, he said to me that they don't need a warrant to intercept your shit.  You won't even know when they do!

He was right also!

Snowden did expose many of the "tricks of the trade"...

I LOVE this kind of shit!  If my brain worked properly from when I was a youth, I would have most likely pursued a career towards this path!

I'm almost certain my Mother drank while she was pregnant.

Anyhow!  This is what I like to see!  The "James Bond" spy has simply been replaced with people doing the exact same thing, but electronically!

I love it!
Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility operated by AT&T for the U.S. National Security Agency that commenced operations in 2003 and was exposed in 2006.

This room is fed signals from fibre optic "beam splitters."  Essentially, any traffic fed through fibre optics can be "redirected" into this room, without compromising the original signal to the end user.

No warrant, no permission, no oversight required.">
THIS is what I'm talking about!">