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Messages - Big Stud

Negroes do as they do. Always have, and always will.  America made the mistake of wanting work done for free.  They will forever pay the price for that.

That being said, any poster with a brain knows how the Negro acts...  Knows how the Negro conducts itself in public...

I "Dindu Nuffin" and "He was a good boy" are good examples.  Problem is, Mama Negro had no business raising kids.

It's a problem that cannot be easily solved.
The Guest Nest / Re: Reject Rodeo
July 08, 2016, 04:05:02 AM
Rest well...
The Guest Nest / Re: Reject Rodeo
July 08, 2016, 03:48:13 AM

I guess, late at night, it's just you and me here...
The Guest Nest / Re: Reject Rodeo
July 08, 2016, 03:42:14 AM
RW, why do you only come out at night?
The Guest Nest / Re: I'll let this be known...
July 08, 2016, 03:40:30 AM
Quote from: "RW"I'm not a mod for the record.

It's better to be "separated" from that duty, in one way...

You have freedom to do what you want, and not have to answer to anyone!
The Guest Nest / Re: I'll let this be known...
July 08, 2016, 03:38:55 AM
I was the first person Vinny contacted when he thought about purchasing DV.

Weeks before people even knew of the changeover, I was the one that was communicating with him on almost a daily basis.

Advice, what works, what doesn't, etc...

It didn't take long for Evs and Mimi to stick their snouts in there.

I warned him.  He didn't listen.
The Guest Nest / Re: I'll let this be known...
July 08, 2016, 03:27:16 AM
So what if a White Pride member wants to post here?  Unless they are inciting hatred, personal beliefs are still allowed in Canada, even if they vary from your own.

Who gives a shit if a Black Panther member posts here?  Again, unless inciting hatred, he is free to his beliefs also.

I'm not saying that this forum must conform to the absolute limits of what is considered "free speech" In Canada, or the USA for that matter...

What I am saying, is that for forums like this to continue to draw traffic, and new posters, the Mods need to basically shut the fuck up, and concentrate on enforcing the rules, as opposed to engaging in personal agendas.
The Guest Nest / Re: TD - Attention Starved POS
July 08, 2016, 03:16:16 AM
Nice!  We may have a future after all!

I was worried about having to change your dipes, like a little baby!
The Guest Nest / Re: TD - Attention Starved POS
July 08, 2016, 03:10:13 AM
Not even once?
The Guest Nest / I'll let this be known...
July 08, 2016, 03:09:11 AM
Not for one minute will I ever stand back and watch power-hungry hippos bully posters into obedience.

If Joe wants to post his spiel in RR, and it breaks no rules, why should he be condescended by some power tripping Mod threatening to ban him?

If Semen wants to post his shit here, and it breaks no rules, why should he be hammered by RW and her power-tripping Mods?

If ANYONE wants to post here, and they do not break the rules, why the fuck don't you just ignore them and go back to the main board, where it's nice and sanitized?

WHY come into a sub-forum, that's created just for this, and implement your agenda?

The answer?  The current hags here cannot stand anything that they don't like.  I have seen this UMPTEEN times before.

Personal agenda.
Quote from: "Renee"Well that seals it. I guess it stays in tardville. :laugh3:


How else could you chronically attack me and my character by leaving threads like this on the main board?

Excellent Modding, Renee.  Kudos, to all your hard work around here, keeping things "clean."
The Guest Nest / Re: TD - Attention Starved POS
July 08, 2016, 02:52:29 AM
Do you shit the bed?
The Guest Nest / Re: Just for Mel
July 08, 2016, 02:49:40 AM
Another problem here is, is that I was accused of being "drunk" here about 10 hours ago, by Herman, the forum Poirot.

I'm on my third beer now, and it's a quarter to twelve.

What you think you see, what you want to see, and what exists in reality are very different things.

Sadly, very few posters here are actually able to open their fucking eyes, and think for themselves.  The blind leading the blind.
Maybe if you all SHUT THE FUCK UP, there wouldn't be anymore "whining?"

Look in the fucking mirror, you simpletons!
The Guest Nest / Re: Just for Mel
July 08, 2016, 02:33:34 AM
I've only stated this a few times before, but what you see is not always what you get.

I've learned from young on that people don't necessarily want "real."  They want entertainment of sorts.  Knowing this, and knowing that I'm not actually a good comedian, I compromise.

I post mostly truths, sometimes mixed in with a little bit of bullshit.

The problem is, is that if I remain totally truthful, people either don't believe it, or can't handle it.  So, I "clown around" a bit...  Disturbing shit is what I'm good at.

People have a hard time separating my factual posts from reality.  Even my ex had a hard time with anything truthful that I told her, so I don't bother anymore.

Here is a good example...  Did I smoke the Meth and Heroin that I posted?  Yes I did.

And from that point on I am now known as a drug addict.  Have I smoked Meth or Heroin since then?  No.  Haven't touched coke in years.

You see, people build up a "persona" of what they think of you, should you post the real truth.

They carry that forward to everything else, and it really makes it difficult to actually engage with someone properly.

I've found that crappy attempts at humour, and trolling, mixed in with "real" postings, simply gives other posters the best "bang for their buck."

That, and I don't Skype.