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Messages - HateWhale

The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 18, 2016, 04:06:27 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"^SCOUSE, fuck off you big baby. I have been banned many times and you don't see the IRON CHINK whining in her mojitos. You could at least pretend you are a man.

Sorry I've no idea who you are and I'm not SCOUSE.  In fact he's said he isn't posting on  here again, unless the obese obnoxious man hating blob fucks off....
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 18, 2016, 03:31:18 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "HateWhale"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "HateWhale"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "HateWhale"
Quote from: "Renee"Just like Fash appreciated your pic of naked little kids. Just like she appreciates your stupid incessant thread bombing.

You should be locked up in RR where all the morons, deviants and shitheels eventually find themselves.

BTW, if you don't like what I have to say, just pound on the report button, just like you do everywhere else, you feckless, little bitch.

One thing I have noticed on here, is that you're allowed to spew your venom at whoever you wish without getting reprimanded, whereas if anybody gives it to you they receive a board warning or a ban.  Whats up with that?

Because I'm special.  :oeudC:  :001_rolleyes:

One thing you didn't notice is that the venom I generally spew is a result of having venom spewed at me. It's only on rare occasions that I hit first and even then there is probably a reason that may not be readily apparent to someone not involved.

Unfortunately I cannot control how the moderators react when I am attacked. Even if a biased attitude within the management did exist, at no time have I ever expected or asked for special treatment.

You're not special, but you sure get special treatment alright...  

For a moderator of a board to have as severe an attitude problem as you do is ultimately going to be detrimental to a forum, which is reflecting on here and the lack of posters. Couple this with you being allowed to  ban anyone who you disagree with,and the result is a graveyard of a forum which will probably be gone by the end of the year.

Excuse me,.....

I am not a moderator and when I was, the only people I banned were those that broke rules. I think there were a total of 2. Furthermore they were warned previously regarding their transgressions and where given ample time to straighten up.

Granted I still have moderator's privileges but they are only used on occasion to move posts or clean up spam and ONLY if Herman isn't around to deal with it. I take NO part in disciplinary situations.

Try getting back to me when you have your info straight.

As for the state of this me one single general forum that has a growing membership. Most of them are dropping like flies because of competition from more elaborate forms off social media.

BTW, the "I'm special" comment was a book and read about.

You pick and choose the moderator title whenever it suits you...... if anyone comes on here and you take issue with them enough you assume the role again and get all ban-happy, like a true power trippin' control freak.  

As for these apparent 'rules breaks', care to elaborate on them?  Because from what I have seen they amount to nothing more than your opinion and bias, rather than rules being enforced.

Wrong on all accounts. What you have "seen" is bullshit.

As I stated, I banned A total of 2 people. One was Mel for propagating cross form drama and the other was Scouse for expressing anti-Semitic, white supremacy ideology. Both bannings were in accordance with the wishes of the admin as they were in direct conflict with the image this forum wished to present.

If you don't like it.......don't let the door hit you in the ass.

BTW, if I was as biased and ban happy as you claim....a shitty little troll like you would be long gone.

You're right, I dont like it, and neither do a lot of other people from the looks of it, or this place would be a lot busier.....

So let me get this straight , a user who talks about another forum too much, and another who subscribes to a certain 'disagreeable' ideology, are both deemed fit for a permanent ban?  

Outstanding, especially when any potential new member can look around, and see constant muslim hate, opinionated gay and leftist viewpoints, and of course a thoroughly unpleasant overweight mod throwing her weight around and silencing anyone who she disagrees with.

Yet these people are allowed to stay?  What amazing logic the powers that be have on here.   :oeudC:
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 18, 2016, 01:06:48 PM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "HateWhale"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "HateWhale"
Quote from: "Renee"Just like Fash appreciated your pic of naked little kids. Just like she appreciates your stupid incessant thread bombing.

You should be locked up in RR where all the morons, deviants and shitheels eventually find themselves.

BTW, if you don't like what I have to say, just pound on the report button, just like you do everywhere else, you feckless, little bitch.

One thing I have noticed on here, is that you're allowed to spew your venom at whoever you wish without getting reprimanded, whereas if anybody gives it to you they receive a board warning or a ban.  Whats up with that?

Because I'm special.  :oeudC:  :001_rolleyes:

One thing you didn't notice is that the venom I generally spew is a result of having venom spewed at me. It's only on rare occasions that I hit first and even then there is probably a reason that may not be readily apparent to someone not involved.

Unfortunately I cannot control how the moderators react when I am attacked. Even if a biased attitude within the management did exist, at no time have I ever expected or asked for special treatment.

You're not special, but you sure get special treatment alright...  

For a moderator of a board to have as severe an attitude problem as you do is ultimately going to be detrimental to a forum, which is reflecting on here and the lack of posters. Couple this with you being allowed to  ban anyone who you disagree with,and the result is a graveyard of a forum which will probably be gone by the end of the year.

Excuse me,.....

I am not a moderator and when I was, the only people I banned were those that broke rules. I think there were a total of 2. Furthermore they were warned previously regarding their transgressions and where given ample time to straighten up.

Granted I still have moderator's privileges but they are only used on occasion to move posts or clean up spam and ONLY if Herman isn't around to deal with it. I take NO part in disciplinary situations.

Try getting back to me when you have your info straight.

As for the state of this me one single general forum that has a growing membership. Most of them are dropping like flies because of competition from more elaborate forms off social media.

BTW, the "I'm special" comment was a book and read about.

You pick and choose the moderator title whenever it suits you...... if anyone comes on here and you take issue with them enough you assume the role again and get all ban-happy, like a true power trippin' control freak.  

As for these apparent 'rules breaks', care to elaborate on them?  Because from what I have seen they amount to nothing more than your opinion and bias, rather than rules being enforced.
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 18, 2016, 11:05:27 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "HateWhale"
Quote from: "Renee"Just like Fash appreciated your pic of naked little kids. Just like she appreciates your stupid incessant thread bombing.

You should be locked up in RR where all the morons, deviants and shitheels eventually find themselves.

BTW, if you don't like what I have to say, just pound on the report button, just like you do everywhere else, you feckless, little bitch.

One thing I have noticed on here, is that you're allowed to spew your venom at whoever you wish without getting reprimanded, whereas if anybody gives it to you they receive a board warning or a ban.  Whats up with that?

Because I'm special.  :oeudC:  :001_rolleyes:

One thing you didn't notice is that the venom I generally spew is a result of having venom spewed at me. It's only on rare occasions that I hit first and even then there is probably a reason that may not be readily apparent to someone not involved.

Unfortunately I cannot control how the moderators react when I am attacked. Even if a biased attitude within the management did exist, at no time have I ever expected or asked for special treatment.

You're not special, but you sure get special treatment alright...  

For a moderator of a board to have as severe an attitude problem as you do is ultimately going to be detrimental to a forum, which is reflecting on here and the lack of posters. Couple this with you being allowed to  ban anyone who you disagree with,and the result is a graveyard of a forum which will probably be gone by the end of the year.
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 18, 2016, 10:28:06 AM
Quote from: "Renee"Just like Fash appreciated your pic of naked little kids. Just like she appreciates your stupid incessant thread bombing.

You should be locked up in RR where all the morons, deviants and shitheels eventually find themselves.

BTW, if you don't like what I have to say, just pound on the report button, just like you do everywhere else, you feckless, little bitch.

One thing I have noticed on here, is that you're allowed to spew your venom at whoever you wish without getting reprimanded, whereas if anybody gives it to you they receive a board warning or a ban.  Whats up with that?
The Guest Nest / Re: Words That Describe TD
August 18, 2016, 10:25:59 AM
Learn to quote properly you dopey old fucker.
The Guest Nest / Re: Words That Describe TD
August 12, 2016, 03:53:48 PM
I dont know who Mel is.  Bit quiet on here ain't it?
The Guest Nest / Re: TD - Attention Starved POS
August 12, 2016, 03:51:54 PM
Usually when someone is a fat fucker its because they eat too much..... I don't imagine it's any different for her.
The Guest Nest / Re: TD - Attention Starved POS
August 12, 2016, 03:31:21 PM
Renee's obesity problem is common knowledge.
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 12, 2016, 03:30:16 PM
This is the first time I've posted on here for 6 months or so, my BortheBorkle account won't work for some reason.

Where are SCOUSE and Dilf?
The Guest Nest / Re: Miscellaneous Thread Derailment.
August 12, 2016, 03:19:20 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Grasp what Herman?

Aren't mods supposed to be fair and unbiased? Isn't fairness next to Godliness?

Did you have your pic posting privileges taken away. And as an example of unfairness you are using a pic I posted. My pic being sandwiched between two of yours aimed at me. You really are a ignorant loser. It just so happens that is the only "flame" pic I have ever posted. You cannot say the same thing. So yes...[size=150]Knock Knock[/size]

Yes, I took away his image posting privileges away for now..

It was getting ridiculous with TD bombing threads with the same two pictures over and over again..

He does that a lot.  I believe its his Alzheimer's that makes him behave like that.
The Guest Nest / Re: TD - Attention Starved POS
August 12, 2016, 03:15:23 PM
Apart from reducing her calorie intake...
The Guest Nest / Re: Words That Describe TD
August 12, 2016, 03:14:04 PM
1) Incontinent

2) Senile

3) Leathery

4) Lonely

5) Social-Outcast

6) Liar

7) Criminal

8) Embezzler