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Messages - FatFuckingMess

The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 02:55:22 PM
Bit of a piss take really when the likes of semen are allowed to fire his verbal diarrhea everywhere.
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 02:53:04 PM
Lol right......... I've obviously pushed your buttons in the past as you have been the main advocate for banning me from this board.  :001_rolleyes:
You all should just swallow your pride and ask evs to come back to memebee. This place is always dead, and now you are choosing to part ways again, the new place will be even quieter..
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 02:01:35 PM
Quote from: "Angry White Male"Look, you fat, tatted up sluts that've pushed out multiple rats likely with different fathers...

Feminism has really permitted you to be "free" for sure...  Free to stuff your fat fucking faces with junk non-stop.  

Free to not ever visit the gym with your fat, lazy asses.  

Free to tattoo your fucking arms, neck, and everywhere else.  Shit, not even bikers or sailors can compare.  DISGUSTING!

Free to have a foul, condescending mouth, and uncouth behaviour.  Congratulations...  Feminism has turned the average female into something rougher than a biker or sailor.  Not exactly lady-like, and not very attractive.


lol its not Renee's fault, her obesity issues are hereditary apparently.    :laugh3:

As for her potty mouth and attitude problem, I put those down to a combination of self loathing and sexual frustration.