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Messages - CantDietWontDiet

Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"If someone does not like the way this board is modded than why would they stay. Will complaints from part tome posters change anything?

Well, I'll tell you why...

There's a small handful of us that have been around the forums for a long time.

10+ years.

Complaints won't change anything, nor will it keep inept hags from running the show.


These boards still exist because of us supposed "inept hags".

Chew on that for a while.

So whats happening tomorrow are you all moving to this new place or are some of you staying here?
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "CantDietWontDiet"Whereas renee gets off on banning strangers online......

Not much difference when you think about it.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

End of Translation.

Actually Douche, sorry I mean Scouse,..... there is a big difference. Most of us here have seen what comes of housing rejects and we want no part of it.

Maybe now you can figure out why I banned you. ac_biggrin">
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 31, 2016, 10:31:48 AM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "CantDietWontDiet"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "CantDietWontDiet"Since when has this become a fucking dating site ?   ac_lmfao  

i post in forums for a laugh, and this place is seriously lacking in  them, mainly due to having a core membership of half a dozen or so people.

As I've said in another thread, you should just swallow your pride and go back to evs forum, because all this place and the new one are ever gonna be are dead as fuck.

Some people don't want to associate with that unstable bitch.  Get over it.

We know it's not a dating site - something YOU seem to forget with your repeated "I'm not into you bitches" rants.

Fuck you are boring.

Your addressing the wrong person, I guess the different handles have caused the confusion. Blame renee, I'd still use my original one if she hadn't taken it upon her large self to ban it.

As if some dipshit fool would want to use your handle Scouse the Liverpool dishwasher.">
Did anyone see this recent newspaper article about Twenty Shekels ?">
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 06:23:44 PM
Well my horizontally gifted friend, your remarks are all a matter of perception aren't they?    

And its down to your personal viewpoints and opinions which lead you to believe that anti muslim sentiment is legitimate , while 'loony Rothschild conspiracies' are beyond the pale.

As I've said before, you are biased as fuck, and do not deserve to moderate any forum.
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 06:05:50 PM
Get over  renee?  You'd need a fucking crane
Whereas renee gets off on banning strangers online......

Not much difference when you think about it.
Renee bans people for personal reasons on a board which isn't even her own.  

Sure evs has her faults, but she's definitely a lot more welcoming.
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 05:57:08 PM
Well I guess me and mel share a common dislike of renee, its not too surprising really.
Quote from: "Annie"
Quote from: "FatFuckingMess"You all should just swallow your pride and ask evs to come back to memebee. This place is always dead, and now you are choosing to part ways again, the new place will be even quieter..

I don't think that's a good idea, seeing as how she treats people. Evs has some bi polar issues she needs to take care but won't.

Evs is definitely no worse than renee. What on earth possessed anyone to give her mod privileges is beyond me.
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 05:51:59 PM
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "CantDietWontDiet"Since when has this become a fucking dating site ?   ac_lmfao  

i post in forums for a laugh, and this place is seriously lacking in  them, mainly due to having a core membership of half a dozen or so people.

As I've said in another thread, you should just swallow your pride and go back to evs forum, because all this place and the new one are ever gonna be are dead as fuck.

Some people don't want to associate with that unstable bitch.  Get over it.

We know it's not a dating site - something YOU seem to forget with your repeated "I'm not into you bitches" rants.

Fuck you are boring.

Your addressing the wrong person, I guess the different handles have caused the confusion. Blame renee, I'd still use my original one if she hadn't taken it upon her large self to ban it.
Because it's a public board last time I checked....  

Talking of shit stains, how are those new brand of adult nappies treating your bed ridden old ass ?
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 03:57:59 PM
Since when has this become a fucking dating site ?   ac_lmfao  

i post in forums for a laugh, and this place is seriously lacking in  them, mainly due to having a core membership of half a dozen or so people.

As I've said in another thread, you should just swallow your pride and go back to evs forum, because all this place and the new one are ever gonna be are dead as fuck.
It is possible to just ignore posters you dont like, rather than totally avoid boards they post on.    

I'd much rather use a forum which has some users on that I dont like, but is fairly busy, rather than post on a board that's a ghost town.
The Guest Nest / Re: Look, you fat, tatted up sluts!
August 30, 2016, 03:32:28 PM
Well why don't you elaborate then?  Let me guess, because in your eyes I'm a 'racist neo nazi' who shouldn't be allowed to voice their views anywhere, ever.   ac_toofunny  

Quite funny, when muslim hate is prevalent on here, but zie chosen ones are immune from criticism right?  You types are so fucking hypocritical its beyond a joke...

If the main reason for your insistence on banning me are the fat jokes, well sorry for upsetting you, but if you weren't such a bad mannered, obnoxious bitch, I wouldn't have ripped you like I have..    :empathy: