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Messages - Yeah Right

The Flea Trap / Re: White Supremacist Extremism
February 03, 2017, 12:55:49 AM
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Yeah Right"
Quote from: "Romero" followed a group of girls making the black power fist in another photo.

huh?  this sounds just as bad as the nazi thing, but only one line is devoted to it.  Nothing in the title, no pic, no teacher comment, almost nothing, how come???

Media bias.

Any further questions?

Nope.  That works for me. :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:
The Flea Trap / Re: White Supremacist Extremism
February 02, 2017, 11:57:20 PM
Quote from: "Romero" followed a group of girls making the black power fist in another photo.

huh?  this sounds just as bad as the nazi thing, but only one line is devoted to it.  Nothing in the title, no pic, no teacher comment, almost nothing, how come???
Scariest  film for me was the Exorcist.  The only movie that every really got to me. (I was 9 when I saw it, a friend and I got in with some over 17 girls who said they were our sisters)

Speaking of green puke. :laugh:   If ever anybody belonged in a reject group its gotta be Oscar the worthless, barely literate, drunk.  What a terrible poster :negative:
The Flea Trap / Re: White Supremacist Extremism
January 28, 2017, 11:31:11 AM
Top 10 Trump 'Hate Crime' Hoaxes of 2016"> ... 6-n2264661">

Quote1. 'Vote Trump' Church Fire Mystery Solved

A black man was arrested for arson and vandalizing his own African-American church a week before the election. He spray painted "vote Trump" on the outside and set his church on fire.

Something tells me he wasn't singing Jesus Culture's "Set a Fire" worship song, either.

(AP News, 11/21/16)

2. Muslim Woman Lied About Hijab Theft by Trump Supporter

An 18-year-old Muslim woman claimed she was robbed by two white men outside of the University of Louisiana Lafayette campus. She said they took her wallet and hijab in the attack, and identified one of them as having a Trump hat.

Well, she lied and was charged with filing a false report by the police.

(WWL-TV, 11/11/16)

3. Black Woman Harassed by White Trump Supporters

A black woman had a viral Facebook post alleging a group of white, male Trump supporters harassed her at a gas station — until the police started investigating. Then she deleted her post and recanted the story.

(Philly Voice, 11/10/16)

4. Gay Man Made Up Election Night Assault

A gay Canadian filmmaker said he was assaulted by Trump supporters election night at a bar, then beaten in an alleyway. He posted a bloodied picture of himself in an Emergency Room as evidence, saying they smashed a beer bottle on his head along with several gay slurs.

Turns out none of it was true.

(Santa Monica Police Department, 11/10/16)

5. Muslim Lied About pro-Trump Hijab Subway Attack

An 18-year-old Muslim woman in NYC said she was attacked by three drunk men who screamed "Donald Trump!" and called her an "f**ing terrorist" along with "Get the hell out of the country." She said they tried to yank her hijab off and no one on the train helped her out.

Not only was this made up, but her excuse was that she lied to avoid the wrath of her parents' curfew punishment. Could this be classified as a Muslim on Muslim hate crime?

(WaPo, 12/15/16)

6. Northwestern U Trump Swastika Hoax

Two Northwestern University freshman spray-painted racist, homophobic graffiti along with Trump's name inside the university's chapel, along with a few other derogatory things defacing pictures of Muslim students and the word "God."

If you're going to do something like this don't go for every single immature, racist stereotype — of course they were freshmen.

(Chicago Tribune, March 12, 2016)

7. Latino Students Posts Anti-Latino Trump Statement

Anti-Latino graffiti at Elon University that said "Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista" was done by a latino student who later claimed it was a "joke."

Looks like the joke is on the media for not investigating before reporting.

(The College Fix, November 13, 2016)

8. Man Faked 'KKK' Hate Crime, Own Kidnapping

This one is just bizarre. Police say a man faked a hate crime, set his ex-girlfriend's car on fire and then staged his own abduction, using his own blood and writing "KKK" and "Trump" in an attempt to throw off detectives.

(Orlando Sentinel, December 12, 2016)

9. Student Lied About Rock Attack by Trump Fans

A black, female Bowling Green State University (BGSU) student claimed that white, male students wearing Trump shirts threw rocks at her and yelled racial slurs the day after the election.

It turns out, after a thorough investigation by police, she wasn't even in the location she said she was in, and she only continued to change her story.

(13 ABC Action News, November 17, 2016)

10: Three Black Women Lied About Bus Attack

Three black students claimed to be attacked by white men on a bus – causing protests and outrage on social media and their campus, even a tweet from HRC – but it turned out they were the "aggressors" on the bus – teaming up on a 19-year-old white woman.

Surprised they didn't blame Russia...

(New York Times, March 1, 2016)
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
January 27, 2017, 09:31:20 PM
John Hurt dead at 77">
I'm surprised Joe hasn't created 5 threads in politics blaming Trump for her death.
The Flea Trap / Re: Neopalpa donaldtrumpi moth
January 25, 2017, 10:02:55 AM
As I understand it--The environmental issue is not about bursting pipelines, its about the type of oil that comes from Alberta oil sands deposits- bitumin.   Bitumin is very thick and won't flow so it has to be converted to normal crude.  This process produces a higher "carbon footprint" than most other oil processing.
Good point.  I'm not sure what in the bible could possibly justify kidnapping and rape.  

let them use (misuse) their bible all they want, and then when its over lock them up for good.
The Guest Nest / Re: Should Berry Sweet be banned?
January 23, 2017, 06:10:50 PM
Is that Eddie (SMP?)
The Flea Trap / Re: Trump Inauguration 2017
January 22, 2017, 02:55:23 AM
Best protestor of the day--">

The Flea Trap / Re: Trump Inauguration 2017
January 21, 2017, 02:51:03 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Of course Joe is deliberately being an asshole. He knows about the proposed spending cuts and slash the massive debt Obama left behind.

That's what I  wonder about Joe, is he a person who follows politics but has no thinking capacity?

Or is he just a troll using politics to try and stir people up?

Then again, Maybe it doesn't matter,  either way he is an idiot.
The Flea Trap / Re: Trump Inauguration 2017
January 21, 2017, 02:42:02 PM
Quote from: "Seoulbro" You must have missed or dismissed this post by YR."> ... 1-300.html">

Thanks SB.  I was looking further into Trumps new plan and apparently it is a Heritage Foundation originated plan. They entitled it the "skinny budget"  

I was surprised by Trumps about-face just as you.   I would guess someone has been whispering in his ear, maybe a repub party person or advisor.   Whoever it is I hope they keep it up, and I hope Trump keeps listening and of course follows through.

Quote from: "Seoulbro" it seems Trump is moving away from big spending towards fiscal conservatism. Kind of like how Newt Gingrich forced Bill Clinton to be.

Good point.  Bill Clinton deserves credit for being fiscally conservative.  But as you say, Gingrich and the repubs helped him get there.
The Flea Trap / Re: Trump Inauguration 2017
January 21, 2017, 02:06:16 PM
Quote from: "JOE"....and don't forget to mention the debt which is gonna pile up too under a Trump administration. By the end of a Trump presidency debt to gdp ratio will skyrocket. The world will be awash in greenbacks and Americant deficits.

Trump's plan to create an Infrastructure bank will only offloard this debt to the rest of the world and create a bubble the likes which the world has ever seen..">

Quote from: "JOE"Obama wasn't what the USA needed for the past 8 years.

What a massive understatement.  Obama doubled all the debt of every president before him combined.  his presidency is a fiscal disaster.

BTW you are (deliberatelly?) missing some of the news that trump is going to try and cut the budget?"> ... xt-decade/">

Of course the true deplorables are already screaming about it "Trump's New Budget Slashes Funding for Arts, Women's Safety and Civil Rights""> ... vil-rights">
The Flea Trap / Re: BROquet
January 21, 2017, 12:09:30 PM
Another way to give meat as a gift--

The Flea Trap / Re: Trump Inauguration 2017
January 21, 2017, 01:09:41 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Trump was not my candidate. I don't think he can do everything he promised, but neither could Obama and Trudeau can't either. But, if Trump can save some industrial jobs(maybe even bring a few back), lower taxes and raise growth from let's say a paltry 1.8 per cent to about 2.5 per cent than he will be good for most Americans. Slow the flow of illegals and he would be a better president than Hillary by a country mile.

Good points (i would just like to throw in-- stopping most muslim immigration).  I think if trump does those things he will be a good president.  I don't expect any miracles, just better than what we've had, (or would have had with Hillary).

Of course no matter what trump does the media will portray him as unsuccessful, but that is another story.