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Messages - The Countess

Thank for responding. If you push my wheelchair into traffic i will blow your dick. I will take my false teeth out.
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"Who is belisomo?  And why is my good name getting dragged into this?

Bellissimo means loser. That's what I call Dinky Freud.

He is a textbook sociopath.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"What I find utterly amusing is that neither Caskur or this Pea were around 10 years ago, yet they are raking up old trolls and legendary tales from that era and before. I'm pretty sure I don't get mentions in Third Rail, because I've never belonged there.

But Freud was around.

Of course, Dinky is NOT Freud spoon feeding them that crusty old bullshit. Noooooooo....

Could these lameass trolls be any MORE stupid?

I feel sorry for Freud and Flea..

Two men, both at least fifty years of age who refuse to accept their hobby has almost no following anymore.

Bitch, Im a stupid racist old man with no brains.
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 15, 2016, 10:28:11 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"ou people seem to have gotten thru that deteriorating our old brain is, we're here attacking because Aaron invited us.

Where did I claim I don't attack?

The point, cupcake, is this; this is not a flame forum, and you and the other devotees of a dead game are here to play your flame game.

Some of my colleagues are less familiar with the conduct of flamers who invite themselves to non-flaming sites, and the disruption and general lunacy and ineptitude they bring. I'm merely drawing you out so that they can see for themselves that your presence here is as undesirable as a massive zit on a first date.

The fact that around ten years ago, people like you were regarded and thus treated as the dregs at the bottom of the barrel by myself and perhaps even Freud is just a bonus. But Freud has little option these days but to recruit the former bottom feeders to support his trolling.

Sadly, rather than draw them up to his level, you have appeared to have dragged him down to yours.

He always was easily led, and the fall guy for the big kids of Flametown.

You know you're scraping the barrel when ya allow old racist idiotic wankers like me to register. Nobody wants Dinky Freud and I. Flaming is dead.  ac_crying

There is always bingo at the seniors home.
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 14, 2016, 10:14:04 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"Grapevine?

Why don't you come out and tell the truth.

You mean Freud.

By the way, you unhinged and certifiable harridan, NO-ONE here gives a FUCK about your perspective of "flaming". They have as much interest in that as they do in black and white television.

If it means so much to you, why the fuck are you HERE?

That is a very good analogy Oberon and one that escapes Freud..

Herman has been making this point too..

Flaming is in the past, but Freud and Flea cannot let it go which is why I do feel some sympathy for both of them.

Oberon is the one who keeps flaming. And as long as he disrespects Bellissimo despite him not being a member here, I'll continue to remind him of why he quit flaming in the first place.
Dinky is Freud, gargoyle and Panty Waste. Our obsession with you,  is as transparent as is our penchant for underage girls with daddy issues.

It's like we're all wound up thinking you're going to take our bitches or something. Don't blame us :001_rolleyes:
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "The Countess"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "The Countess"Where's the crying emotie !!

 ac_crying Are you and Freud mourning the death of flaming?

Do you qualify for senior discounts ?

Do you old man?

Nobody under the age of 50 wastes their time flaming.

Everybody knows that except for Freud and Flea. Those two old farts are in denial.

I know they make it hard, but I do feel pity for Freud and now Flea..

Oberon was part of the flame forum community and I believe Dove still is..

But, Oberon knew it was time to move on and Dove could say goodbye forever tomorrow and it would not bother her in the least..

They both have families, hobbies and fulfilling lives..

I very much doubt that is the case for either Freud or Flea..

They feel they need flame forums even though they are all but extinct.


Oberon, I didn't choose to move on. I was ran off.

Dinky Freud and I are the only ones left who cannot let go of flame forums. Big difference I'm old so I don't expect it to click with me.
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 13, 2016, 11:36:58 PM
And you can claim your status as the neighborhood Chester.

Complete filth and utter disgrace of Brawl Hall
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 13, 2016, 11:34:41 PM
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"What you people can't seem to get thru that deteriorating old brain is, you're attacking while claiming you don't attack.

Where did I claim I don't attack?

The point, cupcake, is this; this is not a flame forum, and you and the other devotees of a dead game are here to play your flame game.

Some of my colleagues are less familiar with the conduct of flamers who invite themselves to non-flaming sites, and the disruption and general lunacy and ineptitude they bring. I'm merely drawing you out so that they can see for themselves that your presence here is as undesirable as a massive zit on a first date.

The fact that around ten years ago, people like you were regarded and thus treated as the dregs at the bottom of the barrel by myself and perhaps even Freud is just a bonus. But Freud has little option these days but to recruit the former bottom feeders to support his trolling.

Sadly, rather than draw them up to his level, you have appeared to have dragged him down to yours.

He always was easily led, and the fall guy for the big kids of Flametown.

Whoa, hold it right there, I have erectile dysfunction

Ten years ago, my people hacked into your forum and put your private but shady shit on blast for everyone to see. Ten years ago, you were still the same whack ass lame whose pussy prowling got him caught up. You wanna talk dregs of the bottom, Bitch ? Ain't nothing lower than a fucking grown ass man latching on to the daddy issues of a then 17 year old girl. A former COP at that. Youre sitting on your high horse, pretending you weren't driven into exile for something you claim you're innocent of. We all know only the guilty run.

Bellissimo has you bastards thinking everyone is out to catfish you

That's old folks for ya lol
Who are u talking to ?
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 13, 2016, 07:55:19 PM
You people seem to have gotten thru that deteriorating our old brain is, we're here attacking because Aaron invited us.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "The Countess"Where's the crying emotie !!

 ac_crying Are you and Freud mourning the death of flaming?

Do you qualify for senior discounts ?
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 13, 2016, 07:43:24 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Oberon"

Aaron, the act of creating false accusations, fictitious PI and general character assassination has been done to death. In fact, its use as a "last resort" in terms of flaming is probably why flaming died. People like you, and the other two stooges, compensated for your lack of creative writing skills by disseminating mistruths and deceptions. Flaming was never about perjury and slander, shitwick.

Not for the first time you've mentioned your "Pantywaste" troll, and how you have video evidence of my apparent misconduct via webcam. And each and every time, I have challenged you to post this salacious video for all to see. C'mon, short pants, take up the challenge. Prove yourself and back up your mouth.

But no...your mouth far exceeds your cranial capacity, a trait for which you were consistently infamous, alongside your propensity to attach yourself, limpet-like to "bigger fish" like Rowan and Howard (Sum Cunt and Evil Blood respectively). Just another klingon to the higher order.

And here you are, again, still trying to fan flames that went out 5 or more years ago. Miss Brawl Hall, do you sunshine? And true to type, you've invited two of your goonsquad to visit us and try and shore up your stupidity. Can't be a big fish in a big pond, slapnuts? Story of your life, eh?

I repeat; the owner of this forum will NOT allow you and your clownish confederates to turn this place into a flaming circus. If you are failing to get your jollies in TRF, this is NOT the place to find an alternative outlet for your witless and absurd habit. Given your adherence to your silly troll, and the fact that you've dragged Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber along, it is going to be hard for the proprietor not to draw the conclusion you're unable to conduct yourself with any nuance of common sense, and that your intent is to play your infantile games amongst us.

I suspect her response will be the usual one. One you've experienced before.

Dinky is a pathetic bullshitting wanker with no frickin life. The clown is in denial and living in the past.

And I am a dried up old dick but don't judge me.
Where's the crying emotie !!