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Messages - JOE2

The Flea Trap / Israel - what does it want?
July 22, 2014, 05:52:42 PM
To Shen Li and supporters of bullies:

Shen Li

I read your post with great interest because I also have visited Israel but have a much different perspective than you. I found it to be a hot elitist shitty little country in the middle of a desert whose residents are living in lah lah land under a bubble (or as they now call it The Iron Dome). They constantly cry about being persecuted and worry about attacks from all sides. I wonder why that is? Individuals who think like that usually have to go to a doctor to get meds.

Yes, the holocaust, i agree did happen and was terrible, tragic, and unspeakable, but I find it ironic that these poor "persecuted" people are treating the Palestinians no better than the Nazis treated the Jews in pre war Europe. Putting them under seige, cutting off their water, food, and medicine while they bask in swimming pools and miles and miles of irrigated orchards for olives and grapes as Palestinians beg for water for basic humanitarian reasons.

I applaud Hamas for fighting against this facist oppressive Jewish state and the sooner Israel realizes that peace will only come through real negotiations for a two state solution there will always be war. And eventually the Arabic states will win and probably push Israel out to the sea. This is of course will take 100 years because they do now have support (now waning) of one powerful country in the world - USA and of course Conservative Canada. Thank goodness the Liberals will win the next election and we can get a more balanced approach to this problem Isreal has created for itself.

Its disproportiante response to small rockets from Hamas will be the undoing of Israel. The world has lost patience and its time to get a grip on reality. The Palestinians are the oppressed and the Israeli war machine has always been the trouble maker, bully, and aggressor. 600 Palestinians slaughtered (mostly civilians including countless babies) and Israel loses a few soldiers.....pretty good pinpoint accuracy with those drones and war planes Nutinyahoo (as John Kerry more or less said yesterday).

Hezbollah in the north has threatened to join the fight and ally with Hamas...if this happens Israel has a real problem and will learn it cannot bomb babies and women out of that prediciment. I used to feel sorry for Israel years ago but that has long since dried up and i now fully support whatever it takes to put them in their place. They produce nothing but war materials they sell to anyone in the world, other than that what else are they famous for? Gods chosen people is a myth based in a religion based on a myth. Christianity is probably the most violent and bloody religion in the world. The millions slaughtered over the centuries in the name of God is sickening. Remember what the christian romans did, remember the millions slaughtered during the Inquisitions of the middle ages , and of course the Spaniards slaughtering the indigenous peoples of Central America. Christianity trumps Islam when it comes to extremism.

History will show that plunking them all in the middle of Arab lands and dislocating Palestinians after WW2 was a major mistake. Too bad the Arab states didn't have a vote on that. My personal solution is that all the illegal settlements should be demolished or (even better) handed over to Palestinians who are the rightful owners, water should be channeled into Gaza and the West Bank where it rightfully belongs, and perhaps all Israelis should get a free one way plane ticket to the lands of their origins before WW2 - ie. Poland, Germany, France, Russia (I am sure they would welcome that) etc. Its the only viable solution as Israel now seems unable to cope with the reality of living peacefully with its Arab neighbors who have tolerated their bullshit for more than 50 years. Time to move on and try to live somewhere else and leave the Arab states in peace. We are all tired of Israel and its self created problems and inability to find the correct solutions.


Shen Li

I read your post with great interest because I also have visited Israel but have a much different perspective than you. I found it to be a hot elitist shitty little country in the middle of a desert whose residents are living in lah lah land under a bubble (or as they now call it The Iron Dome). They constantly cry about being persecuted and worry about attacks from all sides. I wonder why that is? Individuals who think like that usually have to go to a doctor to get meds.

Yes, the holocaust, i agree did happen and was terrible, tragic, and unspeakable, but I find it ironic that these poor "persecuted" people are treating the Palestinians no better than the Nazis treated the Jews in pre war Europe. Putting them under seige, cutting off their water, food, and medicine while they bask in swimming pools and miles and miles of irrigated orchards for olives and grapes as Palestinians beg for water for basic humanitarian reasons.

I applaud Hamas for fighting against this facist oppressive Jewish state and the sooner Israel realizes that peace will only come through real negotiations for a two state solution there will always be war. And eventually the Arabic states will win and probably push Israel out to the sea. This is of course will take 100 years because they do now have support (now waning) of one powerful country in the world - USA and of course Conservative Canada. Thank goodness the Liberals will win the next election and we can get a more balanced approach to this problem Isreal has created for itself.

Its disproportiante response to small rockets from Hamas will be the undoing of Israel. The world has lost patience and its time to get a grip on reality. The Palestinians are the oppressed and the Israeli war machine has always been the trouble maker, bully, and aggressor. 600 Palestinians slaughtered (mostly civilians including countless babies) and Israel loses a few soldiers.....pretty good pinpoint accuracy with those drones and war planes Nutinyahoo (as John Kerry more or less said yesterday).

Hezbollah in the north has threatened to join the fight and ally with Hamas...if this happens Israel has a real problem and will learn it cannot bomb babies and women out of that prediciment. I used to feel sorry for Israel years ago but that has long since dried up and i now fully support whatever it takes to put them in their place. They produce nothing but war materials they sell to anyone in the world, other than that what else are they famous for? Gods chosen people is a myth based in a religon based on a myth. Christianity is probably the most violent and bloody religion in the world. The millions slaughtered over the centuries in the name of God is sickening. Remember what the christian romans did, remember the millions slaughtered during the Inquisitions of the middle ages , and of course the spaniards slaughtering the indiginous peoples of Central America. Christianity trumps Islam when it comes to extremisim.

History will show that plunking them all in the middle of Arab lands and dislocating Palestinians after WW2 was a major mistake. Too bad the Arab states didnt have a vote on that. My personal solution is that all the illegal settlements should be demolished or (even better) handed over to Palestinians who are the rightful owners, water should be channeled into Gaza and the West Bank where it rightfully belongs, and perhaps all Israelis should get a free one way plane ticket to the lands of their origins before WW2 - ie. Poland, Germany, France, Russia (I am sure they would welcome that) etc. Its the only viable solution as Israel now seems unable to cope with the reality of living peacefully with its Arab neighbors who have tolerated their bullshit for more than 50 years. Time to move on and try to live somewhere else and leave the Arab states in peace. We are all tired of Israel and its self created problems and inablility to find the correct solutions.

