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Messages - sandia911

Slugs of a similar odour slime together
She is a slug herself, and you, her slag :)
Thank you fashionista id imagine you cannot agree with it because it spares you that side of its personality however with others the full brunt of its rudeness is made visible
But like many others if she's lazy she will just consume information rather than dissect it. That's how the average person learns and CC is just another average person with a consumerist approach to misinformation
I will excuse your dimensia for a moment and assume you're talking to me and not Kaylee. CC is an ignoramus if she was informed I wouldn't have blocked her. She gets her information from the same sources every other trashy redneck does, the corporate news. If she really knew something she wouldn't have to depend on corporations to tell her. She would have done her own research.
How come you keep paying attention to her? You must like her.
Are you confusing me for another person again? is your Alzeimher's acting up. You must be older than I thought.
Shen Li can you please do me a favour and block yourself from my sight? Or at least give me the power to do it for myself.
So you're against Antisemitism but are OK with Islamophobia? You have to be really blind not to see they are both extensions of each other. You have to stop both otherwise both will increase. It amazes me how unsophisticated some people are at least psychologically. They realize the holocaust was wrong, they know it's wrong to enslave black people and understand the civil rights movement was necessary. They know apartheid in South Africa was wrong they know all these past atrocities were wrong. But here they are today repeating the same mistakes of the past all over again but this time against Muslims. And probably tomorrow they will find a new boogyman. The human race is still very backward indeed.
The Flea Trap / Re: Hey Troll ZERO ZERO ZERO
September 18, 2014, 12:14:34 AM
Shen Li and Kaylee must be the same person.
The Flea Trap / Re: Hey Troll ZERO ZERO ZERO
September 18, 2014, 12:05:36 AM
If you think non-religious means Atheist you're dumb. Also, making up fake handles and pretending it's me talking to you is the latest example of how bad you are at defending your ideals. Sort of like the dumb kid in class who couldn't answer his teacher's questions. Thus, started picking on the other kids to feel like he could at least do that.
The Flea Trap / Re: Hey Troll ZERO ZERO ZERO
September 17, 2014, 08:45:09 PM
Since you spew hate it's logical to see you feed off of it as well.
The Flea Trap / Re: Hey Troll ZERO ZERO ZERO
September 17, 2014, 08:41:33 PM
It's obvious by your posting history that neither of you can ignore me- so I don't believe you, wolf dog.
The Flea Trap / Re: Hey Troll ZERO ZERO ZERO
September 17, 2014, 07:31:22 PM
There's no other reason why she'd suspect me so much. It's easier this why I guess for her instead of dealing with her situation as a hateful ignoramus. Along with her pet, wolfdog the two dwell in delusion instead of taking the first steps to actually dealing with their hate
The Flea Trap / Re: Hey Troll ZERO ZERO ZERO
September 17, 2014, 07:28:04 PM
Shen Li is not only mentally ill but has a case of internet paranoia as well.