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Messages - Bastard Factory

The Flea Trap / Re: SCOUSE's Jewish conspiracy thread
February 02, 2019, 01:02:45 PM

Move on race pigs
The Flea Trap / Re: SCOUSE's Jewish conspiracy thread
October 09, 2018, 11:51:26 AM
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Deadskin might have something to say to this anti-white K1ke.   :laugh3:

Anti-white activist Tim Wise has called for the destruction of "white Alabama" if Senate candidate Roy Moore wins the upcoming election.[/size][/b]

Is this not a plea for terrorism and violence? Wise is the ideological ringleader of the domestic terrorist anti-white Antifa coalition who desire to bring revolution and death to America if politicians seen as pro-white are elected.

The Flea Trap / Re: This shall be shared...
August 12, 2018, 01:06:27 PM
Chucky B... do you talk to hear yourself talk too?

The Guest Nest / Re: Evs is leaving her forum...
August 12, 2018, 12:59:15 PM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"you're not permabanned, partner.... your last ban (from evs) will end on september 7th. you'll be welcome back then.... we didn't take over and reverse decisions or change the infrastructure.... it was a simple transition. our goal is to not even make a difference in the current status quo.... on september 7th when you come back, i hope you can actually manage to stay. i like you but you seem to be stuck in a loop. lol....

We knew he was lying about being permabanned. Mel is a crybaby and a drama queen.">
The Guest Nest / Re: Evs is leaving her forum...
August 12, 2018, 12:57:28 PM
You were born an original. Don't die a copy.
The Guest Nest / Re: Evs is leaving her forum...
August 12, 2018, 12:56:28 PM
Charles Bronson name plate with a film footage clip of WillyD of Streets of Fire. How original?

I'd like to choke you out with Bricktops ascot you prissy fucks.
The Flea Trap / Re: B@stard Factory
May 25, 2018, 09:59:10 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"It has been brought to my attention you couldn't access all or certain parts of the board..

I can assure you it wasn't intentional..

Please accept my apologies for the mistake.

Double hugs with a twist of lime...

[size=50](still I.P banned though) [/size]

Quote from: "seoulbro" Who is Bastard Factory?

I am a man of impeccable tastes and style.

Quote from: "SCOUSE"Well this is unexpected...........

Are you positive it's actually him?

Perhaps he will finally give an official explanation as to why he closed our beloved BF.

Quote from: "Wazzzup"I'd like to know that too.

Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Well this is unexpected...........

Are you positive it's actually him?

Perhaps he will finally give an official explanation as to why he closed our beloved BF.

Other than the fact that it was dying through infiltration by Kam, Dilf, Gallium, Seamajor and BF's own alters?

Its day was done.

So much to say, so little time to say it.

I do feel you 'Bastards deserve an answer.

Bricktop is part correct. It's day was 'done' because I chose to close. I chose to allow shitposters roll through-out the forums and degrade the overall quality and content. It was a slow change, but it happened. Much like this site, these general message board already have an identity crisis as people don't know what they're about. It's the people that make it something. We're not associated to a particular product or brand, college football team, etc.. So when new blood comes around, let alone a female poster (Intimidated/Harassed). I know this to be true as I've watched the majority of our female posters gradually baiL over the latter years. No, the new blood sees drama that they then choose not to contribute or forever lurk.

At that point, only thing registration breeds is stronger troLLs. Cycle. Pattern, whatever, NEW membership declined.

I didn't ban as I did not want to be a hypocrite due to my own personal online freedoms in which the site was opened to troLL muthFkrs. I've been banned from every board worth visiting for me back to CJ, Freakhole. A lot of them before I could put an avatar up. I required my own 'space'.  

I wanted it both ways.

I am admin first and everything that implies. Bastard Factory IS not a TRF(everyone throwing up on themselves), flame board, troLL board. One dimensional. The Meltdown forum of Bastard Factory IS a celebrated battleground for such combatants. My core mantra when opening Bastard Factory Forums in 2008 was/IS... (This is where I share) "Do whatever it takes to protect your board! It isn't hypocritical to ban, delete, or edit assholes that are just out to be assholes especially when their purpose is to destroy the board." I failed this part.

Around the end of 2013 there was less variety content being put out and more of the same. At this point, honestly, I became disenchanted. Burnt out. There was little wit/creativity. This has to happen, ask reddit. I wasn't done. There I was kicking out content/threads to keep the villagers from eating each other, but it was slowing. Wrong clientele. The few turned off so many. I only need to look back at screenshots of 2009, 2011, 2013, then in 2014/2015 it was apparent.

So quality members declined as did female posters and new members. Again, this was my mistake.

Where Bricktop is incorrect is that my alters would never jeopardize the board as they knew the rules better than anyone. ;)  


Lesson.............. ADmin>TroLLs

Then there's cost to run a resource hog website like Bastard Factory. Shit adds up! 1,000 little slices. Do you think I really know code or own my own server? Not my forte. The plan was always to make BF self sufficient. Donations & Ads. Never looking to make money. It was my choice to open it and thrive, but -- self sufficient. The trick was figuring out how to do that. Money 'out versus in' also played a factor in it's closure. I did have unrealistic offers to acquire Bastard Factory in 2015. I also for warned a handful of a potential demise, but I found myself only 'venting.

Which brings me to the Site Supporters.


Seventy seven hundred members, 660,000 posts over 7 years. Over that period members contributed not only with much quality content, but monetarily. This I thought about some over the last few years. Even the greatest roller coaster rides come to an end.

Lesson...... Pay=PLay

These core member, ELITE Bastards as well as all remaining members of Bastard Factory need to be rewarded.

Quote from: "iron horse jockey"I never read BF, but it couldn't be any worse than TRF. But, I'll bet that dunce Kylie's forum is close.

I am here to give you the help that you need.
The Guest Nest / Re: No Wonder BF Died
May 14, 2018, 04:46:59 PM
Well it just doesnt get any better than this.