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Messages - Bumspud

The Guest Nest / Re: welcome to The Firepit
May 29, 2019, 03:14:55 PM
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "cw_"
Quote from: "Fashionista"


Others can explain that difference better than I can.

Explain it yourself, bitchtits.  Aren't you the one dumping RR threads?

Expecting flaming to reside here is like looking for double Ds in an oriental brothel.   :negative:

Says the proprietor of the dullest dump this side of reason. Don't worry. If you're feeling froggy, I'm sure someone will accommodate your morbid desire for humiliation.

And rather oriental brothel dimensioned mammaries than the knee rubbing saggers that hang from your antiquated chest.

Just the thought of that shriveled old prune's fossilized anatomy. :beurk:
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ThugLife"lmao  ac_toofunny

Why did you and Murdock leave SG?

The reason I post here was because you and the other idiots weren't here.

If she closes SG, I will not post here.

You are a serial leaver and returner.
The Guest Nest / Re: Dinky, I have a message.
May 29, 2019, 03:03:35 PM
Quote from: "Bricktop"But they WANT you there!!!

You must answer the call of your adoring fans.

You must join!!!

Dinky Freud will catch Madcow disease
The Guest Nest / Re: To the female members....
May 19, 2019, 01:26:41 PM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"

I dunno how Caskur concludes you are intelligent. Flashing your past-there-use-by-date tits at male members does not qualify you as smart. It's more an act of cruelty.

She is and she's street-wise too.

She plays on the net. She's a player.

In a petty crime and playground kind of way.
The Guest Nest / Re: Dinky, I have a message.
May 19, 2019, 12:55:25 PM
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"I must have been too busy with real life and misread this OP title as 'Dinky, I wanna a massage" like what most Bricktop topics boil down to.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.">

So you'll be signing up at Stomping Spics then?

When he gets drunk he'll login as Madcow and post as Dinky Di and vice versa.
The Guest Nest / Re: To the female members....
May 19, 2019, 12:40:38 PM
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "cc"Only one thing Brick!!  - Why waste time with such a mouthy, .. useless .. innefective ... and soo easy to fool .. waste of space??

On that note - Byie Missy waste of space

Well, the point to be made is that Spics-R-Us is a refuge for half witted liars. ALL of them, without exception.

And of course their obsession with us.

You're scared to face Freud. End of

I dunno how Caskur concludes you are intelligent. Flashing your past-there-use-by-date tits at male members does not qualify you as smart. It's more an act of cruelty.

It puts an end to catfights while guys run to the toilet and throw up.
Quote from: "Rotwang"Any of them. They clearly want confrontation.

Let's go.

Just remember, when Dinky Di posts here, he has the authority to speak on behalf of Freud. Apparently, they are very close.
The Guest Nest / Re: To the female members....
May 18, 2019, 01:21:52 PM
I believe one of your baby daddies has killed people. Perhaps all the fathers of your illegitimate kids. Point being, which seems to go right over your head every time is that you are a mess and in no position to judge anybody else's personal lives. If you had a brain that developed past the second grade, you would take a look in the mirror and STFU.
The Guest Nest / Re: To the female members....
May 18, 2019, 12:32:57 PM
And since flea is oh so obsessed with a poster's spouse, it seems only appropriate we see the father's of all of her illegitimate brood.">
The Guest Nest / Re: To the female members....
May 18, 2019, 12:04:26 PM
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "cc"Only one thing Brick!!  - Why waste time with such a mouthy, .. useless .. innefective ... and soo easy to fool .. waste of space??

On that note - Byie Missy waste of space

Well, the point to be made is that Spics-R-Us is a refuge for half witted liars. ALL of them, without exception.

And of course their obsession with us.

You're scared to face Freud. End of

Freud is here along with his fake vagina and cc's Judaism you dunce.">
The Guest Nest / Re: To the female members....
May 18, 2019, 12:01:19 PM
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "cc"Now as to Erica, there's a piece of work

Didn't take long.

Is he or she constantly monitoring this site? Like WTF?

As much as Rotwang and Herman monitor mine. Stupid bitch

You thin thin skinned retard ac_toofunny . You are stupid even by spic standards. And you take the bait every frickin time. It's a good thing there's a market demand for shiny shitters and two dollar hummers or you would be without a calling. :roll:

Now give your little spic chili bean sized brain a workout and try figuring it out on your own. No threads on multiple forums asking others for help with something an amoeba would get.

It's a good thing your wife has a dick. Maybe she can shove it in your mouth and you'll finally stfu.

Someone with your limited vocabulary needs a good shot to the head. Idiot

And you think Dinky Di has a vagina and this cc person is Jewish. Your observation skills are non existent.

Zero plus zero does bot equal one. Doubling down on stupid is still stupid.,204,203,200_.jpg">
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Blurt"How did this become about me all of a sudden?

I merely observed that the gals were figureheading the show and I wondered why.

No takers?

Leo, let me repeat the following, just in case you missed it the first time around: I tend to be loyal to individuals rather than to venues. I will thus hang out where there are folks I enjoy spending online time with for a minute or an hour. Not everyone online is duplicitous or perfidious. Some of us just want to have fun (girl or no).

And, no, I'm not a flamer. I still remember your very first words to me all those years ago: "What do we have here? A pedant?" Those are the genteel words of a flamer. Your words, not mine. Although I remember the words with some nostalgic fondness, they nevertheless set the tone for much of the unpleasantness that followed between us.  While you may be over the hill today, you were nevertheless my first Teacher of the Flame. So please accept this apple. No, it's not poisoned.

So why are you not inviting me to Australia?  :001_tongue:

I have a profound effect on many people. Take Freud, for example, and his new sidekick, Bug Life. They are unhealthily obsessed. Sadly for them, they are not alone. My wake through forums runs deep and dissipates very slowly. Hard to ignore, even harder to forget. My patois inspired many, and set a new benchmark of literacy and eloquence that others vainly tried to duplicate.

However, I take umbrage with your claim of being over the hill!!! I am King Of The Mountain. It's just a very small mountain this days.

Every member here is invited to Australia. Whether or not I would depart from my hectic schedule to share some time with them is another matter. But I think those that would be met with varying degrees of hostility already know who they are anyway. And they are already here.

Viens en Australie, monsieur. Tout de suite. Amenez vos amis!!!

Freud and Joo need to pool their booze money and see a shrink.
The Guest Nest / Re: Trip Down Memory Lane
May 17, 2019, 02:25:33 AM
Quote from: "Odinson"I havent heard the voice changer thing..

But Dinky just behaves in a certain way... Like a perv in sheeps clothing.

Women just dont write/say certain things.

Dinky sucks at pretending to be a woman.
The Guest Nest / Re: Dinky, I have a message.
May 17, 2019, 02:18:12 AM
Quote from: "Bricktop"The good folks over at Stomping Spics have a 37 page thread beseeching you to join their group. They even sent BEnzo over to prise you from your comfort zone.

Who are you to deny their pleas for your erstwhile presence.

Don't worry if you can't accommodate two forums with your busy schedule; we'll keep your troll seat warm for you.

Go and find new Bonesaw, and joodog. They are waiting with open arms. Feel the love. 37 pages of it.


Dinky Freud is obsessed with Bricktop clearly. They all are over there.
The Guest Nest / Re: My friend Benzo
May 17, 2019, 02:14:41 AM
Quote from: "Gaon"
Quote from: "BEnzo"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bricktop"You have to feel for his daughter...

How oid is she?


A few years ago she was sick and wouldn't sleep so he gave her a hot toddy with whiskey instead of buying Nyquil for kids. A cheap fuck is Freud. Not to mention having a big mouth. Even if you did that during these modern times, why would you post it?

Who is that? :2r4ml1j_th:

Aaron the Australian-American. Aka Dinky Dianna, aka Freud, aka Gargoyle, aka Pantywaste, aka couch surfing, unfit father, and substance abusing schizo.