Quote from: "Fashionista"Quote from: "Snowflakes4Trump"Quote from: "Fashionista"Quote from: "Snowflakes4Trump"Quote from: "Fashionista"https://external-preview.redd.it/eZShBnc98GPbKz-9bHI724eUhEaE8ucQ9piJaxltqUU.gif?width=400&height=209.42408377&s=1dd5b106fe1f8847a15b2111dba1d9eb50333727">Quote from: "Snowflakes4Trump"
Hello Snowflakes4Trump and welcome..
I have to ask what this meme has to do with Western alienation?
Common enemies unite a divided peoples, duh. Joos, Mexicans whatev.
Again, what does this have to do with Trudeau throwing Western Canada under the bus to win votes in Quebec and the West coast?
I'm sorry, I just don't have anything fresh or original at the moment to counter a left handed non sequitur.
You don't have anything to add to this discussion and you don't want to either..
You don't even know what it's about.
noe u