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Messages - reaper

The Guest Nest / Re: Farewell...
January 30, 2020, 01:53:14 PM
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"Don't get me started on being dragged into shit... you're not innocent in any of this btw

So if you would like to continue down this path I will... and I've got the screen shots from before you ever even signed into SG.

Moonie is one of the nicest and kindest people you could ever met on these forums.And all you have done to her for the last six months is treat her like a pos.So now you can't get your own way with her the threats and intimidation come in to play.*wow* with friends like you who needs enemies.You really are a low life sack of shit Murd.And this is a recurring theme with you isn't it Princess.You couldn't get your own way with Dovey so you start spreading malicious rumors about her behind her back.You couldn't get your own way with me so you start spreading malicious rumors about me behind my back.And now Moonie fells your wrath just because she wouldn't buy in to your b/s and didn't want to be caught in the middle of anybodies fall out and be made the scapegoat.You're nothing but a fucking user Murd and people are seeing right through you.Take a break form the internet girl because to be quite honest with you here you are making a fucking exhibition of yourself once again.

To put the record straight in why I left mmp.

I left mmp because I fundamentally disagreed with this anonymous posting malarkey.I've seen it used on several forums before and it always descends in to a cluster fuck of PI being posted and good posters being run off of the forums for good.When I noticed Fash had opened this place up I told her personally what might happen and that I thought it was a bad idea.I then saw a thread at mmp where you wanted to employ the same idea.Now I'd just spent the best part of a day telling Fash that it was a bad idea, and I go on to mmp and notice you want to do the same.It was then I came to the conclusion that it was best that I just deleted my account and leave.Had I stayed it would have just descended in to row after row about this `guest` posting thing.And I would have looked like a total hypocrite continuing to admin and promote a board when I did not agree with the direction the owner wanted to take it.

So I walked.NO drama.NO fuss.NO major melties.I just deleted my own account and went.I've ignored most of your insane ramblings and I will once more continue to do so after this post but you've gotta get it through that thick head of yours that NOBODY is conspiring against you.Nobody gives two fucks what b/s you come out with.You have your own fucking forum fgs.Put your energy in to trying to make a success of that.And stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes.And fucking well leave Moonie out of this.It has nothing to do with her you goddam nut job.I'm not even mad with you Murd.In all honesty your behaviour has done nothing but make me laugh at you  :MG_216:

Let these petty vendettas go Murd..................

Peace out bitches .
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: "reaper"

Wasn't like that on my watch.But then again I am totally awesome.

Your pettifog is showing again.

Thanks Ms.W !

Now everyone knows that I'm not just fat,but transgender with a poor choice in womens clothing.

This is a bad day for old weepy.Walks away muttering  :laugh:

Is that your head reaper?

Do you want this picture edited out?

It is my ugly mug.

And the answer to your question is no thank you.It's a dam fine chop.

Who did the chop? Was it caskur?

No not Cask,though she has done a pretty good one of me as a nazi.It was CW from Flame Truth.She is one of the best choppers about and she does post on here now and again.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: "reaper"

Wasn't like that on my watch.But then again I am totally awesome.

Your pettifog is showing again.

Thanks Ms.W !

Now everyone knows that I'm not just fat,but transgender with a poor choice in womens clothing.

This is a bad day for old weepy.Walks away muttering  :laugh:

Is that your head reaper?

Do you want this picture edited out?

It is my ugly mug.

And the answer to your question is no thank you.It's a dam fine chop.
It was reaps and flea in the conservatory with the candle stick holder.

Murd,you just went full cunty ! Never go full cunty  :laugh3:

Actually, no continue as it's adding to my reincarnation of professor Moriarty e-rep  ac_lmfao .

This is comedy gold.
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: "reaper"

Wasn't like that on my watch.But then again I am totally awesome.

Your pettifog is showing again.


Thanks Ms.W !

Now everyone knows that I'm not just fat,but transgender with a poor choice in womens clothing.

This is a bad day for old weepy.Walks away muttering  :laugh:
Quote from: "Nick Diaz"NEW RECORD FOR MMP.

Zero,yes you heard it here.ZERO POSTS TODAY.

I'm not surprised motherfuckers.

Wasn't like that on my watch.But then again I am totally awesome.
The Flea Trap / Re: Megxit
January 15, 2020, 12:41:12 PM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "reaper"You Americans can have her back.We don't want the gold digging whore here any longer.

She's coming here to Canada. It's going to cost us $1.5 million per year in basic security alone. This doesn't include all their trips that will require RCMP escorts. We have homeless Afghanistan vets in Canada and we are being forced to pick up the tab for these spoiled elitist blue blood pieces of human excrement. Don't even issue those two prog twits a visa. Let the Brits pay for them.

I'll take your $1.5 million,raise you £32 million of British tax payers hard earned money they happily took for their wedding.Add another £2.4 million they took off of the British tax payer to improve there house.And I not sure exactly the cost of their security is but I'd hazzard a guess it's about the same as you quoted above.Oh,and the £2.5 million they take from the duchy of cornwall to live on per year.

You would think that was a pretty sweet deal for a c list actress but apparently she can't live in the UK as we are all so racist and she needs more privacy.LMGDO, you married the prince of wales son ffs and happily took all the perks that go with it,but you don't like your lack of privacy and opebly call the British public racist because they don't like your prima donna antics.Fuck off to Canada and stay their as far as I'm concerned.

Seeing as you Canadians are in a generous mood,any chance you can take 3 million parasitic muslims off our hands as well.I've heard your leader loves them.Many thanks .............The British tax payer.
The Flea Trap / Re: Megxit
January 14, 2020, 05:00:56 PM
You Americans can have her back.We don't want the gold digging whore here any longer.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"I picked the second option.

You're really milking this for all the cross forum you can get out of it.

Is that a bad thing per se?

I mean in these communities if people are not talking about you then you're doing something wrong.Perhaps Shen doesn't realize that even bad mouthing someone generates interest in said person or in this case a forum.Shen is actually doing Murdock a great favor by keeping her forum in the lime-light.

I hadn't considered that, but it's a good point.


It's true Fash lol.

How many people from here went there yesterday just to check out how bad it is? At-least 4-5 from here at a guess.That's 4-5 people that normally wouldn't give that place a second glance.Murd should make Shen chief promoter for mmp as she's doing such a great job promoting her board.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"I picked the second option.

You're really milking this for all the cross forum you can get out of it.

Is that a bad thing per se?

I mean in these communities if people are not talking about you then you're doing something wrong.Perhaps Shen doesn't realize that even bad mouthing someone generates interest in said person or in this case a forum.Shen is actually doing Murdock a great favor by keeping her forum in the lime-light.
The Guest Nest / Re: KEVIN!
January 11, 2020, 09:09:27 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "reaps is a faggot"Weeps has lost it people.

He made his name sending PI zip files to all and sundry, then spent the next four years blaming it all on cunt.

And he was proven right if memory serves me correctly.

Old cunty dropped himself right it on turd rail and exposed himself for the low life piece of crap that he is.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
What do I see? Less than 30 posts a day

It's picked up then with me not about  ac_dance  ac_lmfao  ac_toofunny  ac_toofunny

Na,Its a good forum with mostly decent people on there Shen.Give it a chance and try not to judge it on first appearances.

My debut on that mortuary of a forum was about as subtle as a fart in an elevator or lift as you would say. ac_toofunny

I'd go and look but some bastard deleted my account !  :2r4ml1j_th:

My 5 mins at MMP contained more excitement than all the rest of that dead board's dreary existence combined.

Do you have any idea how immature you are..

If somebody invites you to their home, you should conduct yourself respectfully.

Don't worry yourself Fash.

I know the people there well enough to say they really won't worry that someone doesn't like it on there.
Quote from: "seoulbro"MMP is one of the closed flame forums, is that correct?

No it's neither a troll or flame forum.

It's a general discussion forum with the odd bit of banter mixed in.It is/was a closed forum though.Not to sure if it still is as there was onward discussions on wether to make it open to the public or not.
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
What do I see? Less than 30 posts a day

It's picked up then with me not about  ac_dance  ac_lmfao  ac_toofunny  ac_toofunny

Na,Its a good forum with mostly decent people on there Shen.Give it a chance and try not to judge it on first appearances.

My debut on that mortuary of a forum was about as subtle as a fart in an elevator or lift as you would say. ac_toofunny

I'd go and look but some bastard deleted my account !  :2r4ml1j_th:
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "reaper"You sure it's not Pakistani muslims and not Indians,Mel ?

Proper Indian people are usually hard workers and don't want anything for free.Well that is what it's like in the UK.Now the filthy mus-rats.Those slimey cunts never work and want everything for free.

Mel means Canadian Natives or Aboriginals. Canadians call them Indians here even though Indians are people from the large South Asian country like you correctly pointed out.


Thanks for the heads up.I understand properly what he was saying now.