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Messages - KM

Poppy's videos aren't toxic. They're actually quite funny.

The sad reality is, toxicity sells.

Action Man only got huge because he was toxic. It's not because he's good at gaming. Same for Ninja, actually. Ninja was extremely toxic before he blew up and now he's paying the price for all the shit he pulled a couple years ago when he was getting kids banned. He put his tracker on private and now there's rumors he's been hacking the entire time so his stats are worthless. So instead of Epic allowing their biggest creator to do the shit he used to cry about others doing, they just deleted his account and made him get a new one without the hacks.

I find it funny when there's always a big money lan none of the biggest streamers ever take part in them. Why? Because they're hacking.

Fortnite has become the wasteland of all the CoD gimps who were hacking until they got banned now that they took building out. Earlier today with the new update they're finally installed a Cronus identify hack wipe. A lobby of 88 at the time dropped to 23 and then the list of ban hammer dimwits suddenly appeared. I thought it was funny until the next game 20 more idiots were banned.

This is in pubs. Do you really need to cheat in a game that's actually fun to play? Why wouldn't you cheat when you can hone that Cronus to 100% headshots, wall hacks, and higher jumps during a lan when 95% of all money tourneys are off your home console? Just plug the shit in the second the bus starts?

I'd rather deal with some schmuck telling he how he raped my mother then deal with hackers who suck the fun out of games. But, I don't think Epic or activision should ban them, either. Just make their skin a fucking tampon so the ppl who don't cheat know what they're up against.
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 20, 2022, 12:46:32 PM
Don't you have a can of easy step hair paint to lacquer onto the top of your head, Mr Clean?
The Flea Trap / Re: Reinventing History
July 20, 2022, 12:43:28 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=465765 time=1658326815 user_id=3287
SSS must be the only one in the community that does not have pictures of Erica's boobs.

I don't have them nor do I want them.

Chances are she's had work done on them and went to the plastic surgeon with a picture of saddlebags and told him to giddy up.
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 20, 2022, 12:24:54 PM
Quote from: cw_ post_id=465781 time=1658331499 user_id=3226
Quote from: KM post_id=465738 time=1658315953 user_id=3370

And Cdub, let me rephrase the truthful fact;

I created content at your forum that drew ppl there.

It's a crying ass shame watching somebody you had a lot of respect for as far as these forums go suddenly turn into yet another one of the droning lemmings here to fit in. The same person who can't take wit yet allowed some of the most deplorable gore on her internet plaything.

I had dissapoint.

I thought your post ON THIS SITE was disgusting and inappropriate.  So I said so.  I didn't touch your post as I couldn't find an actual rule ON THIS SITE that had been broken.  So it wasn't my place to do so.  It is certainly my place to state my opinion.  Tough toenails about your feelings, you over emotional self important spazz.  :P

You mean the "Flame forum" of this site?

Didn't you have one of those?

So what your saying is, you can't flame in the "flame forum" of this site. Where, on the main page, it states it clearly.

Or, being subjected to useless drivel about drunks, drugs, what are you wearing, memes is ok in the "Flame Forum" of this site?

You don't find talking about drugs disgusting?

You don't find shitposting inappropriate?

Just admit you fucked up while intoxicated and move the fuck on, you baloney lipped bull dyke. Better yet, stay off the Boones Farm. Your brain is fermented to the point it's like a horses hoof in a jar filled with formaldehyde.

Delete that.
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 20, 2022, 12:12:50 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=465771 time=1658328813 user_id=3287
People talk about the "old days" because that was when most of the best and creative trolls and content were written.

Everything you see now is imitation, repetition and shit posts.

KM should maybe write some parody songs or poetry. Fortnite fan fiction is also a good choice.

Need to expand your reader base, writing about the "community" is like writing about outhouse maintenance in Colonial times. Not many people would find that interesting.

you could do a podcast discussing the newest cable shows that are must watch, a podcast about comic con 2022, the best movies of 2022, ect.

Poppy, I have a podcast that has over a million listens total. These boards are nothing but somebody like me slumming. Pop culture completely levels these forums in interest.

When I saw that idiots had 30k posts at a forum, it was then I decided that some of the rabble here are no lifers and this is all they have. That's pathetic dedication if your not getting paid to write it.

Think about it- if back in the flaming days there was great content, and their was, compare it to the shit posting going on today. Which would you rather read or discuss?

How do you compare the French new wave to superhero movies? You can't. One was genre defining and the other is entertainment for morons with IQ's similar to a rock.

I had a guy who was a hard core marvel movie podcaster on the show once and shat all over him when he said that marvel movies were impactful. At the box office, sure. But I don't even remember any of them.

I remember the ending to 400 blows, apocalypse now, but a marvel movie? Nah.

I really think there's a certain amount of jealousy attached to the BH/FC days from those who wernt privy to it. Boards that had a lot of members posting, great content, etc. i think ppl miss that instead of the same morons posting the same shit over and over. It's never gonna come back on account of the shit posters and they don't seem to comprehend they're the ones who ruined it.

Srsly, why would any mediocre writer come here or to BF? Let alone a talented one?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 20, 2022, 07:19:13 AM
Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465679 time=1658288061 user_id=3382
Quote from: Dove post_id=465676 time=1658287683 user_id=3266

 I agree with this.

 It actually makes me sad reading people who just cannot let go of "flaming".  And talking about bringing in new posters. Or going on about "quality content" but never producing any.  Lots of people lost interest in forums with socail media.

I've noticed fewer posts from BC regulars whenever Poofer bends over and screams "LOOK AT ME".  Did Flea actually invite this dunce?

No one wants to hear about 20 year old flame stories about people no one's ever heard of, and the dip in posts always reflects that - this isn't the first forum at which it's happened either.  I've told Flea I'll curb the nostalgia, but I can't speak for everyone who lives in the past.


That's odd considering I rarely post here, you straw grabbing creature.

You have half the amount of posts I have in four days that I've accumulated in two months.

How big is the dart board you use to throw shit at and hope it sticks?

And Cdub, let me rephrase the truthful fact;

I created content at your forum that drew ppl there.

It's a crying ass shame watching somebody you had a lot of respect for as far as these forums go suddenly turn into yet another one of the droning lemmings here to fit in. The same person who can't take wit yet allowed some of the most deplorable gore on her internet plaything.

I had dissapoint.

Good thing there's a great new shotgun in Fortnite. This place needs an enema.

And furthermore, if Flea don't want me here, all she has to do is say it. There's nothing keeping me here nor is being surrounded by the putz ensemble of Dekimbe Mutombol rejects anything that holds my interest for too long.

The flaming years, we're interesting. This glob of shit that's left? Not so much.
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 10:40:01 PM
Save it, admin ass kisser.

Chances are high you were butthurt then cried like a little girl to have it deleted.

Where did the big bad Poofer cold cock you, pleb?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 10:23:10 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=465656 time=1658282931 user_id=3287
Quote from: KM post_id=465651 time=1658282043 user_id=3370
Well, Poppy, I'm gonna level with you.

If the stupidity level is that high that "cold cocking" a phrase that's used in MMA, is considered a sexual act, I'm pretty much done here.

There's stupid, then there's Blue Cashew stupid.

Did you take a screen shot like Caskur always did when her posts were deleted at TRF?  

I know KOCH's pic of some woman laying in a bathtub expelling a volcano of liquid shit onto her face got through and was up in Erica Mena's forum for over a day before I posted that I had gotten sick after viewing it and threatened a lawsuit, only then was it taken down.

 I can't believe cold cocking was thought to be worse than that?

Cdub is probably so drunk she forgot to close one of her eyes so she can see straight.

Cold cocking is now sexual assault sayeth CDub the glutton for punishment and panel abuse
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 10:16:09 PM
Quote from: cw_ post_id=465654 time=1658282525 user_id=3226
Oh ffs, cold cocking wasn't the only thing you typed in that post.

What did I post, barfly?

Bonesaw punched a kid in the face and Bonesaw jumped in a pool ass first with a dildo up his ass?

Are you this fucking stupid?

Just admit you made a mistake like a drunk dolt who has no grasp of common phrases like some unread, uncouth, miserable old bag who's trying to act holier then tho in a community that consists of around 20 ppl tops.

Just remember nobody went to your board unless I posted there. And the only hot thread you have in that toilet plunger you call a forum you were gifted here is a trophy thread about yours truly.


Or do you need a link for that one too?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 09:54:03 PM
Well, Poppy, I'm gonna level with you.

If the stupidity level is that high that "cold cocking" a phrase that's used in MMA, is considered a sexual act, I'm pretty much done here.

There's stupid, then there's Blue Cashew stupid.
The Flea Trap / Wait, my post got deleted?
July 19, 2022, 06:53:17 PM
Because of the word cold cocked?">

Are you morons that stupid?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 06:49:53 PM
You never heard the expression "cold cocking" somebody and think it's some sort of sexual act?

Wtf planet are you on and is Flametruth there with you?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 06:31:17 PM
Quote from: cw_ post_id=465624 time=1658269446 user_id=3226
What a disgusting post.  Inappropriate sexual comments about minors shouldn't be allowed.  :(

Bonesaw is a minor?

Day drinking?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 19, 2022, 06:30:50 PM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465623 time=1658269014 user_id=2845
Poofer, honestly. All bullshit aside

What is your beef with Bone? I ain't seen anyone that pissed at him since Brent.

Um... Bonesaw is just a clown.

It's funny making fun of him?