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Messages - Reggie_Essent

Quote from: DKG post_id=509216 time=1689993200 user_id=3390
Quote from: Reggie_Essent post_id=509144 time=1689976723 user_id=3378

Admin can't debate.  He can make an occasional point, but mostly relies on cartoon memes and narrative snark.

He does have excellent taste in music, though, and if he grew a set of balls and started posting offerings on the music threads here, it would be a good addition.

I will never understand having an interest in something, in this case politics, but willfully being totally ignorant of it.

Leftism can only thrive through ignorance.
What's the over/under on the perp being a Registered Democrat?
Quote from: Herman post_id=509155 time=1689979489 user_id=3396
Quote from: Reggie_Essent post_id=509144 time=1689976723 user_id=3378

Admin can't debate.  He can make an occasional point, but mostly relies on cartoon memes and narrative snark.

He does have excellent taste in music, though, and if he grew a set of balls and started posting offerings on the music threads here, it would be a good addition.

I say he aint got the balls to login and post. I registered at his tranny board. I got banned forever by the wanker that owns the place, but I was not scared to register and post.

I still have 247 years left on my ban.
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=508699 time=1689841571 user_id=3397
The only analog advantage today is music (records, and even that's subjective, and tube amps, also subjective), and for radio comms, where analog still works well.

I dunno.  I didn't believe in the difference between solid state amps and tube amps at first until a buddy of mine who plays a lot of electric guitar proved it to me. I don't play a lot of electric, but I've played on both solid and tube, and there is a difference, even with the same guitar and all the knobs set up the same.

That's my problem with electric guitar.  I spend more time fiddling with all the knobs than playing the strings.
Quote from: DKG post_id=508245 time=1689682414 user_id=3390
Quote from: Frood post_id=508243 time=1689682083 user_id=1676
I've heard that across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram lately... they say that Admin sucks cock and he's a limp wristed forum herpes sore of a poster...

That might be true and I do not care. All I know is that he either cannot or will not debate me.

Admin can't debate.  He can make an occasional point, but mostly relies on cartoon memes and narrative snark.

He does have excellent taste in music, though, and if he grew a set of balls and started posting offerings on the music threads here, it would be a good addition.
Quote from: Blazor post_id=508662 time=1689833405 user_id=2221
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=508661 time=1689833153 user_id=3389

No, I'm not. I've never seen an 8 track thingy.


Well, they were kinda like a cassette tape, only they were bigger, and you got 4 songs on 1 side, and 4 on the other. Shit was all messed up, cause you couldnt fast forward, you simply hit skip, but when you did, the next song would kick off about the same amount of time you had in to the song you were on before you hit skip  :laugh:

I got one here, it was built into my place when this place was made lol. Still works, but I dont have any tapes.

I had a factory 8-track player in one of the many beater cars I had as a kid.  I can't even remember which one it was.  It might have been one of the chevies.
Hey!  There's another music thread.

Here's some Canadian bitches that I like for Herman and our Canuck friends:

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=508947 time=1689899492 user_id=3351
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=508930 time=1689894404 user_id=3397

A lot of people were spewing false info, simply because not even the government was clear about their intentions initially, or vague at the very least, so as usual people started jumping to conclusions.

The prohibition specifically targets semi-auto center fire long guns.  That specific class.  Basically AR style firearms.  There are exceptions though, such as the SKS, which is still OK to shoot.

And a handgun freeze.  What you own you can still shoot, but you cannot buy any more nor sell what you have.  Basically an extreme version of Grandfathering for handguns.

Do the handguns have to be registered and do they have to be turned in to the government when you die?


Oh yeah, that FOID thingie.  (Shrugs)  Never cared.  It's an infringement.  It's a "Shall Not" thing in the Constitution, therefore our Illinois Constitution of 1971 violates the US Constitution.

At least, that's what I'd argue if I ever get dragged into Court for owning weapons I don't have.  Who would have unregistered firearms when it's against the law to possess them?

Quote from: caskur post_id=508917 time=1689890403 user_id=2156
It's actually funny watching Lily get all stirred up about whites wanting their own nation.

And the funniest part is she's almost a pure blood white Spaniard.  Even her birth certificate says "white" on it as she admitted to me once.
Quote from: DKG post_id=508910 time=1689889480 user_id=3390
Quote from: Reggie_Essent post_id=508906 time=1689888710 user_id=3378

S'up, Ollie?

Holliday's is just ranting as he guts the three-eyed radioactive fishies he catches for his supper in the polluted slough he fishes in by his house.

He'll be back when the squirrels stop chattering at him in his yard and he gets lonely again.

Oldoc is babbling something about me being an Asian nazi or a chimpanzee fascist. He is not exactly Mensa material.

I thought it was hilarious when you calmly explained that you're a classic liberal -- which is what he always claims to be -- but instead of engaging you on what should be a shared set of beliefs, he instantly attacked you as a boogie man "Conservative" and probably an Extreme MAGA Republican or something.
Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=508907 time=1689888866 user_id=3349
Heya Gurk! Damn we got us a reunion going on here!   ac_hithere

I ain't seen you in a long time.  How you doing, man?  I was offline for a time, but things hadn't changed much after I came back around.
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=508908 time=1689888926 user_id=3397
Quote from: Reggie_Essent post_id=508905 time=1689888381 user_id=3378
The drugs will go wherever there is demand for them.  It will be interesting if I see what this Maori kids beef was about, but they might sweep it under the rug the way the media reports these days.

The Maori was under some kind of house arrest for violent crimes, but was allowed to leave for work.  My guess is that he tried to act hard with the construction crew he started working with, and they smartened him up fast.

And as a Maori, being negro-like, don't take kindly to being 'dissed', since their egos are fragile as they know they'll never manage to be equal to the White man, had to exact revenge the only way he thought he could...  with a shotgun.

BIPOCs, as the Wokies call them, seem to be a bit touchy about shit like that.  It couldn't be that their heads are filled with the refrain that they'e all victims of evil white people all their lives in school, could it?
Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=508904 time=1689888296 user_id=3349

S'up, Ollie?

Holliday's is just ranting as he guts the three-eyed radioactive fishies he catches for his supper in the polluted slough he fishes in by his house.

He'll be back when the squirrels stop chattering at him in his yard and he gets lonely again.
Quote from: caskur post_id=508899 time=1689887467 user_id=2156
Quote from: Reggie_Essent post_id=508814 time=1689879431 user_id=3378
I thought the Kiwis were all disarmed?

Drugs are behind all these killings.

New Zealand is targeted by Sth American drug cartels.

The drugs will go wherever there is demand for them.  It will be interesting if I see what this Maori kids beef was about, but they might sweep it under the rug the way the media reports these days.
Quote from: DKG post_id=508845 time=1689882447 user_id=3390
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=508842 time=1689882219 user_id=3374
Gun bans sure worked there.

We had many gun control debates when Britcktop was here. I have never owned any type of firearm in my life. I have never even touched a firearm. But, I have never seen a convincing argument in favour of a total firearms ban. I can be persuaded, but so far nobody  has put up a convincing argument in favour of a sweeping ban.

There is no convincing argument for disarming free people.  Only persons in favor of imposing tyranny favor disarming the public.  Tyrants deserve death.

The slogan of the US Marine Corps is the latin slogan "Sic Semper Tyrannis," which is what Julius Caesar's assassin's are said to have shouted as they killed him.

The slogan translates as "Thus Always for Tyrants."

What the Romans really shouted as they freed themselves from tyranny and killed their last King was "Mortem ad Tyrannis."

Death to Tyrants.

That's what I say to anyone who favors disarming a free people.