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Messages - Blausdag

The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 06:53:29 PM
Quote from: Dove on September 20, 2023, 06:43:18 PMYep. If this were genuine, he would have just posted it and said "Look at what this scum does" and left it at that.

 Carrying on about how against he is....completely unessesary. That's obvious pathological lying.  No one honest needs to sell it so hard.

 Just another attempt at creating some huge drama.

You're just jealous that this isn't about you, drama queen. Anything not about Dove just makes your blood boil. Spare me your routine of what you think you know you're talking about.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 06:23:10 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 20, 2023, 05:25:35 PMListen, I'm not going to beef with you here as I am still impressed with your recent display of integrity. I can really tip my hat to a man or woman who can pull up enough righteous courage to stand for what is right even when they despise the person they are standing up for.

that's a heart after my own and I fucking dig it. I really do.

Many others have their doubts .. but I'm a damned good con artist when I want to be and I know a con when I see one. This doesn't have markings of a fabrication. And if it is, hats fucking off to you on one of the most skillfully executed trolls of our modern era. You actually trolled two sides of the coin and that isn't at all easy

We can go back to you calling me dwarf Vader and me calling you a toothless bimbo with an odor problem at some put in the near future. But for now, you're aces in my book.

that said, I'd really be interested in knowing exactly how Oerdin could be spamming a thread he created with posts that were entirely germane to the subject matter he originally posted about

genuine curiosity here

Minus how you may feel about the guy personally where exactly did he wander off the plantation on that one?


Listen. I don't despise you. I just don't agree with some of your methods. Let's just leave it at that.  I remember a time when we all got along on SG until certain things happened and created a fissure between all of us.

I don't know if things will ever go back to how they were or what they were, maybe that remains to be seen or not. I haven't yet decided if I want to be a part of this forums ecosystem as many of the problems regarding the boards are here. I hope this feeling is just because of my own bias as having to deal with some of these nitwits elsewhere. I will tell you this, there is no one innocent in what has been going on during the last day and a half. We are all guilty in one measure or another.

As far as Oerdin goes, he was asked to stop posting up extreme numbers of Twitter videos along with his spamming of non-political boards along with flaming in general discussions areas. He was warned more than once, actually he was warned numerous times and was asked to stop to no avail. It was never personal with Oerdin until he made it so. And still to this day, I really have no issues with the spammer, but I'm not going to let him bad mouth me with his lies and fabrications.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 06:12:03 PM
Quote from: Dove on September 20, 2023, 05:43:06 PMNo, I did not.

 You are the only person who claims im the one who brought that garbage to the forums.

 Everyone else literally watched him start dragging it before I even cut him off. His stupid shitcasts about me. The constant posts about me. Then when I cut him off and blocked him because he was blowing up my phone like a psycho and message bombing me while I was in bed with my sick kid.....he started blasting on the forums shit about me and my kids and PI and all kinds of bullshit.

 I ignored him for 3 days until Biggie texted me and told me that him and Bone were sick of watching me take the high road and told me to let him have it.

 So I started making fun of his half dead cat and trashed house.

 This is what happened. All right out I'm front of everyone.

 You are just as delusional as KM is. You obvious have no fucking idea what actually happened there and no interest in knowing what actually happened. You just jumped in all obsessive defending a total scum bag after he started his scum bag bullshit.

 HE started posting PI. HE called my job to the point where I actually quit. Tell me, Flynn....did you see this picture he claimed I sent him of a retarded patient covered in shit? I KNOW you never saw that. Unless he fucking got one off google and told you I took it.

 And you weren't interested in what actually occurred and who did what. You just jumped in to make sure Pooftard wasn't getting roasted too hard while he internet stalked someone and called peoples jobs.

 Now you are suddenly righteous over BF having PI and calling Bigs VM?  You defend Poofer doing that shit so long as he tells you some bullshit.

 I don't believe your apology because your standards are not consistent and you really laid this on thick. You could have reported what happened, apologized to Big, showed the PM and just posted normal. You sat there and went into some long nonsense about how you can't support that and blah blah. Trying WAY too hard. It's suspicious AF.

 You don't care about real life phone calls or PI being used when someone you like does it and feeds you bullshit to justify it. Why do you care now?

Oh yes you did you fucking attention whore. You blasted ALL of the sordid details of your short lived relationship with Martini on SG, you know it, I know and so does Flea and anyone else who was there. Pages upon pages of you spouting off on the intimates of the "relatioship." No one needed to be Martini or Pickles to know the ins and outs of what happened you mentally ill sociopathic cunt.

Once again, you start off how it was Martini's fault. I was there you fucking birdbrain, I saw who initiated it, it was YOU. To this fucking day you cannot and will not fess up to doing your share of the damage to SG, which incidentally was owned by your friend, Flea. I am not the ONLY person that claims you brought up the garbage about your dalliance with Martini. There are a slew of other's, all one has to do is take a gander at SG to see that it was YOU trying to sway public opinion by being the first one out of the gate with your sordid details of your one night stand. You didn't block ahit, then explain to me how you're 1st in posts at SG in regard to The Summer of Poofer? That also rings true at BF as well, all anyone has to do is read your long litany of bulkshit to know you and Poofer were both at fault by not letting it go, thus destroying SG with your selfishness. Well, you brought up your kids first and used them as a springboard you ignorant cunt. Don't get mad because your looking for sympathy backfired in your nasty looking face you slut.

So now it's Biggie's and Bonesaw's fault that you couldn't take the high road. This pretty much sums you up. Everything is everyone else's fault. When have YOU ever taken responsibility for your role in what transpired? I never once said it was 100% your fault, because I know it takes 2 to tango, but to this day, you lay all of the blame on Martini. That might work on people that weren't there, but I was. You, yourself posted all the info about that relationship.

I was there and I know exactly what happened, so don't try to tell me what did and didn't happen you stupid bitch, because you dont have the brains to pull off a con job like that.

Bitch, you admitted to taking pictures of one of your helpless clients you delusional twat. You even at one time acted like you were proud of it. You are fucking mental and you got what you deserved you bat shit crazy whore. Just you bringing this up tells me that this too is a big sore spot for you, you narcissistic retard.

The difference between what Poifer did and what BF did is with BF I could do something about it. And I did, I've even defended your sorry ass a mod over at BF, but you're soooo wrapped up in your little make believe world that you missed it because at the end of the day it's all about Dove. You are the most self centered bitch I have ever known and believe me, I know a lot of cunts like you.

I don't give one fuck what you believe. But you know what, if it were you getting a phone call from BF I'd do the same for you no matter if I agree with how you live your life. That's the difference between us. You can comprehend someone else having morals, and acting on them regardless of who they were defending, that's why you'll always be that uncouth piece of shit that's used as a throw away sex toy.

You are the last person to judge me and what the fuck I do after your stint of past destruction. How about this, I know this is your home forum. I respect that. You stay the fuck away from me and I'll do the same...or I can and will continue to show these find people what a conniving and selfish cunt you really are. I'm open to both options you ignorant slag.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 04:47:20 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on September 20, 2023, 02:41:10 PMI must say the Flynn alt did really, really, really value being made a mod on an obscure internet forum with less than a dozen members (which he/it then reduced to half a dozen members).  So much so that he/it kept bragging about it constantly as if it 2as some great life achievement.

Sad and pathetic really.  You can easily see he's a failure at life with just that observation.

No. What's pathetic is you trying to accuse someone of a sex crime and having to ask permission to do it. What's also pathetic is you crying all over the forums trying to make believe you were panel abused when all you are is a fucking spammer. My highlight of being a mod was keeping dickheads like you from tearing down the forum because you're nothing more than a whiny bitch.

Your intelligence consists of using groomer lames and accusing someone of something soo very despicable because your pea-sized brain can't come up with anything better. If you were clever, funny or even witty; I could excuse your one trick pony flotsam, but you're nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum because you couldn't go around accusing poster's of being the worst thing in life. I'm glad I was there on BF to circumvent your load of craptastic material and I'm glad I left an impression on your weak fucking ass you cheap shot artist. You like many of your ilk are a coward and I relish it everytime you bitch about me you useless fuck.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 04:32:13 PM
Quote from: DKG on September 20, 2023, 04:23:26 PMI do not care what some man in his late fifties on an anonymous message board thinks of me. I am not a flamer. Flaming is dead anyway. I am here to debate, discuss and argue.

You post what interests you and I will post what is of interest to all of us taxpayers. We will both be happy.

I see.

Now it's you "don't care." Yet at every turn you made it a habit to try and soil my name with unproven accusations. I thought you were a "man" of logic? I thought you went on factual information? All of a sudden, I'm  no longer Martini's kin, but now a "man in his late 50's?"

You're the owner, compare our I.P.'s. Or have you already done that and you don't like the results? Gee, for a rational thinking person you sure seem to not want to spout off about your unfounded claims.

What this is, is about me hurting Fashionista's feelings and yours. Should I have not said those racist things to you? Maybe. But you're waaayyy off base on your stilted assumptions about me whether you believe your own ridiculous theories about me. Though, you did say that Fashionista showed you that Martini and my I.P. matched. Were you lying?
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 04:26:17 PM
I'm waiting DKG.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 04:23:04 PM
Quote from: DKG on September 20, 2023, 04:15:43 PMOnly his own anonymity. I read some personal details he posted at SH about the relationship between Dove and KM that only KM and his brother would know.

Wrong again, stupid. Dove posted all of that garbage on SG, and all the info I got was on SG, but keep on going with your narrative. It's hilarious that you would think your incessant mewling will make it truth. Now that you're the owner, compare my I.P. and King Martini's. I'm from Washington State, clear across the country from Martini and Pickles. This has already been verified. You're supposedly soo smart, that smart guys like you don't go on rumors, only facts and what you're doing is trying to make up something that isn't true. A far cry from what you claim to be. Sorry if me not being Martini or Pickles upsets you, but those are the facts. Look up the I.P.'s.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 04:18:37 PM
Quote from: DKG on September 20, 2023, 04:03:19 PMI have serious doubts about that.

Of course you do DKG. Now that you're the owner, you can finally look up my I.P address and compare that with Martini's. After all, they should come back the same, right? Isn't that what Fashionista said with you going along with that?

You're a sad, sad little man, trying to make something that's not true by chirping away, thinking that the more you say it will make it the truth.

This all stems from me calling you both dog eating twats. Had I known how much it hurt your feelings, I would have said worse things. Fact of the matter is you sound fucking stupid trying to make your little butthurt fabrications into truth. Someone who claims to be soo very smart, you act like just like the idiots you critique. No amount of you trying to state I'm 19 different people is going to fly you redundant pussy.
Quote from: caskur on September 20, 2023, 02:43:12 PMHe doesn't want SG PEOPLE over BF BECAUSE you only cause havoc..

Maybe a touch.

You act like I did something. No PI was dropped.

You dont know what my intentions were/are.

[REDACTED] I cant tell you all why I decide to move on this because it will give prying eyes ammo.

And yes... dude wants to play dirty. You dont know everything.

My simple plan was to drop Biggies PI to him directly in a TBC PM to back him off.. prob wouldn't have worked, but the guys an open book.

I never planned and would not have dropped it publicly. So you people never would've seen a shred.

I am very straight forward IRL... I don't lie. You ask.. I'll tell. Flynn yesterday... her and I have always been straight.

I think she did a good job here, Ive seen zero panel abuse from those mods, but had to stop the authoritative threats. I liked her. Sucks. We've had no mods other than me for like 3 yrs. It will be fine.

I made the mistake of sharing my Biggie thoughts. She told me 'I was better than that'.. and I actually agreed.. but off she went. Emotional asf. Apologizing to Biggie was weird.

One hour before I shared that thought w her... I basically asked her to demod for the best of the site.. I asked Lily and cw at the same time. Of course Flynn didnt like that status change as she was the one that approached me to be mod here... so an hour later... she took the info, lit a match and started kicking the can down the 'high road'.

This is BF's spin. Nice try. BF says I'm upset over the modding changes, yet he posted my pm on BF that I sent him a couple of days ago, with me asking if I should step down as moderator for the betterment of the forum. To this he says no. He knows me, and knew that I was going to step down anyways. Which is true. So he sends this yesterday, which is the straw that broke the camel's back:

As you can see in my reply, I am agreeable to him demodding myself and other's. But if you look closely, he says "just thinking." If I were really that upset about possibly being demodded, I think I wouldn't have agreed soo very easy, contrary to what Oerdin tries to spout as fact, my only mission was to make that forum better and BF made the mistake of posting my pm on BF about my pm to him about possibly stepping down. BF will try to say it was about the mod position, it wasn't, it was about him using P.I. to get revenge on someone outside of the forums, which I disagree with entirely. BF now states he wasn't going to do anything, but he had already called Biggie and left a message on his VM. Had he not done this, it would have been a totally different scenario we'd be looking at today. The fact that he went that far, leads me to believe he was intent on fulfilling the rest of his threats. If he was just going to dump Biggie's own P.I. on Biggie, then why call him in the first place? Why not just pm Biggie with his goods? The fact that BF actually went through with the phone call contradicts all of BF's sad denials and spins.

The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 20, 2023, 12:18:39 AM
I was insanely duped. I can't express how sorry I am that I was a part of that garbage. My only mission was to make that a better forum. I am soo deeply ashamed that I can't/won't show my face at Bastard Factory ever again, I can't face those poster's that I promised that I would keep out the P.I., but little did I know I was defending that which I was fighting against. I am truly heart broken over this and I felt a full disclosure was in order, I have tons more correspondence but that would only make things worse between the two boards, but you guys were right all along. BF can and does read pm messages. I just never thought he would go through with calling Biggie and posting his personal information. He got me good, and I am stupid in believing that he was keeping the playing field even. I have let everyone down and for that I am truly sorry, I thought I could nix all the P.I. before it happened being in the position I was in...but I was a day late and a dollar short. I will never forgive BF for what he did to Biggie and myself. He truly is a snake. I just wish I would have known sooner. I just can't believe he trolled me this bad. I should have seen it coming miles away.
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 19, 2023, 11:57:18 PM
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 19, 2023, 11:49:28 PM
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 19, 2023, 11:45:13 PM
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 19, 2023, 11:42:32 PM
The Guest Nest / Re: Apologies to Biggie Smiles
September 19, 2023, 11:39:27 PM