Holy Angelina Jolie! What is the SG? How do I find the SG? Now the nasty unhinged Caskur AKA Ibrahim Ali AKA The Vancouver Guy AKA Gary Choaking the Chicken AKA Doc Watson AKA Securious AKA Leopardsocks AKA Conan Doyle AKA Dove AKA cc Latarte AKA cc Lafemme AKA Frost AKA Chris Pattonofsh*t AKAThuglife AKA King Martini AKA Brickktop AKA Peaches AKA Joe AKA Wazzup is nothing but a racist TWIRLYBRAIN choaking the chicken CRAP'n DROOL stupid anti semitic anticatholic antiseptic sinophobic islamophobic homophobic fruitcake moron conspiracy idiot nutcase loser liar spammer who says that Microsoft was named after a Chinese penis is spreading his racist nasty unhinged TWIRLYBRAIN choaking the chicken CRAP'n DROOL anti semitic anticatholic antibiotic sinophobic islamophobic homophobic stupid fruitcake moron conspiracy nutcase loser liar spammer lies on the SG because that it the racist nasty unhinged TWIRLYBRAIN choaking the chicken CRAP'n DROOL anti semitic anticatholic antibiotic sinophobic islamophobic homophobic stupid fruitcake moron conspiracy nutcase loser liar spammer Ibrahim Ali AKA The Vancouver Guy AKA Chris Pattonofsh*t AKA Gary Choaking the Chicken AKA Doc Watson AKA Securious AKA Leopardsocks AKA King Martini AKA Thuglife AKA Conan Doyle AKA Caskur AKA Dove AKA cc Latarte AKA cc Lafemme AKA Peaches AKAFrost AKA Brickktop AKA Joe AKA Wazzup cuz that how he do la!Quote from: "Rambo Wong"