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Messages - EU

The Flea Trap / Re: Why is EU so mean to cc li tarte?
November 14, 2013, 01:13:26 AM
Wow there's no such thing as bad publicity...I'm quite taken by all the attention
Interesting the CEO came off as a heartless cad...did he go to the same Burger Joint management school as you

[size=150]Current and former locomotive engineers say oneperson freight-train crews are accidents waiting to happen.[/size]

One person - locomotive engineer Tom Harding - was responsible for operating and securing the Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway oil-bearing train that crashed in Lac-Mégantic, killing approximately 50 people, on July 6. It's unclear what, if any, the one-man-crew role that played in the disaster, but the revelation that some freight trains carrying dangerous materials through populated areas are being operated by one person in Canada has sparked concern.

Transport Canada gave MMA and one other small railway permission to operate with only one employee on board. Now, the use of solo train operators is part of the Transportation Safety Board investigation into the Lac-Mégantic derailment.

Last week, MMA chairman Ed Burkhardt said: "We actually think that one-man crews are safer than twoman crews because there's less exposure for employee injury and less distraction (for operators)."

Some industry observers disagree.

Normally, at least two people work on freight trains.

When trains are being parked, the engineer sets the air brake (a train's primary brake) and the conductor leaves the cabin to set the hand brakes, noted Wayne Benedict, a former locomotive engineer who worked at CP Rail and B.C. Rail.

The air brake can be unintentionally released, he noted.

"If that one guy who is operating the train is off tying hand brakes, there's a potential for a runaway train between when he leaves the locomotive and when he applies the hand brakes."

If there's "an unintentional release of the (air brake) before he applies sufficient hand brakes to hold the train in place, there's no one at the front end to put the train in emergency and there's no way he could get in a position" to stop the train.

James Goodrich, a former locomotive engineer for a predecessor company of Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway, said he can't imagine doing the two jobs MMA expected one-person crews to fulfill.

Normally, an engineer is responsible for operating the locomotives "He's watching for signals, keeping track of where he's at if he's in dark territory and he's looking out for things on the rail and problems in the rail," Goodrich said.

"You have to know where you are, what the grades are, what the requirements are, what the dangers are - every detail of it - because you have to keep the train in one piece. Part of the train may be going uphill and part of it may be going downhill at any given time and if you don't handle your train correctly you could cause an accident. It's not rocket science, but it's also not a UPS truck."

The engineer, he noted, has "a lot to do without worrying about all the things that a conductor worries about."

Among other things, the conductor is responsible for the cargo, keeping track of the schedule, determining whether a relief crew will be needed and looking ahead at how and where the train will have to be parked.

Another potential risk for one-person crews: The sole employee could be injured while setting brakes or fulfilling other duties outside the train.

When walking along train tracks, railway employees may be walking along uneven ground or embankments, Goodrich said. "It's very possible to slip and now you've got a broken leg or a broken back somewhere down there in the bush," he said.

A current locomotive engineer, who works for a major Canadian railway and did not want to be identified, said one-person crews can be particularly dangerous at small, lower-cost railways such as MMA.

There's more chance employees of those railways will have to contend with track or locomotive problems on trips, adding further burdens to their work day, he noted.

Big railways tend to better maintain tracks and locomotives and have sensors that can detect problems with wheels and brakes, the engineer said.

"The other thing is fatigue," he added. "That's a big problem on the railways - with two guys, you're watching each other's back."

Having a second person on board is a relatively inexpensive precaution that can pay for itself many times over in the long run, he said.

"You can live in your house for 30 years without a smoke detector and never have a problem. But if your house burns down because you didn't spend $20 on a smoke detector, then you look pretty stupid."
Gee i wonder if I'll get banned for saying that buahahahahahahah
Quote from: "Romero"Northern Gateway wouldn't stop those 750,000 barrels. Northern Gateway would all be going to China and BC would just be getting a risky pipeline.

Why the heck are we exporting oil out of our backyard yet importing oil from overseas?

The truth is secondary in's books.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Gary Oak"Filipinos make great immigrants

Yes, it seems that way Gary.

And there is an exception to every rule...Gary, care to comment.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "EU"
Quote from: "Shen Li"It is indeed Fash, but the world was a different place 135 years ago. All nations have skeletons in their historical closets. The good thing is that Canada has changed dramatically and for the better.

That's right Shen Li, unionization and workers rights in Canada are maybe the best in the world. Consequently we have a massive middle class society, with justice and protection for ALL workers. It's idiotic mouthpieces like you that undermine the rights of Canadian workers.

Hello EU and welcome back..

I have known Shen Li for a long time and she is an educated professional..

You may disagree with some of her ideas as do I, but calling her childish names does not help make your makes you look angry and foolish.

She's a mouth piece with idiotic ideas...which part of that are you having trouble understanding?
Quote from: "Shen Li"It is indeed Fash, but the world was a different place 135 years ago. All nations have skeletons in their historical closets. The good thing is that Canada has changed dramatically and for the better.

That's right Pansy, unionization and workers rights in Canada are maybe the best in the world. Consequently we have a massive middle class society, with justice and protection for ALL workers. It's idiotic mouthpieces like you that undermine the rights of Canadian workers.
You never seem to get anything right....


that's these...">">



Spanish for "drawers" (as in, the kind in a dresser or desk). This word is often confused by non-Spanish speakers with cojones (note the different vowel sound), which is Spanish slang for balls, but they are in fact two very different words.
The Flea Trap / Re: Canada's Immigration Nightmare
March 14, 2013, 12:03:20 PM
Quote from: "Gary Oak"I have a problem with letting in people who think of Canadians as the enemy standing in the way of their countrymen taking over Canada and ruining things for Canadians. for example, chinese canadiscams secretly love that I was always set up when boxing over in China.

Set up? No you just lost every fight you were in because you're as good with your fists as you are with ideas, words and language.

and this is what is goin on inside your head now...">

every time I pass thru....has just posted within the last 10 minutes....yawn..... fckin 'ell she's a lurker, rat ya out at work kinda gal
Quote from: "Zetsu"It's amazing how EU can only use and compare Europe to poor 3rd world nations while ignoring fully developed states like Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong & Singapore, which simply leaves Europe in the dust.

Uh did your maid tell you that bllsht?

[size=150]One in three old people in Hong Kong are living below the poverty line[/size]

Large-scale poverty is now endemic in Hong Kong as the gap between rich and poor widens, with old people the hardest hit, according to one of the city's oldest and most respected NGOs.

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which has been tracking poverty in the city for 13 years, says the problem will get even more acute unless it is tackled with long-term plans. The council's latest six-monthly report shows that one in three elderly people are living below the poverty line. It is the first time the number of poor elderly has edged above the 300,000 mark, to 305,000.

"The numbers will only grow with our rapidly ageing population," said Chua Hoi-wai, the council's business director. "Poverty has become a continuing trend."

The wealth gap is also at record high. The highest income group in the city earns 3.6 times more than the low income group.

Drawing the poverty line at half of median household income, the council calculates that the number of people living in poverty rose from 1.15 million in 2011 to 1.187 million in 2012 - nearly 20 per cent of the population.

"The effect of the minimum wage is wearing off," said Christine Fang Meng-sang, the council's chief executive.

The minimum wage of HK$28 an hour, which is subject to review every two years, had not kept up with inflation, she said.

Fang urged the government to review and adjust the minimum wage . The first review has recommended it be raised to HK$30 an hour.

Poverty among young people and the middle-aged increased, with around 200,000 households classified as working poor. Poverty among children persisted at 22.4 per cent - or 181,000.

Poverty among old people is more severe in Hong Kong than in other developed economies, said Fang, because the city lacks a good retirement protection scheme or pension plan.
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "EU"
Quote from: "Odinson"My understanding is that foreigners think that nordiclands are some kind of a safe-haven/paradise... smh

Compared to is....">">">">">">">">

Europe is dumping shit to asia. Planes, ships, junk, plastic, toxic-waste etc. dumped to asia by the west.

Absolutely and the people or more importantly, the workers are not in a position to stand up to it and say no more...just fckin obedient robots in the Corporate scheme of things...a whole lotta">">    A     N     S    Y    S...if ya get my drift?

and a pix is worth a thousand words...let's see those again...unfckin real...

and really fckin funny, I type a"> and get Shin Li...since you lost your Mod privileges you no longer can change the content so you've been reduced to the word filter...hall monitor for the word filter and">    A     N     S    Y  is no longer allowed here? To fckin funny
Quote from: "Odinson"My understanding is that foreigners think that nordiclands are some kind of a safe-haven/paradise... smh

Compared to is....">">">">">">">">
The Flea Trap / Re: Biggest idiot; EU or instigator?
February 18, 2013, 11:10:06 AM
Could you people please help Shen Li to stay on topic...she's twirlin her her again ready to lift up her skirt to the first person that walks by...listen snake head this one is all about me, I win again and made such an impression this back to me, it's all about me. :)