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Lamestream Media Double Standards and Fake News

Started by Anonymous, August 13, 2020, 04:09:03 PM

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The media is running with a rumour based on anonymous sources.

'This Never Happened': Sources Close To Trump Rally To His Defense Over Atlantic Story"> ... qpSUlmFbFa">

First Lady Melania Trump made a rare public statement as well, saying that the story was "not true" and adding, "It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, & no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism – It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation."

Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders noted that she was there at the time Trump was supposed to have made the reported comments — and she said simply, "This never happened."

Dan Scavino also said that he was with President Trump in France and called the report "complete lies."

General Keith Kellogg, national security adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, also defended the president, saying, "The Atlantic story is completely false. Absolutely lacks merit. I've been by the President's side. He has always shown the highest respect to our active duty troops and veterans with utmost respect paid to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and those wounded in battle."

Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie joined CNN's Dana Bash and offered his own defense of the president Sunday, saying that he had not heard Trump disparage American service members and adding, "I would be offended too if I thought it was true. Again, I think 'anonymous' are the same people that brought you fake heart attacks, fake strokes, Russian collusion."


The Russian Rock It


'Talk About Extortion!': Greg Gutfeld Blasts Biden Ad Blaming Trump For Violence"> ... AIC3EYyAyN">

Fox News anchor Greg Gutfeld blasted a new ad released by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign for attempting to pin the blame for ongoing violence in U.S. cities on President Donald Trump.

"Joe Biden's new ad features the violent chaos of democratic led cities," Gutfeld said. "Surprise, Trump's to blame."

"Of course, if Biden wins the violence will vanish," he said. "Talk about extortion! Elect me, or you're dead. But it's also based on riding something they kept denying. The Dems kept saying the widespread brutality was fantasy. They pushed it as mostly peaceful as if statistically that's okay. But how good would you feel if you were told your parachute is mostly safe? But now they've read the polls and they see that they are wrong. It's the only language they respect."

Gutfeld argued that the media refuses to address the "real causes" of police incidents that spark violence, which are "drugs, mental illness, [and] noncompliance" that "exists across all races."

"It's that incompatibility that the media and Dems turned into fodder for unrest," he continued. "And now, boxed in, they must blame Trump."

The Fox News anchor concluded by noting Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's refusal to accept Trump's help, which would have saved lives but also would have been "cooperating with Orange Man bad."


People that believe the riots in Dem cities are not connected to November's election also believe Obama and the Clinton campaign were not behind the Russia collusion hoax.


I can see why only 22 per cent of democRATs view the media unfavourably. They own it.

POLL: 86% Of Americans Think The Media Is Biased"> ... v4vyQTTy5S">

86% of Americans said that the media is biased, with 49% of respondents saying that there is "a great deal" of political bias in news coverage and 37% saying there is "a fair amount" of bias, according to the poll.


You'd have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid to not recognize the bias inherent in the MSM... even when they report straight facts, there's a clear bent and reinterpretation to it....


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=380162 time=1599903869 user_id=1676
You'd have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid to not recognize the bias inherent in the MSM... even when they report straight facts, there's a clear bent and reinterpretation to it....

The media in Canada can't just report the news.....they add their own bias to it..

American media is even more biased than ours.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=380167 time=1599906366 user_id=3254
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=380162 time=1599903869 user_id=1676
You'd have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid to not recognize the bias inherent in the MSM... even when they report straight facts, there's a clear bent and reinterpretation to it....

The media in Canada can't just report the news.....they add their own bias to it..

American media is even more biased than ours.

Australian media is mostly blatant with that....


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=380167 time=1599906366 user_id=3254
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=380162 time=1599903869 user_id=1676
You'd have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid to not recognize the bias inherent in the MSM... even when they report straight facts, there's a clear bent and reinterpretation to it....

The media in Canada can't just report the news.....they add their own bias to it..

American media is even more biased than ours.

If it's about Trump, Canadian media parrots CNN.


How many lives did Trump save by banning flights from China early. Would Shillary have done that. Everybody knows neither she nor her party had the stones to make the tough calls.

How would liberal media report on coronavirus deaths under President Hillary Clinton?

President Hillary Clinton would have expected their servility ... and they would have delivered"> ... tim-graham">

"Trump lied. People died." This was the hot smear from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., after the first snippets of tape were released from Bob Woodward's new anti-Trump book, "Rage."

Let's put aside the nagging question of why Republican presidents grant interviews to this liberal Watergate warhorse. Let's focus instead on the nastiness of blaming hundreds of thousands of deaths on the president.

Imagine, for a minute, if Hillary Clinton had been president when the coronavirus arrived from China. Would the press place a single death at the White House door?

That's a rhetorical question.

Grant the liberals a few points and assume the death toll was only, say, 150,000 at this moment.

If Hillary Clinton had been elected instead of Trump, reporters would show her valiantly working 16-hour days and endlessly consulting scientists to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. They would tenderly feel the pain of her sleepless dedication to saving lives.

Any Republican trying to blame Clinton for a single American death from this persistently infectious disease COVID-19 would face the wrath of "Pants on Fire" and "Four Pinocchios" ratings from the "independent fact-checkers" for stating "without evidence" that the White House failed to combat the pandemic.

Look no further than the Obama-Biden handling of the H1N1 swine flu in 2009. The network news couldn't even say the word "Obama" when Obama bumbled with a vaccine that October.

Then-CBS anchor Harry Smith said: "Now to the H1N1 flu. Federal health officials admitted today their projected timetable for producing the vaccine was way off."

ABC's Charles Gibson reported: "The government originally predicted 40 million doses of vaccine would be available by the end of October, now says there will only be about 28 million."

When Democrats mess up, "federal health officials" and "the government" get blamed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated there were 12,469 American deaths from H1N1 under Obama. Scarborough and the rest of the media were too bored to say much.

This happened all through the Obama years. In 2014, a scandal erupted when hundreds of veterans died waiting for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals. When this socialized-medicine debacle was at its hottest in May, ABC's Jonathan Karl didn't hold Obama accountable.


Almost all American media does not report news, they are part of the Biden/Harris campaign. Washington's response to the pandemic has been swift as the situation evolved. Much faster and more robust than Ottawa. And certainly ahead of the Dem controlled congress.

By Victor Davis Hanson

The news as we once knew it is dead

In 2017, the liberal Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University found that 93 percent of CNN's coverage of the Trump administration was negative. The center found similarly negative Trump coverage at other major news outlets.

The election year 2020 has only accelerated that asymmetrical bias — to the point that major newspapers and network and cable news organizations are now fused with the Joe Biden campaign.

Sometimes stories are covered only in terms of political agendas. Take COVID-19.

The media assure us that the Trump administration's handling of the pandemic has been a disaster. But their conclusions are not supported by any evidence.

In the United States, the coronavirus death rate per million people is similar to, or lower than, most major European countries except Germany.

When the virus was at its worst, before the partisan campaign of this election year heated up, the governors in our four largest states had only compliments for the Trump administration.

Democrats Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California and Republicans Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida effusively praised the administration's cooperation with their own frontline efforts.

The most recent conclusions of impartial heads of federal agencies responsible for coordinating national and state policies are about the same.

[size=150]Dr. Deborah Birx (adviser to both the Obama and Trump administrations on responses to infectious diseases), Dr. Anthony Fauci (director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and Dr. Scott Gottlieb (former head of the Food and Drug Administration) have not faulted the Trump administration's overall COVID-19 response. They attribute any shortcomings to initial global ignorance about the origins and nature of the epidemic, incompetence at the World Health Organization, or the initial inability of bureaucracies to produce easily available and reliable test kits.


Prominent progressive Trump critics such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized the necessary Trump travel ban, yet Pelosi told people there was no reason to cancel planned travel to San Francisco's Chinatown.

However, the real warping of the news is not just a matter of slanting coverage, but deliberately not covering the news at all.

In the last two weeks, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has achieved the most stunning breakthroughs in Middle Eastern diplomacy in over half a century.

Countries once hostile to Israel, such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, now formally recognize it. Other Arab nations may follow. Ancient existential enemies Kosovo and Serbia also agreed to normalize their relationship with Israel by signing economic agreements.

Yet none of these historic events have drawn much media attention. All of them would have been canonized were they achievements of the Obama administration.

In 2017, the media suggested that Trump's plans to get out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accord, to confront Chinese mercantilism, to forge new alliances between Israel and moderate Arab regimes, to isolate an ascendant Iran, to close the southern border to illegal immigration, to jawbone NATO alliance members into honoring their defense expenditure commitments, and to destroy ISIS and weaken Hezbollah were all impossible, counterproductive or sheer madness.

And now?

An embargoed and bankrupt Iran is teetering on the brink. Its international terrorist appendages, including

Hezbollah, are broke.

China is increasingly being ostracized by much of the world.

The U.S. has cut its carbon emissions, often at a rate superior to those nations still adhering to the Paris climate accord targets.

Cross-border illegal immigration has been reduced, according to many metrics.

ISIS was bombed into near dissolution. Moderate regimes in the Middle East are ascendant; radical cliques like Hamas and al-Qaeda are not.

More NATO members are meeting their commitments. The alliance's aggregate defense investments are way up.

Is any of that considered news? Not really.

Instead, every three or four days the public is fed a series of fantasy "bombshells" much like the daily hysterias of the Robert Mueller investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump team and Russia — a two-year, media-hyped dud.

In recent weeks the media warned us that Trump was dismantling the Post Office to disrupt mail-in balloting.

Trump, we are told, has decided never to concede his sure loss in November and might have to be forcibly removed, perhaps by the military.

We read that Trump defiled the memory of fallen American soldiers in cemeteries abroad. We are lectured that Trump supposedly never took COVID-19 seriously.

All of these stories were either demonstrably untrue, were supported only by anonymous sources, or were the sensationalism of authors hawking books.

Yet such concocted melodramas will continue each week up to Election Day, while fundamental geostrategic shifts abroad brought about by American diplomacy will by intent go unnoticed.

The news as we once understood it is dead.

It has been replaced by the un-news: a political narrative created by partisans who believe the noble ends of destroying Trump justify any biased means necessary — including destroying their own reputation and craft.

Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won, from Basic Books

Every three or four days the public is fed a series of fantasy "bombshells" much like the daily hysterias of the Robert Mueller investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump team and Russia — a two-year, media-hyped dud


Twitter's Manipulated Media Rules Don't Apply To Joe Biden

Twitter will not label another advertisement from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden as "manipulated media" even as it deceptively edits together two separate statements to make it look like President Donald Trump called the coronavirus a "hoax."

The social media platform previously told the Daily Caller that a March advertisement from the Biden campaign including the false coronavirus claim would not be labeled as manipulated because of the date it was tweeted. Twitter's policy began on March 5 and the old advertisement was tweeted out on March 3 – the policy, it said at the time, is not retroactive.

Biden's newest advertisement was tweeted out on Sept. 15. Just like the March advertisement, this one was cut deceptively to suggest Trump said "coronavirus ... and this is their new hoax" during a campaign rally in February.

"Thanks for your patience," a Twitter spokesperson told the Daily Caller. "The referenced Tweet does not violate Twitter Rules at this time and will not be labeled."

The president's actual speech included over 100 words between "coronavirus" and "this is their new hoax."

The claim that Trump called the coronavirus a "hoax" has been fact-checked by several websites. The Washington Post gave it "Four Pinocchios" and Snopes reported that "despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.""> ... nb8iBD4Oy7">


Top House Republican Seeks Probe Into Source of Trump Tax Documents

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) on Sept. 28 called for an investigation into the source of a report published on Sept. 27 that claimed President Donald Trump paid only $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017.

"While many critics question the article's accuracy, equally troubling is the prospect that a felony crime was committed by releasing the private tax return information of an individual—in this case, the President's," Brady said on Sept. 28.

"To ensure every American is protected against the illegal release of their tax returns for political reasons, I am calling for an investigation of the source and to prosecute if the law was broken."

The New York Times didn't immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment."> ... 2020-09-29">


I am so done with the Economist. They have a long editorial praising Biden's sound economic plan. What plan? He doesn't have one besides offshoring the energy sector and driving up the cost of electricity and fuel.


It's too bad we can't remove prog propaganda outifts like CNN and the New York Times from election coverage.


Joe Concha slams media reaction to Trump getting coronavirus: 'I can't believe what I'm seeing'

Members of the media are being criticized for their reactions to Trump's coronavirus diagnosis"> ... joe-concha">

Concha slammed CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta for tweeting about Trump not taking questions as he was boarding Marine One en route to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Friday evening.

"In other words, while a helicopter is running, he should have stopped, walked over to the press while he has fever, chills and a highly contagious virus and got close to him because – you ever been near a helicopter ... kind of hard to hear," Concha said. "Do you know what would have happened if he stopped? Of course, Acosta would've said, 'I think the president is trying to give us coronavirus.'"

Acosta wrote, "Trump did not stop for questions" along with a photo of the president, which was slammed on social media.

""That just blew me away," Concha said. "Because you have a healthy Joe Biden, who has done five press conferences in 180 days and the media shrugs, but then Trump, who has coronavirus, should have stopped and talked to the press."

The New York Times, in its reporting of Trump's positive COVID-19 test, suggested the president should perhaps be taken off the Nov. 3 election ballot.