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Migrant Crossings Head Toward Highest Since 2007, DHS Chief Says

Started by Anonymous, March 19, 2019, 03:17:41 PM

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Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Wazzzup""> ... ast-month/">
QuoteArrests in May increased by nearly a third from April. At this rate, illegal immigration levels will reach highs we haven't seen since 2006.

I am not a fan of tariffs. Mexico or China, it doesn't matter. But, I believe they are temporary corrective measures.

Same here.  I would prefer no tariffs.  But using them to make china more fair with their trade and make Mexico do something to help with illegals, I like.  Kind of like sanctions of a sort.

Ever since China entered the WTO in December 2001, they have been cheating. And both presidents Bush and Obama were their enablers.


This is about Canadian immigration, but it has the same politics as in the US.

The Liberals need to do some soul-searching on immigration

Once again, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen is tsk-tsking his fellow Canadians for their views on the portfolio he manages.

A recent poll by Leger revealed that two-thirds of respondents agreed that the feds ought to "prioritize limiting the number of immigrants we welcome to Canada each year as we may be reaching our limit to integrate them in our communities."

Hussen finds this "concerning". Although his concern doesn't seem to be a genuine desire to understand what the people he's tasked with serving are getting at here, but rather a concern about how to best browbeat what seems to be a majority consensus into getting in line with his views.

"We used to have a political consensus on immigration, but what worries me is looking at the other side and seeing the leader of the official Opposition taking a stance that is rooted in misinformation and conspiracy theories... basically spreading myths about immigration," Hussen is quoted as saying in a Canadian Press story.

It's clear by now that the Liberals get giddy at any poll that questions immigration numbers, eager to use it as an excuse to label Conservative leader Andrew Scheer nasty things.

After seeing Hussen's hyper-partisan response to these poll findings, I sought out an essay I'd read from last year that the immigration minister would be wise to read and reflect on.

"The real debate should instead be about the best strategies for assimilating immigrants into a country's creedal national identity," the piece notes. "Well-assimilated immigrants bring a healthy diversity to any society; poorly assimilated immigrants are a drag on the state and in some cases constitute security threats."

Uh oh, what am I quoting from? It sounds like the sort of stuff that might by banned by Trudeau's Digital Charter.

But the piece continues: "Assimilation into a dominant culture becomes much harder as the numbers of immigrants rise relative to the native population. As immigrant communities reach a certain scale, they tend to become self-sufficient and no longer need connections to groups outside themselves."

I better stop quoting from this incendiary piece, right? This column may soon get disappeared a la Michael Cooper's comments.

One more though, bear with me: [size=150]"Democratic societies are fracturing into segments based on ever-narrower identities, threatening the possibility of deliberation and collective action by society as a whole. This is a road that leads only to state breakdown and, ultimately, failure."[/size]

Who's the angry white guy behind these dreadful remarks? And please tell me he's now been deplatformed and fired.

Time out. These are actually excerpts from an essay by Francis Fukuyama in Foreign Affairs magazine — one of the world's most celebrated political science professors (and, as the name should tell you, not a white supremacist) writing in one of the world's most prominent foreign policy publications.

Fukuyama's essay "Against Identity Politics: The New Tribalism and the Crisis of Democracy" isn't entirely about integration and it's certainly no safe space for rightwing views either, with it's very critical takes on President Trump's policies.

But its balanced and sober discussion of integration matters is a refreshing reminder that they are legitimate fodder for mainstream conversation, something Hussen seems to deny.

The Liberals should study this essay and then do some soul-searching as to why their knee jerk reaction is to vilify Canadians — the majority, it now seems — who share the sorts of concerns raised by the likes of Fukuyama.

The Donald

Congress must stop trying to undermine my presidency and allocate funding for a wall.
Make America Great Again



Quote from: "The Donald"Congress must stop trying to undermine my presidency and allocate funding for a wall.

They don't seem to want to make any kind of deal. I thought they might go for an amnesty for the Dreamers if they provided wall funding.


DHS Credits Illegal Immigration Crackdown For Drop In Border Apprehensions

QuoteThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is crediting a drop in illegal immigrant encounters to increased border security and agreements made with Latin American governments.

"DHS has been taking a 'whole of government' approach to confront the ongoing crisis and fulfill our humanitarian and security obligations, including surging personnel from across the Department to high capacity locations on the Southwest border," DHS Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan said in prepared statement released Tuesday.

"We are also continuing our collaboration with our international partners, formalizing a number of initiatives with Northern Triangle countries to improve the lives and security of our respective citizens by combating human trafficking and the smuggling of illegal goods, helping to limit 'push' factors that encourage dangerous irregular migration to the U.S.," McAleenan continued.

The acting secretary's comments come after the release of June's apprehension numbers, showing a decline in illegal alien encounters for the first time in six months.

Border Patrol agents apprehended or turned away a total of 104,344 unauthorized aliens in June, a 28% drop from the 144,278 encounters that took place in May. The decrease comes after apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border had been increasing each month since January.

President Donald Trump, who made immigration reform a major part of his campaign platform, has followed through by battling congressional Democrats for wall funding, sending more DHS personnel to the border, limiting the number of asylum applicants who cross into the country, entering into bilateral agreements with Mexico and Guatemala to stop the flow of migrants and numerous other measures."> ... n-numbers/">


ICE announced they are launching raids on illegal aliens across America today and returning illegals to their respective countries. Why would ICE announce this? :confused1:
The Russian Rock It


The Russian Rock It


There is nothing wrong with europe turning into a muslim or african country..

Not from her perspective, no...  

I´m guessing blacks and muslims feel right at home..



Quote from: "Odinson"There is nothing wrong with europe turning into a muslim or african country..

Not from her perspective, no...  

I´m guessing blacks and muslims feel right at home..


I've seen that before, and it probably surprised a lot of people.


If mayors are going to defy immigration, than slash their federal funding."> ... dium=email">

ICE Acting Director Rips Sanctuary City Mayors For Helping Illegal Aliens Avoid Arrest

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Matthew Albence took a swipe at U.S. mayors who announced their opposition to planned immigration raids.

"The entire public is safer when law enforcement works together," Albence said Sunday on Fox News, reacting to several mayors across the country who declared they would not be helping federal immigration authorities locate and apprehend illegal aliens living in their jurisdictions.

"It's incredulous that it's OK for these law enforcement agencies and these jurisdictions to enforce the laws that they're sworn to uphold, but when we come in to do our enforcement that we're sworn to uphold, all the sudden it's a problem," he said.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"There is nothing wrong with europe turning into a muslim or african country..

Not from her perspective, no...  

I´m guessing blacks and muslims feel right at home..


I've seen that before, and it probably surprised a lot of people.

It did surprise people that he didnt say something ultra tolerant..

The things that woman is saying...

Would she be saying those things if her homeland (India?) is being forcefully turned to something other than indian.


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"There is nothing wrong with europe turning into a muslim or african country..

Not from her perspective, no...  

I´m guessing blacks and muslims feel right at home..


I've seen that before, and it probably surprised a lot of people.

It did surprise people that he didnt say something ultra tolerant.
A lot of Hollywood celebrities like the Dalai Lama..

Perhaps less now that he made those comments about immigration to Europe.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"There is nothing wrong with europe turning into a muslim or african country..

Not from her perspective, no...  

I´m guessing blacks and muslims feel right at home..


I've seen that before, and it probably surprised a lot of people.

It did surprise people that he didnt say something ultra tolerant.
A lot of Hollywood celebrities like the Dalai Lama..

Perhaps less now that he made those comments about immigration to Europe.

Hollywood celebs only like fame and money.

If the political atmosphere changed... The Hollywood celebs would change with it.


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"There is nothing wrong with europe turning into a muslim or african country..

Not from her perspective, no...  

I´m guessing blacks and muslims feel right at home..


I've seen that before, and it probably surprised a lot of people.

It did surprise people that he didnt say something ultra tolerant.
A lot of Hollywood celebrities like the Dalai Lama..

Perhaps less now that he made those comments about immigration to Europe.

Hollywood celebs only like fame and money.

If the political atmosphere changed... The Hollywood celebs would change with it.
They are very narcissistic bunch.